Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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BELLEM, ROBERT LESLIE (1902-1968); see pseudonyms John Archer, Reeves L. Black, Walter Bronson, Ellery Watson Calder, Harley L. Court, Rex Daly, Allan Henry, Fred Horton, Jerome Hyams, Richard Lyle, Lee Martin, James W. Marvin, Hugh McKnight, R. L. Morris, Jerome Severs Perry, Ben Proctor, Frank Roberts, L. N. Snyder, Richard Lathrop Steed, Hamilton Washburn, L. W. Watson, Perry Watson & Harcourt Weems; see Walt Bruce ; (about) (chron.)
- * Ace in the Hole [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories May 1942
- * Action! Camera!Drop Dead! [Dan Turner], (nv) Hollywood Detective Apr 1950
- * Agents of Doom, (ss) Detective Novels Magazine Dec 1940
- * Agents of Wrath, (ss) Super-Detective Nov 1940
- * Alibi in Reverse, (ss) Mammoth Detective Mar 1943
- * Alibi Policy [Dan Turner], (cs) Hollywood Detective Nov 1946
- * Alimony League [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Sep 1938
- * Any Number Can Slay [Dan Turner], (nv) Hollywood Detective Mar 1950
- * Arrangement for Murder [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective Apr 1946
- * Arrow from Nowhere [Dan Turner], (ss) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Feb 1943
- * Badge of Valor, (ss) Thrilling Detective Jun 1948
- * Badger Bump [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Feb 1940
- * Bargain in Blackmail, (ss) Super-Detective Feb 1941
- * Barmecide Bride [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Sep 1941
- * Bear-Trap Kill [Dan Turner], (cs) Hollywood Detective Jun 1950
- * Bellyboard Bump-Off [Dan Turner], (cs) Hollywood Detective Apr 1950
- * Better Than Perfect, (ss) Detective and Murder Mysteries Jul 1937
- * Beyond Justice [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Nov 1935
- * Beyond the Veil, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories Mar 1936
- * The Big Cut [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective May 1945
- * The Big Shiv [Dan Turner], (cs) Hollywood Detective Jun 1947
- * Bitter Reckoning [Dr. Zarkov (Surgeon of Souls)], (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories Mar 1937
- * Black Light Payoff, (ss) Private Detective Stories Sep 1943
- * Blackmail Book [Dan Turner], (nv) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Jul 1942
- * Blackmail Bump-off [Dan Turner], (cs) Hollywood Detective Jun 1949
- * Blackmail from Beyond [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Nov 1938
- * Blind Mans Fluff [Nick Ransom], (nv) Thrilling Detective Feb 1950
- * Blizzard in August [Dan Turner], (ss) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Jul 1942
- * Blonde Motive [Dan Turner], (ss) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Jul 1942
- * Blondes Make Mistakes, (ss) Private Detective Stories Aug 1937
- * Blood Debt, (ss) Thrilling Detective Jan 1940
- * Blood for the Vampire Dead, (ss) Mystery Tales Mar 1940
- * Body in the Closet [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective Jun 1949
- * The Book of the Phantom Bullet [Dan Turner], (nv) Hollywood Detective Dec 1945; also as The Phantom Bullet.
- * Born to Be Hanged, (ss) True Gang Life Jun 1937
- * Branded Flesh, (ss) Private Detective Stories Jul 1938
- * The Bride Wore Black, (ss) Super-Detective Sep 1946
- * Broken Melody [Dan Turner], (ss) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Dec 1942
- * Brunette Bump-Off [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories May 1938
- * Bullet Bait, (ss) Private Detective Stories Aug 1938
- * Bullet from Nowhere [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Apr 1935
- * Bullwhip Bump-Off [Dan Turner], (cs) Hollywood Detective Dec 1949
- * Bund Blockade [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Nov 1939
- * Bund Bump [Dan Turner], (ss) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Jul 1943
- * Buried Evidence, (ss) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories Oct 1926
- * Bury the Badger [Dan Turner], (nv) Speed Detective Oct 1945
- * Cameo Code [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective Apr 1945
- * Careless Corpse [Dan Turner], (nv) Hollywood Detective Nov 1946
- * The Caribbean Cask (with W. T. Ballard) [Jim Anthony], (na) Super-Detective Dec 1942, as by John Grange.
- * The Case of the Homicide Dive [Dan Turner], (cs) Hollywood Detective Dec 1943
- * The Case of the Poisoned Puppet, (ss) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective May 1943
- * The Case of the Slain Gorilla [Dan Turner], (nv) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Mar 1943
- * The Case of the Vanishing Limousine [Dan Turner], (ss) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Feb 1943
- * Cast as a Corpse [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective May 1950
- * Cast for Killing [Dan Turner], (ss) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Jul 1943
- * Cast for Murder [Dan Turner], (nv) Hollywood Detective Jun 1950
- * Cat Act [Dan Turner], (na) Spicy Detective Stories Feb 1941
- * The Cat Mews Murder, (ss) Speed Mystery Jan 1944
- * Cauldron of Death (with W. T. Ballard) [Jim Anthony], (na) Super-Detective Feb 1943, as by John Grange.
