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    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#25, July 21, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 193 · Pay Your Debt! · Anon. · ss
    • 196 · Story of Cassem, or Avarice Properly Rewarded · Anon. · ss
    • 197 · The Lairds of Innes · Anon. · ss Elgin Literary Magazine Aug 1829
    • 199 · The Short Gentleman’s Apology · Anon. · pm

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#26, July 26, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 202 · The Victim of Facility · Anon. · ss
    • 204 · The Crooked Stick · Mrs. S. C. Hall · ss Elgin Literary Journal
    • 207 · The Drop of Dew · Andrew Marvell · pm (r), as “On a Drop of Dew”

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#27, August 4, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 213 · Paul Holton · Anon. · ss
    • 215 · Tammy Little · William Tennant · pm The Edinburgh Literary Journal Jul 17 1830

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#28, August 11, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 222 · The Jilted Bagman. A Tale of the Affections · Anon. · ss The Edinburgh Spectator Feb 25 1832, as by Sosia
    • 223 · To Scotland · R. C. (by Robert Chambers) · pm

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#29, August 18, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 227 · Will Block—A True Tale · Anon. · ss Greenwich Hospital, James Robins 1826
    • 231 · The Widower · The Honourable Mrs. Norton · pm (r); from The Undying One London: Colburn & Bentley, 1830.
    • 231 · Song (“She died in beauty!—like a rose...”) · Charles D. Sillery · pm (r); from Eldrid of Erin, 1830.

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#30, August 25, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 236 · Mysie and the Miinster · Anon. · ss
    • 238 · Miles Atherton · Anon. · ss (r); from Janus; or, The Edinburgh Literary Almanack. Oliver & Boyd, 1826.

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#32, September 6, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 249 · The Victim of Facility. Second Instance · Anon. · ss
    • 250 · Story of Mick Kinshella · Martin Doyle · ss (r); from Irish Cottagers. Dublin: William Curry, Jun., 1830.
    • 254 · Sonnet (“It is not to be thought of that the flood...”) · William Wordsworth · pm
    • 255 · The Tourist’s Adventure · Anon. · ss

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#33, September 15, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 257 · Sunset · Anon. · pm
    • 259 · My Native Bay · R. C. (by Robert Chambers) · pm
    • 259 · A American Story · Anon. · ss
    • 262 · Burial Fancies · Anon. · ar
    • _262 · untitled (“Let me not have this gloomy view...”) · Crabbe · pm

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#34, September 22, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 265 · Children · Anon. · ar
    • _266 · untitled (“Send down thy winged Angel, God...”) · Barry Cornwall · pm English Songs, and Other Small Poems, Edward Moxon 1832
    • 266 · The Poet’s Song to His Wife · Barry Cornwall · pm English Songs, and Other Small Poems, Edward Moxon 1832
    • 267 · The Haunted Head · Anon. · ss (r); from Homage aux Dames. London: John Letts, Jun., 1825.
    • 268 · The Admirable Crichton · Anon. · ar
    • _268 · To Lorenzo Massa · James Crichton · pm (r)

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#35, September 29, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 275 · The Faithful Wife · Anon. · ss (r); from Stories of American Life; by American Writers ed. by Mary Russell Mitford, 1830.
    • 276 · Customer Wark · Anon. (by Robert Chambers) · pm (r); from Illustrations of the Author of Waverley. Second Edition. Edinburgh: John Andersoon, Jun., 1825.

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#36, October 6, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 282 · The Red Mantle · Anon. · ss The Edinburgh Literary Journal May 28 1831; from the German.

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [Supplement, October 6, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 3d, 12pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 1 · Life of Sir Walter Scott · [Misc.] · ar
    • _4 · untitled (“Cheerful woke the morn o’er rugged Glencoe...”) · Anon. · pm; from a Greenock newspaper, July 1825 occasionally attributed to Sir Walter Scott.

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#38, October 20, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 297 · The Ne’er-do-weel [Part 1 of 2] · Anon. · ss
    • 304 · Linlithgow Palace · Anon. · pm

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#42, November 17, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 331 · The Planter. A West Indian Story · Anon. · ss Friendship’s Offering 1831; abridged.
    • 336 · Stanzas Written in a Churchyard in Richmond, Yorkshire · Herbert Knowles · pm (r), as “The Three Tabernacles”; from A Concise Description of the Endowed Grammar Schools in England and Wales, Vol. II by Nicholas Carlisle, Valdwin, Cradick, and Joy, 1818.

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#43, November 24, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 338 · One Night in Rome · Anon. · ss (r); from Fragments and Fictions from the French of Jean Pococurante de Peudemots. Edinburgh: Macredie, Skelly & Muckersy, 1817.
    • 344 · The Ladye That I Love · R. C. (by Robert Chambers) · pm

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#45, December 8, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 358 · The Double Marriage · Anon. · ss
    • 359 · The Better Land · Felicia Hemans · pm (r); from Songs of the Affections Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1830.

