Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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FROST, (Christopher) KELMAN (Delgity) (1899-1972) (chron.)
- * A Blot on the Landscape, (ss) Clues Aug #1 1928
- * By Special Delivery, (ss) Clues Dec 1927
- * The Climbing Corpse, (ss) Clues Jan 1928
- * The Clue of the Busy Bees, (ss) Clues Feb #1 1928
- * The Death Dog, (ss) Clues May #2 1928, as The Dog of Doom.
- * The Dog of Doom, (ss) Clues May #2 1928; also as The Death Dog.
- * The Eye of the Green Frog, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly Mar 1929
- * The Late Edition, (ss) Clues Mar #2 1928
- * The Man with a Load of Chaff, (ss) Clues Jul #2 1928
- * Sonata in Flat B, (ss) Clues May #1 1928
FROST, WALTER ARCHER (1875-1964); (about) (chron.)
- * The Alton Ruby [Captain Clavering], (ss) Flynns May 22 1926
- * The Ashford Necklace [Captain Clavering], (ss) Flynns Weekly Jun 12 1926
- * The Bali Kris [Ruggles], (nv) Flynns Weekly Oct 23 1926
- * The Barlow Mystery [Ruggles], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Jul 13 1929
- * Behind the Picture of Napoleon, (na) Detective Story Magazine May 19 1923
- * The Blauvelt Mystery [Ruggles], (ss) Flynns Weekly Apr 30 1927
- * The Bradford Bracelet [Captain Clavering], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Aug 11 1928
- * Cal Hatfields Spirit, (ss) The Black Mask Jul 1920
- * The Carrington Sapphires [Captain Clavering], (ss) Flynns Weekly Jun 5 1926
- * The Crooked Trail [Ruggles], (nv) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Sep 17 1927
- * Dealers of Death [Ruggles], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Nov 24 1928
- * The Death Warrant, (ss) Flynns Weekly Nov 6 1926
- * The Delancy Diamonds [Captain Clavering], (ss) Flynns May 1 1926
- * The Farnsworth Sapphires [Captain Clavering], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jul 21 1928
- * The Garlic Bulbs [Ruggles], (sl) Flynns Weekly Sep 18, Sep 25 1926
- * The Glavis Affair [Ruggles], (nv) Flynns Weekly Jun 4 1927
- * In the nGakas Medicine Bag [Ruggles], (nv) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Jun 18 1927
- * Jungle Hate [Ruggles], (ss) Flynns Weekly Apr 2 1927
- * Jungle Vengeance [Craddock], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jun 14 1930
- * The Kampong Pajang Killer, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Feb 6 1932
- * The Laidlaw Pendant [Captain Clavering], (ss) Flynns May 15 1926
- * The Lauderdale Amethyst, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Aug 18 1928
- * The Lifted Veil, (nv) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Nov 12 1927
- * The Living Death [Ruggles], (ss) Flynns Weekly Jan 1 1927
- * The Living Ghost [Ruggles], (nv) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Mar 10 1928
- * The Markheim Ruby [Captain Clavering], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jul 14 1928
- * The Masked Killer [Ruggles], (nv) Flynns Weekly Jan 15 1927
- * The McAllister Carbuncle [Captain Clavering], (ss) Flynns May 8 1926
- * The Moguls Pearl [Captain Clavering], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Jul 28 1928
- * The Morton Diamond [Captain Clavering], (ss) Flynns Weekly May 29 1926
- * Mrs. Amorys Diamond [Captain Clavering], (ss) Flynns Weekly Jun 19 1926
- * Mrs. Ralstons Pearls [Captain Clavering], (ss) Flynns Apr 17 1926
- * Revenge [Ruggles], (nv) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Nov 26 1927
- * The Ruby Buckle [Captain Clavering], (ss) Flynns Apr 24 1926
- * Ruggles Hunts Trouble [Ruggles], (nv) Flynns Weekly Oct 16 1926
- * The Secret Agent, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly Apr 27 1929
- * The Stannistreet Emerald, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly Aug 4 1928
- * Thokolosi [Ruggles], (nv) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Aug 27 1927
- * The Trap [Ruggles], (nv) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Apr 7 1928
- * Trapped [Ruggles], (ss) Flynns Weekly Oct 2 1926
- * Unseen Hands [Ruggles], (nv) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Jan 14 1928
- * The Van Holberg Tragedy [Ruggles], (ss) Flynns Weekly Mar 12 1927
FULLER, ROGER; pseudonym of Don Tracy, (1905-1976); other pseudonym Tracy Mason (chron.)
- * Big Target, (ss) Black Book Detective Sep 1948
- * The Brothers Are Burning, (ss) Thrilling Detective May 1946
- * The Dead Dont Write [Moody Hackett], (na) Popular Detective Aug 1946
- * Death Wears Kid Gloves [Moody Hackett], (na) Popular Detective Mar 1947
- * Ding Dong Bell, (ss) Detective Mystery Novel Magazine Sum 1948
- * A Ghost Tells All, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine Sep 1947
- * Hatful of Trouble [Moody Hackett], (nv) Popular Detective Jul 1948
- * Listen for Death [Patrick Edward McCreary], (ss) Black Book Detective Apr 1947
- * The Man Never Moved [Patrick Edward McCreary], (ss) The Phantom Detective Nov 1947
- * Murder Sets a Stage [Patrick Edward McCreary], (nv) Popular Detective Jan 1949
- * Open Season for Murder, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine Mar 1948
- * Please Pass the Poison, (nv) Black Book Detective Jun 1948
- * Set a Place for Death [Patrick Edward McCreary], (nv) The Phantom Detective Mar 1949
- * Still on File, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Fll 1947
- * Three Fingers of Death [Moody Hackett], (nv) Popular Detective Mar 1948
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