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BULSTRODE, GEORGE; pseudonym of G. R. Samways, (1895-1996); other pseudonyms Jack Blake, George Blundell, Bolsover Minor, Dick Brooke, Tom Brown, Billy Bunter, Sammy Bunter, William George Bunter, Ralph Reckness Cardew, Clifton Dane, Rupert De Courcey, Micky Desmond, Robert Arthur Digby, S. Q. I. Field, George Herries, Dr. Jotson, Ernest Levison, Montague Lowther, H. (Manners Minor) Manners, Lord Mauleverer, Tom Merry, D. L. Morgan, Monty Newland, Harry Noble, Dick Penfold, George Potter, Dick Rake, Rhymester, Dick Russell, A Senior, Alonzo Todd & William Wibley (stories)
BULWER-LYTTON, [Sir] EDWARD (George Earle) (1803-1873) (stories)
- The Duelists (ss) Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine Dec 1828
- The Escape of Glaucus, Ione, and Nydia from Pompeii (ex) Richard Bentley 1834
- Glaucus and Ione (ex) 1834
- The Hermit of the Burning Belt (ex) 1834
- When Stars Are in the Quiet Skies (pm) Routledge 1837
- My Novel; or, Varieties in English Life (n.) Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine Sep 1850 (+28), uncredited.
- The Handsome Man (ss) Reynoldss Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art Apr 3 1852, uncredited.
- Facing Fearsome Things: A Story of Ghosts (nv) Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine Aug 1859, as The Haunted and the Haunters; or, The House and the Brain, uncredited.
- The Haunted and the Haunters (nv) Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine Aug 1859, as The Haunted and the Haunters; or, The House and the Brain, uncredited.
- The Haunted and the Haunters; or, The House and the Brain (nv) Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine Aug 1859, uncredited.
- The House and the Brain (nv) Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine Aug 1859, as The Haunted and the Haunters; or, The House and the Brain, uncredited.
- The Haunted and the Haunters; or, The House and the Brain (nv) A Strange Story and the Haunted and the Haunters, J.B. Lippincott & Co. 1865; revised from Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine August 1859 (as by Anon.) to removed material reused in A Strange Story.
- Death and Sisyphus (pm) Lost Tales of Miletus, Murray 1866
- The Rightful Heir (pl) Harpers New Monthly Magazine Dec 1868
- Walpole; or, Every Man Has His Price (pl) Harpers New Monthly Magazine Feb 1870
- Zanoni [with Anonymous] (n.) Union Jack Library Oct 17 1896
- The Boudoir of a Beauty (vi) Ainslees Magazine Nov 1925
- Absent, Yet Present (pm)
- The End of Arbaces (ex); from The Last Days of Pompeii.
- The Flight from Vesuvius (ex)
- Liston Bulwers Song (pm)
- The Tournament at Smithfields (ex); from The Last of the Barons.
- The Trial of Eugene Aram (ex); from Eugene Aram.
- The Virtue of Training (pm)
- Woman as a Friend of Man (ms)
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