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#46, December 15, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 363 · Catherine and Louisa · Anon. · ss

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#47, December 22, 1832] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 371 · Misadventures of a Lover · James Grant · ss
    • 375 · The Unknown Poets of Scotland · Anon. · ar
    • _375 · On a Redbreast Coming Into My Cottage, December, 1810 · James Forrest · pm
    • _375 · The Wee Raggit Laddie · James Ballantyne · pm

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#49, January 5, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 385 · Tale of a Victim · Anon. · ss The Edinburgh Literary Journal May 18 1831, as by Delta
    • 388 · William and Nancy · Anon. · vi Greenwich Hospital, James Robins 1826
    • 391 · The Lone Indian · Mrs. Child · ss (r); from The Western Coronal by Mrs. Child.

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#50, January 12, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 393 · A Tale of the Passions · Anon. · ss

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#51, January 19, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 402 · Lelia, an Italian Tale · Leitch Ritchie · ss (r); abridged.; from Traveling Sketches in the North of Italy, the Tyrol, and the Rhine, London: Longman, etc., 1832.

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#52, January 26, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 409 · Story of a Vagabond, or Scenes in Jamaica · Anon. · ss
    • 414 · The Little Girl · Anon. · ss (r); from The Infant Annual; or, a Mother’s Offering. Edinburgh: Waugh and Innes, 1833.

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#53, February 2, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 3 · Poor Irish Scholar · Anon. (by William Carleton) · ss (r), as “The Poor Scholar”; from Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, Dublin: Wakeman, 1833.
    • 8 · The Winds · John Ord · pm (r); from The Wandering Bard, and Other Poems, Edinburgh: Anderson, 1833.

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#54, February 9, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 11 · The Village Musician, An American Story · Anon. (by James Hall) · ss Bouquet Aug 27 1831

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#55, February 16, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 17 · Top Boots · Anon. · ss
    • 20 · John Mactaggart, A Highland Story · Anon. · ss

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#56, February 23, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 27 · Oulie Hielan · Anon. · ts
    • 30 · On Board a Man-of-War · Anon. · ss Greenwich Hospital, James Robins 1826, as “The Middy’s Introduction”
    • 32 · My Grave! · Anon. (by John Ramsay) · pm

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#57, March 2, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 34 · The Storm · Anon. · ss
    • 40 · Slumber · Anon. · pm Fraser’s Magazine Oct 1830; from the Spanish.

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#58, March 9, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 46 · Halloween Porphecy, a Tale · Anon. · ss

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#59, March 16, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 51 · The New England Village · Anon. (by Nathaniel Hawthorne) · ss The Token, 1831, ed. S. G. Goodrich, Gray & Bowen 1831
    • 56 · Arise, My Love! · Anon. · pm Lancaster Herald

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#60, March 23, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 58 · A Story of the French Revolution · Anon. · ss

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#61, March 30, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 67 · A Tale of Scottish Life · Anon. (by James M’Diarmid) · ss The Edinburgh Monthly Magazine Sep 1817, as “The Progress of Inconstancy; or, The Scots Tutor: A Moral Tale” by J. M’D.
    • 72 · The Wife of Auchtermuchtie · Anon. · pm

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#62, April 7, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 75 · Arethusa · Anon. · ss Greenwich Hospital, James Robins 1826; abridged.

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#64, April 20, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 91 · A Tale of Tweeddale · Anon. · ss
    • 96 · On a Sleeping Child · Edward Moxon · pm Sonnets, privately printed 1830

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#65, April 27, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 99 · The Hermit of Manor · Anon. · ar
    • _100 · untitled (“Old David reared the curious Christmas rose...”) · Thomas Gentle · pm
    • 101 · The Dead-Letter Box. [Captain Graham] · Anon. · ss
    • 104 · April · Anon. · pm (r)

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#66, May 4, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    The London edition substitutes a different story on page 107, “Marrying for Money, a Tale,” anonymous and unattributed. Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 107 · The Twin Flowers, an American Story · Anon. (by Oliver Oakwood) · ss (r); from Village Tales, Trenton, NJ: Joseph Justice, 1827.

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#67, May 11, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 114 · The Indian Wife, a Tale · Anon. · ss (r); from The Legendary, ed. by N. P. Willis, Boston, 1828.
    • 120 · Human Life · Edward Moxon · pm Sonnets, privately printed 1830
    • 120 · Woman’s Heart · Edward Moxon · pm Sonnets, privately printed 1830

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#68, May 18, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 128 · To a Wild Flower · William Anderson · pm (r); from Poetical Aspirations, Edinburgh: Anderson, 1833.

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#69, May 25, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 130 · The Marvellous History of Mynheer Von Wodenblock · Henry G. Bell · ss The Edinburgh Literary Journal Oct 3 1829
    • 131 · Lady Isabel, a Legend · Anon. · ss
    • 136 · Auld Wife’s Address to the Moon · D. M. (by David McKay) · pm

    Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal [#70, June 1, 1833] (William & Robert Chambers, 1½d, 8pp)
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.
    • 143 · An Eastern Story: The Jew of Hamah · John Fuller · ss (r); from Narrative of a Tour through Some Parts of the Turkish Empire. London: Murray, 1830.
    • 144 · A Glimpse of Caledonia from the Equator · Anon. · pm

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