Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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GRAY, RUSSELL (chron.) (continued)
- * Maidens must Furnish the Flesh, (ss) Mystery Tales Jun 1940 (unpublished)
- * Master of the Legless Ones, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Nov 1939
- * Me, My Coffinand My Killer!, (na) Strange Detective Mysteries Mar 1943
- * Monster of the Purple Mist, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Mar 1938
- * Mr. Death Courts Molly Pepper [Joel Blanchard; Molly Pepper], (nv) Detective Tales Feb 1939
- * The Mummy Men, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine Nov 1940
- * Murder by Remote Control [Ethan Burr], (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries Sep/Oct 1939
- * Murder Goes a-Begging [Ethan Burr], (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries Jul/Aug 1939
- * Murder Has One Eye [Ben Bryn], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine Dec 1939
- * Murder Has Seven Guests, (nv) 10 Story Mystery Magazine Aug 1942
- * Murder Is News, (ss) Big-Book Detective Magazine Feb 1942
- * Murder Is Unlucky, (ss) Flynns Detective Fiction Nov 1943
- * Murder Is Where You Find It, (na) New Detective Magazine Jan 1943
- * Murder Mask, (nv) 10 Story Mystery Magazine Feb 1943
- * My FatherMurderer, (ss) Detective Short Stories Mar 1939
- * My FriendThe Killer!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Sep 1944
- * New Girls for Satans Blood-Ballet, (nv) Mystery Tales Mar 1940
- * Nine Dead Men and a Girl, (nv) Big-Book Detective Magazine Feb 1943
- * Prey for the Creeping Death [Ben Bryn], (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Jul 1939
- * Satans Jigsaw Factory [Ethan Burr], (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries May/Jun 1939
- * Satans Scandal Sheet, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine Jul 1942
- * Satans Theme Song, (ss) Detective Tales Apr 1941
- * Satans Watch Fob, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1941
- * School for Corpses [Ben Bryn], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine Sep 1939
- * The Secret Weapon Murders, (ss) Detective Short Stories Apr 1943
- * Seven Doorways to Death, (ss) Crack Detective Stories Nov 1943
- * A Silencers No Good in Hell, (ss) Detective Mysteries Nov 1938
- * The Snowman Murders, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries Jan/Feb 1940
- * Souls for Satans Creatures, (nv) Mystery Tales Sep 1939
- * Suicide Circus, (nv) New Detective Magazine Sep 1942
- * Terror Has Two Faces, (ss) New Detective Magazine Sep 1948
- * Terrors Tapestry, (ss) Real Mystery Magazine Apr 1940
- * They Cant Kill Us!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Sep 1941
- * They Knew Dolly, (nv) 10 Story Mystery Magazine Apr 1942
- * The Thin Men of Id [Ben Bryn], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine Oct 1939
- * This Girl, Miss Murder, (ss) Detective Short Stories Oct 1943
- * Til Death Did Them Part, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Win 1951/52
- * Under the Sign of the Skull, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Sep 1940
- * Waldo Jones and the Killers, (ss) Big-Book Detective Magazine Jun 1942
- * Which One of Us?, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine Feb 1941
- * The Wind Blows Death, (ss) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Jul 1942
- * The Woman in the Case, (ss) Flynns Detective Fiction Apr 1943
- * X Marks the Redhead, (ss) Crack Detective Stories Mar 1944
GRAY, SHERRARD (fl. 1980s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Brer Foxx Rides Again, (nv) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Oct 2002
- * Death by Auction, (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Dec 1990
- * A Death in the Rough, (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine mid-Dec 1984
- * The Dog That Wouldnt Sleep, (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Nov 1998
- * Finnegans Leap, (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Jul 1990
- * Grandma Moses Lives, (nv) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Mar 2002
- * Janelles Last Painting, (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine May 1999
- * Junk and Disorderly, (nv) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine May 2004
- * Pardons Secret, (nv) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Jul/Aug 2000
- * Perfections Price, (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Jun 1985
- * Singing Lessons, (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine mid-Dec 1994
- * The Taste of Black Lipstick, (ss) Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine Jul/Aug 1999
GRAY, (Wilburn) WESTMORELAND (1894-1981); (about) (chron.)
- * Apostle of Destruction, (ss) Murder Mysteries Apr 1935
- * Bayou Horror (with Mont Hurst), (ss) Murder Mysteries Mar 1935
- * The Beast in Black [Collin Windsor], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine Aug 1932
- * The Benares Stones, (ss) The Phantom Detective Dec 1937
- * The Border Patrol, (ss) Thrilling Detective Jun 1937
- * Box Vs Night of Mystery, (nv) Black Mask Jul 1927
- * Coins of Death, (ss) G-Men Apr 1939
- * The Corpse That Preferred Blondes, (na) All Star Detective Dec 1941
- * The Cowled Horror [Collin Windsor], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine May 1 1933
- * The Crime in White, (ss) G-Men May 1937
- * Deadly Odds, (ss) Popular Detective Feb 1939
- * Death Rides the Bus, (nv) Thrilling Detective May 1935
- * Do You Take This Corpse?, (na) Dime Detective Magazine Jan 1947
- * Fight with a Devil Fish, (ts) The Shadow Nov 1944; My Strangest Experience.
