Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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McDONALD, GEORGE A. (chron.) (continued)
- * The Marinoff Kill, (nv) The Underworld Magazine May 1933
- * Mark of Death, (na) Thrilling Detective Sep 1935
- * Masquerade for Crime, (nv) Thrilling Detective Nov 1939
- * Melody of Death, (ss) The Underworld Magazine Oct 1933
- * Minions of Murder [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective Nov 1937, as by Robert Wallace.
- * Murder at Haunted Inn, (nv) The Underworld Magazine Nov 1933
- * Murder Bride, (nv) Popular Detective Feb 1939
- * Murder by Error, (ss) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Oct 10 1933
- * Murder by Microphone, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories Nov/Dec 1938
- * Murder by Proxy, (ss) The Underworld Magazine Apr 1933
- * Murder C.O.D., (nv) Black Aces Jun 1932
- * Murder Cracks Down [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective Nov 1935, as by Robert Wallace.
- * Murder for Millions [Cupid Cain], (nv) Clues Detective Stories Mar 1938
- * Murder Goes to Press, (nv) Thrilling Detective Feb 1940
- * Murder Has a Reason, (nv) Undercover Detective Dec 1938
- * Murder in Maine, (ss) Thrilling Detective Mar 1939
- * Murder Knocks Twice [Nick Trombetta], (nv) Thrilling Detective Jan 1940
- * Murder Magic, (ss) Star Detective Magazine Aug 1935
- * Murder Rides the Rails [Terry ORourke], (nv) Hollywood Detective Jun 1944
- * Murder Wears a High Hat [Cupid Cain], (na) Private Detective Stories May 1944
- * Murder with Sound Effects [Terry ORourke], (nv) Thrilling Detective May 1936
- * Mystery Moll, (ss) Gang World Nov 1932
- * Night of Terror, (nv) Detective Yarns Sep 1938
- * Nosed Out, (ss) Popular Detective Mar 1936
- * One Jill and a Creep, (nv) Super-Detective Dec 1944
- * One Vote for the Corpse [Terry ORourke], (nv) Detective Tales Aug 1939
- * An Orchid for a Killer [Terry ORourke], (na) Private Detective Stories Jun 1944
- * Orchids for Blondie, (ss) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Jan 25 1934
- * ORourkes Dancing Danger, (ss) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Nov 10 1933
- * Party Girl, (nv) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Jun 25 1934
- * Payoff, (nv) The Underworld Magazine Sep 1932
- * Peter Piper Picks a Peep [Terry ORourke], (ss) Hollywood Detective Jan 1944
- * The Phantom and the Crime Legion [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective Oct 1940, as by Robert Wallace.
- * The Phantoms Gamble with Death [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective Feb 1940, as by Robert Wallace.
- * The Pushover, (ss) Black Book Detective Magazine Dec 1933
- * A Red-Headed Hellion, (nv) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Feb 25 1933
- * Roses of Death, (nv) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Aug 10 1934
- * Scarlet Kills, (nv) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Aug 25 1933
- * Sealed Suicide, (nv) Ace Detective Magazine Dec 1936
- * Sentenced from the Grave, (nv) Popular Detective Jun 1935
- * The Shimmering Death [Nick Trombetta], (nv) Popular Detective Aug 1935
- * The Sign of the Scar [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective Sep 1936, as by Robert Wallace.
- * The Silent Murder, (na) Thrilling Detective Dec 1934
- * Sparkling Tragedy, (ss) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Mar 10 1934
- * Star Killer, (ss) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine May 10 1935
- * Suicide Suits the Mayor [Terry ORourke], (nv) Detective Tales Jan 1939
- * The Swami Sleuth, (nv) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Apr 10 1934
- * Tiger Bait, (ss) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Dec 10 1933
- * The Tiger Prowls [Tiger Kiley], (ss) The Underworld Magazine Jan 1932
- * The Tiger Stalks [Tiger Kiley], (ss) The Underworld Magazine Jun 1931
- * Tiger Trade-Mark [Tiger Kiley], (ss) The Underworld Magazine Jul 1931
- * Tiger Vengeance [Tiger Kiley], (nv) The Underworld Magazine Oct 1932
- * Tigers Prey [Tiger Kiley], (ss) The Underworld Magazine Jun 1932
- * To Hell with Dames!, (nv) Greater Gangster Stories Feb 1933
- * The Tomb of Death [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective Nov 1934, as by Robert Wallace.
- * Tooth for a Tooth [Terry ORourke], (ss) Thrilling Detective Apr 1936
- * The Torch of Doom [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective Feb 1937, as by Robert Wallace.
- * Trail of the Faceless Killer, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories Jan/Feb 1937
- * The Trail to Death [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective May 1941, as by Robert Wallace.
- * Trial by Bullets, (ss) Headquarters Detective Nov 1936
- * Twenty-Grand Photos, (nv) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Mar 25 1934
- * Two-Way Ticket for Death, (nv) Thrilling Detective Jul 1938
- * Tycoon of Crime [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective Feb 1938, as by Robert Wallace.
- * Whispering Death [Red ORourke], (nv) Thrilling Detective May 1937
- * Within the Cottage, (ss) Mystery Magazine Feb 1 1922
- * The Woman in Green, (nv) Thrilling Detective Apr 1938
- * Wott-a-Man, (nv) The Underworld Magazine Mar 1933
- * Would You Like to Be a Corpse? [Terry ORourke], (nv) Private Detective Stories Sep 1946
- * Youll Die Laughing [Terry ORourke], (nv) Private Detective Stories Sep 1944
- * Youre Telling Me, (nv) The Underworld Magazine Jul 1933
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- * The Chain of Murders [Miles Murdock (Purple Scar)], (na) Exciting Detective Win 1942, as by John S. Endicott.
