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    Ainslee’s [v58 #2, October 1926] (Ainslee’s Magazine Co., 25¢, 160pp, pulp, cover by Ruth Eastman)
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 1 · The Girl from the Marsh Croft · Selma Lagerlöf · nv (r)
    • 33 · The Good Morrow · John Donne · pm Poems, Henry Seyle 1633
    • 34 · Men and Brothers · Hugh de Selincourt · ss (r)
    • 43 · The Chink and the Child · Thomas Burke · ss Colour Oct 1915
    • 51 · A Fit of Madness · Frank Harris · ss Undream’d of Shores, Brentano’s 1924
    • 54 · Strictly Business · O. Henry · ss The New Broadway Magazine Aug 1908
    • 61 · Old Words · Lawrence Lee · pm (r)
    • 62 · The Cardinal’s Snuff-Box [Part 1 of 2] · Henry Harland · sl (r)
    • 105 · A Line of Millinery · [Various] · ms; quotations about women’s attire.
    • 110 · A Wildgoose Chase · A. E. Coppard · ss Fishmonger’s Fiddle, Knopf 1925
    • 125 · The Phantom Rickshaw · Rudyard Kipling · nv Quartette Christmas 1885
    • 139 · Polar Violets · Henri Murger · ss Bohemians of the Latin Quarter, Vizetelly & Co. 1888, as “White Violets”; translated from the French (Vie de Boheme).
    • 144 · A Book Lovers’ Tournament · Anon. · ms (r)
    • 145 · Ninth Novel of the Fifth Day, or The Falcon [from The Decameron] · Giovanni Boccaccio · ss 1886; published without author or title listed as part of the “Who Wrote This Story? What Is Its Title?” competition series.; translated from the Italian (Decamerone, 1353).
    • 149 · Mrs. Spring Fragrance · Sui Sin Far · ss Hampton’s Magazine Jan 1910
    • 156 · The First Kiss of Love · George Gordon Byron · pm (r)
    • 157 · The Foretaste · [The Editor] · cl; August “who wrote” answer was Alfred de Musset, “The Story of a White Blackbird”.
    • 160 · Copyright Notices · Anon. · ms; all fiction and all poetry in the issue are reprints.

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