- * Five Fatal Minutes, (ss) The Underworld Detective Jul 1935
- * G-Heat for Seven [Zip Jones (G-Man Jones)], (nv) Thrilling Detective Jun 1936
- * G-Man Jones, (ss) G-Men Oct 1935
- * Guns of Silence, (nv) Black Mask Jan 1928
- * Gunsmoke Derby, (ss) The Phantom Detective Sep 1937
- * Heavenly Weed [Dinky Davis], (ss) Popular Detective Aug 1937
- * Hells Brew at Gumbo Point, (nv) Thrilling Detective Oct 1937
- * Hot Money, (ss) The Underworld Magazine Jan 1933
- * The House of Frogs, (na) Thrilling Detective Jan 1935
- * The Hunched Horror [Collin Windsor], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine Sep 1932
- * Mendicants Murder, (nv) Murder Mysteries Feb 1935
- * Million Dollar Kill, (ss) Detective and Murder Mysteries Feb 1937
- * The Murder Game, (nv) Thrilling Detective Oct 1936
- * Murder in the Front Yard, (nv) Thrilling Detective Jun 1938
- * Murder Mirage, (nv) Mystery Book Magazine Spr 1949
- * Murderers Tricks, (ss) Detective and Murder Mysteries Apr 1937
- * One Head Shorter!, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine Apr 1952
- * Postal Service De Luxe, (ss) G-Men Jul 1937
- * Ring of the Devil [Dinky Davis], (nv) Popular Detective Dec 1938
- * Rough Tactics, (ss) The Underworld Detective May 1935
- * The Scarlet Heritage, (nv) Thrilling Detective Jul 1938
- * Scourge of the Border Patrol, (nv) Thrilling Detective Nov 1937
- * Severed Wires, (sl) The Underworld Magazine Apr, May, Jun 1930
- * Sinister Street, (nv) Complete Underworld Novelettes Spr 1934
- * Slayers Finesse, (ss) The Black Mask Jan 1927
- * The Street of Silent Death [Zip Jones (G-Man Jones)], (nv) Thrilling Detective Dec 1937
- * Three Days in Darrington, (nv) Greater Gangster Stories Apr 1933
- * The Whimpering Death, (nv) Popular Detective Feb 1935
- * Wild Rails, (ss) Thrilling Detective Feb 1937
- * The Wrath of the Goffs, (ss) Thrilling Detective Aug 1937
_____, [ref.]
GRAYDON, ROBERT MURRAY (1890-1937); see pseudonyms Murray Hamilton & Robert Murray; (about) (chron.)
- * Bait for Dr. Satira [Sexton Blake], (na) The Union Jack #1246, uncredited.
- * The Big Smash [Sexton Blake], (na) The Union Jack #1312, uncredited.
- * Dr. Satira Takes All [Sexton Blake], (na) The Union Jack #1326, uncredited.
- * Dr. Satiras Revenge [Sexton Blake], (na) The Union Jack #1250-1251, uncredited.
- * The Gas Route [Newton], (ss) Peoples Favorite Magazine Nov 10 1921
- * Guilty but Insane [Sexton Blake], (na) The Union Jack #1359, uncredited.
- * Justice at Bay [Sexton Blake], (na) The Union Jack #1327, uncredited.
- * The Miser of Marl House [Sexton Blake], (na) The Union Jack #1249, uncredited.
- * Paul Cynos Demands £1,000,000 Ransom [Sexton Blake], (na) The Union Jack #1297, uncredited.
- * Sexton Blake versus the House of Cynos [Sexton Blake], (na) The Union Jack #1289, uncredited.
- * The Sinister Dr. Satira [Sexton Blake], (na) The Union Jack #1209, uncredited.
- * Warning from Dr. Satira [Sexton Blake], (na) The Union Jack #1248, uncredited.
- * Where Is Dr. Satira? [Sexton Blake], (na) The Union Jack #1211, uncredited.
GRAYSON, GIL (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * As Cold As Doom!, (nv) Off Beat Detective Stories Jul 1959
- * Doom Prowls the Night!, (ss) Off Beat Detective Stories Jan 1961
- * Fright Prowls the Night!, (ss) Saturn Web Detective Story Magazine Apr 1959
- * Kill for Me, Buddy!, (nv) Off Beat Detective Stories May 1959
- * Ladies of Dark Passion!, (nv) Two-Fisted Detective Stories Jul 1959
- * Love Her to Death, (ss) Web Detective Stories Jan 1961
- * Lust Holds the Gun!, (ss) Two-Fisted Detective Stories Oct 1960
- * The Lust Patrol!, (nv) Off Beat Detective Stories Nov 1959
- * Passion Pad, (ss) Off Beat Detective Stories Sep 1960
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