- * Medals of Murder [Miles Murdock (Purple Scar)], (na) Exciting Detective Fll 1941, as by John S. Endicott.
- * Murder in Gold [Miles Murdock (Purple Scar)], (na) Exciting Detective Mar 1942, as by John S. Endicott.
- * The Night of Murder [Miles Murdock (Purple Scar)], (na) Exciting Detective Win 1941, as by John S. Endicott.
- * Station D-E-A-T-H [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Dec 1938, as by C. K. M. Scanlon.
MacDONALD, IAN (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
_____, trans.
- * The Room Over the Bathhouse, by Okamoto Kido [Inspector Hanshichi], (nv) The Curious Casebook of Inspector Hanschichi, University of Hawaii Press 2007; translated from the Japanese (Yuya no Nikei, Bungei Kurabu, April 1917).
MacDONALD, JOHN D(ann) (1916-1986); see pseudonyms John Farrell, John Lane, Scott OHara & Henry Rieser; (about) (chron.)
- * All That Blood Money Can Buy!, (nv) Detective Tales Apr 1952
- * The Anonymous Letter, (ss) Shadow Mystery Feb/Mar 1947
- * Backlash, (ss) Shadow Mystery Feb/Mar 1947, as by Peter Reed.
- * A Bat in the Hall, (ss) The Shadow Dec 1946
- * Bedside Murder, (nv) Mystery Book Magazine Sum 1949
- * Betrayed, (nv) The American Magazine Mar 1952
- * Black Cat in the Snow, (ss) Manhunt Feb 1958
- * Blackmail Breeds Bullets, (nv) All-Story Detective Feb 1949
- * Blonde Bait for the Murder Master, (nv) Crack Detective Stories Nov 1948
- * Blood of the Vixen, (nv) Shock May 1948
- * Blue Stars for a Dead Lady, (ss) Detective Tales Oct 1949
- * Breathe No More, My Lovely, (ss) Detective Tales May 1950
- * The Bright Flash of Vengeance, (ss) The Shadow Jan 1947, as by Peter Reed.
- * Bury the Pieces!, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine Jul 1946
- * Call Your Murder Signals!, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Jun 1948
- * Case of Nerves, (ss) Detective Tales Mar 1951
- * Case of the Burning Blonde, (na) Detective Tales Dec 1949
- * The Case of the Carved Model, (ss) Black Mask Sep 1948
- * Case of the Gorgeous Gams, (nv) Detective Tales Oct 1951
- * Cash on the Coffin!, (ss) Detective Tales May 1946
- * Cavaliers Make Good Corpses, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine Aug 1948
- * The Chinese Pit, (na) Doc Savage Sep/Oct 1947
- * The Clay Pigeon Shoots Back!, (nv) New Detective Magazine Aug 1952
- * A Coffin a Day, (na) F.B.I. Detective Stories Feb 1949
- * A Coffin in His Dreams, (na) Triple Detective Fll 1953
- * The Cold, Cold Ground, (ss) New Detective Magazine Jul 1949
- * College-Cut Kill, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine Jun 1950
- * Come Die with Me!, (na) New Detective Magazine Jan 1948
- * The Corpse Belongs to Daddy, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine Apr 1949
- * A Corpse in His Dreams, (nv) Mystery Book Magazine Spr 1949
- * A Corpse on Me!, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Mar 1950
- * A Corpse-Maker Goes Courting, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine Jul 1949
- * Crime of Omission, (ss) Detective Tales Aug 1951
- * Damsels of the Deep, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine Jan 1949
- * DangerDeath Ahead, (na) New Detective Magazine Mar 1949
- * DatelineDeath, (nv) New Detective Magazine Aug 1951
- * Deadas in Darling, (na) New Detective Magazine Sep 1949
- * The Dead Dream, (ss) The Shadow Sep 1946
- * Dead Men Dont Scare, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine Jul 1950
- * Dead on Christmas Street, (nv) Colliers Dec 20 1952
- * Dead on the Pin, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Sum 1950
- * Dead Reckoning!, (ss) Detective Story Magazine Mar 1953
- * Dead to the World, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine Feb 1947; also as No Business for an Amateur.
- * The Deadliest Game, (nv) Detective Tales Apr 1951
- * The Deadly Game of Darts, (ss) Doc Savage Feb 1947
- * Death for the Asking, (ss) Detective Fiction Jan 1951
- * Death Is My Comrade, (nv) New Detective Magazine Apr 1951
- * Death Is the Answer, (ss) Thrilling Detective Oct 1948
- * Death Runs in the Family, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Aug 1951
- * Death Sleeps Here!, (ss) New Detective Magazine May 1948
- * Death Takes the High Road, (ss) F.B.I. Detective Stories Jul 1951 (unpublished)
- * Deaths Eye View, (nv) New Detective Magazine Feb 1953
- * Design for Dying, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Sep 1947
- * Double Harness, (ss) Detective Story Magazine Nov 1952
- * The Dry Mouth of Danger, (nv) Doc Savage Aug 1946
- * The Durable Corpse, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Nov 1949
- * Eight Dozen Agents [Benton Walters], (ss) Doc Savage Jan 1947
- * Even Up the Odds, (ss) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Jan 1948
- * Exit Smiling, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Sep 1950
- * Fall Guy, (ss) New Detective Magazine Mar 1950
- * Fatal Accident, (ss) The Shadow Fll 1948; also as Never Quite Tough Enough.
- * Female of the Species, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Oct 1946
- * Finders Killers!, (nv) Detective Story Magazine Jul 1953
- * The Fixed Smile of Death, (ss) The Shadow Jan 1947, as by Robert Henry.
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