- * Cavern of the Faceless, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories May 1936
- * Check Tangle [Dan Turner], (ss) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Jul 1943
- * Check-Up, (ss) Thrilling Detective Sep 1939
- * Cinema Corpse [Dan Turner], (nv) Hollywood Detective Aug 1948
- * Clever Corpse [Dan Turner], (nv) Hollywood Detective Nov 1944
- * The Cock Crows Murder, (ss) The Ghost, Super-Detective Sum 1940
- * Coffin for a Coward [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective Dec 1945
- * Coffin Frame [Dan Turner], (ss) Speed Detective Jan 1944
- * Cokeys Perfect Plan, (ss) Thrilling Detective Sep 1940
- * The Color of Murder [Dan Turner], (ss) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Dec 1942
- * Color Scheme [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Jun 1938
- * Come Die for Me! [Dan Turner], (nv) Speed Detective Dec 1946
- * A Comet Passes [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Jan 1936
- * Comets Consort [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective Apr 1945
- * Command to Kill, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories Oct 1935
- * Contract to Kill [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Dec 1939
- * Cooked! [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories May 1936
- * Cool Her Off [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Feb 1936
- * Coppers Comeback, (ss) Private Detective Stories Nov 1943
- * Corpse by Mistake [Dan Turner], (ss) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Dec 1942
- * A Corpse Cant Croon, (ss) Private Detective Stories Dec 1943
- * Corpse Cross, (ss) Private Detective Stories Mar 1942
- * Corpse from the Sky [Dan Turner], (cs) Hollywood Detective Apr 1944
- * The Corpse in Lower Nile [Dan Turner], (cs) Hollywood Detective Aug 1950
- * The Corpse in the Cabinet [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Jan 1935
- * Corpse in the Closet [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Jul 1937
- * Corpse on Ice [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective Sep 1943
- * Crash Kill [Dan Turner], (cs) Hollywood Detective Jan 1947
- * Crazy for the Kill [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective Oct 1945
- * Crime Conqueror, (ss) Candid Detective Mar 1939
- * Crimson Comedy [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Dec 1941
- * Crimson Crises, (ss) Greater Gangster Stories Jan 1934
- * The Crimson Crone, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories Dec 1935; also as Killer in Red, by John Wayne.
- * Crimson Quest [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Feb 1939
- * Crimson Reckoning, (nv) Super-Detective Apr 1942
- * Crimson Ritual [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Aug 1940
- * Crooners Caress [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Dec 1936
- * Cue for a Killing [Dan Turner], (nv) Hollywood Detective Dec 1944
- * Cure for a Quisling [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective May 1945
- * Curse of the Masters (with W. T. Ballard) [Jim Anthony], (na) Super-Detective Aug 1943, as by John Grange.
- * Curtains for a Corpse [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective Magazine Oct 1950
- * Cutie in a Coffin [Dan Turner], (nv) Hollywood Detective Jun 1950
- * The Dame Dies Twice [Dan Turner], (nv) Speed Detective Feb 1943
- * Dan Turner Deals an Ace [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective Jul 1944
- * Danger Delivered C.O.D. [Sam Devlin], (nv) Private Detective Stories Apr 1941; see also under Hugh McKnight.
- * Dangers Delegate [Nick Ransom], (ss) Red Star Detective Jun 1940
- * Dark Eyes of Hell [Dr. Zarkov (Surgeon of Souls)], (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories Dec 1938
- * Dark Miracle, (ss) Speed Mystery Jan 1943
- * Dark Star of Death [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Jan 1938
- * The Dark Tower, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories Sep 1937
- * Daughter of Murder [Dan Turner], (ss) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Dec 1942
- * Daughter of Pharaoh, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories Oct 1939
- * The Days of Death (with W. T. Ballard) [Jim Anthony], (na) Super-Detective Nov 1942, as by John Grange.
- * The Dead Dont Dream [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective Jul 1945
- * Dead Heat [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective Jan 1944
- * Dead Mans Bed [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Aug 1934
- * Dead Mans Code [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective Oct 1943
- * Dead Mans Guilt [Dan Turner], (ss) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective May 1943
- * Dead Mans Head [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Aug 1936
- * Dead Mans Shakedown [Dan Turner], (ss) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Mar 1943
- * Dead Mike, (nv) Super-Detective Jun 1945
- * Dead Ringer [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective May 1945
- * Dealer in Death, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories Feb 1938
- * Death Begins at Forty [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective Sep 1943
- * Death Buys Black Gas, (ss) Private Detective Stories Jul 1944
- * Death by Arrangement [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Jul 1941
- * Death Dance [Dan Turner], (nv) Spicy Detective Stories Jan 1942
- * Death Draws a Picture, (ss) The Phantom Detective Nov 1948
- * Death Drop [Dan Turner], (ss) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective Jul 1942
- * Death Dubbed In [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Jul 1940
- * Death Ends the Scene [Dan Turner], (nv) Hollywood Detective May 1948
- * Death for a Flying Dutchman (with W. T. Ballard) [Jim Anthony], (na) Super-Detective Apr 1943, as by John Grange.
- * Death for a Matador [Dan Turner], (cs) Hollywood Detective Mar 1945
- * Death for a Name [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Apr 1937
- * Death for the Loser [Dan Turner], (cs) Hollywood Detective Oct 1945
- * Death in the Cast [Dan Turner], (ss) Hollywood Detective Mar 1945
- * Death in the Doghouse [Dan Turner], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories Feb 1942
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