Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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COREY, HERBERT (chron.) (continued)
_____, as told to
- * My Mysterious Clients (as told by Val OFarrell), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine Sep 1930
- * My Mysterious Clients:
* ___ Two Blondes and a Goldfish (as told by Val OFarrell), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine Dec 1930
* ___ I. My Mysterious Clients (as told by Val OFarrell), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine Sep 1930
* ___ II. The Pretty Woman Who Laughed (as told by Val OFarrell), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine Oct 1930
* ___ III. His Wife Said, Ill Not Pay (as told by Val OFarrell), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine Nov 1930
- * The Mystery of Mary Rogers (as told by Val OFarrell), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine Jun 1931
- * The Pretty Woman Who Laughed (as told by Val OFarrell), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine Oct 1930
- * The Price of Silence (as told by Val OFarrell), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine May 1931
- * Two Blondes and a Goldfish (as told by Val OFarrell), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine Dec 1930
CORLEY, H(arriet) W(orks) (1889-?); (about) (chron.)
- * Along Came Mabel, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly Aug 11 1928
- * The Blue Box from Tiffanys, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly Oct 20 1928
- * The Cinema Murder, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Mar 24 1928
- * Dont Vex Your Plumber, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Apr 21 1928
- * Easy Money, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Dec 17 1927
- * Famous Jailbreaks, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly Jun 21 1930
- * Freedom, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Oct 22 1927
- * The Good Ship Foam, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Oct 8 1927
- * Guilty Hang Themselves, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Jan 21 1928
- * Have You $2,000?, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly Jun 23 1928
- * Home Again, Lieutenant!, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Feb 25 1928
- * In a Hansom Cab, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Jun 18 1927
- * The Lady in Box A, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly Sep 15 1928
- * The Locked Closet, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 18 1929
- * A Man and Two Mothers, (ar) Flynns Weekly Jun 11 1927
- * The Marriage Ad Girl, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Oct 29 1927
- * Moral Murder, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly Mar 30 1929
- * Mother Love, (ar) Flynns Weekly May 21 1927
- * The Mystery of Oak Lane, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Jul 16 1927
- * The Mystery on Brentwood Road, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly Apr 20 1929
- * Never the Twain Shall Meet, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Jul 2 1927
- * Noted Jail Breakers, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly Sep 21 1929
- * Penny Lantern, (ts) Detective Fiction Weekly Sep 6 1930
- * Pickpockets, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly Mar 2 1929
- * Plugged, (ss) Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine Feb 10 1934
- * Shoving the Queer, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 25 1929
- * Sing Sing Escapes, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 3 1930
- * The South Braintree Affair, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Mar 10 1928
- * The Tale Dead Men Told, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Sep 10 1927
- * They Always Leave Clews, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly Oct 13 1928
- * A Thief in His House, (ss) Mystery Apr 1933
- * Three Men in Gray, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Sep 17 1927
- * The Thumb Tack Murder, (ts) Detective Fiction Weekly Aug 4 1928
- * The Tigers Eye, (ar) Flynns Weekly May 7 1927
- * The Tragedy in the Chart Room, (ts) Detective Fiction Weekly Aug 18 1928
- * The Tragedy of Navesink, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly Dec 29 1928
- * Two Against the World, (ar) Flynns Weekly Apr 23 1927
- * With Medical Complications, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Jul 23 1927
- * Without the Fear of God, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Sep 24 1927
- * Wolves of Society, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Dec 10 1927
- * Woman Aboard, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Jan 7 1928
- * Women Are to Blame, (ar) Flynns Weekly Detective Fiction Mar 3 1928
CORMACK, DONALD G(raham) (1909-2002); see pseudonym Donald Graham (chron.)
- * Adopted for Death, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine Mar 1944
- * Butcher on the Waterfront, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine Feb 1939
- * Call for Your Killer, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1943; see also under Donald Graham.
- * The Corpse of Sang Yat Sun, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine Jul 1941
- * Corpse WantedExperience Unnecessary, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries May 1943
- * Crooked Path to Glory, (ss) Detective Tales Nov 1944
- * DangerHearses Ahead!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Nov 1941
- * The Dead Do Care, (ss) 10 Story Mystery Magazine Dec 1941
- * Deaths Delivery Boy, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine Sep 1941
- * Debutantes Slaughter League [Tom Cardigan], (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Nov 1940
- * The Fountain of Youth Murders [Schuyler Montgomery (The Parson)], (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries Jul 1940
- * Four Little Steps to Murder, (nv) Detective Tales Jul 1944
- * The Girl and the Kidnaped Corpse, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Feb 1941
- * Half-Pint Galahad [Oliver Pettibone], (na) Flynns Detective Fiction May 1944; see also under Anonymous.
- * Journey Into Terror, (ss) Super-Detective Jun 1944
- * Kill by Proxy, Hang by Proxy, (ss) 10 Story Mystery Magazine Jun 1942
- * A Killer Prowls a Lonely Beat, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Jul 1947
- * King of the Corpse Trade, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Jul 1939
- * The Late Justin Black, (ss) Detective Tales Dec 1944
- * Madam Satans Yellow Legion [Schuyler Montgomery (The Parson)], (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries Nov 1940
- * Master of the Body Merchants, (na) Strange Detective Mysteries Sep/Oct 1939
- * Master of the Graveyard Ghouls, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Oct 1940
- * Meet a Body, (ss) New Detective Magazine Jul 1950
- * Mother Betsys Corpse Factory, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries Sep 1940
- * Mr. Beedle Shoots It Out, (ss) New Detective Magazine May 1948
- * Mr. Pettibone Shoots It Out [Oliver Pettibone], (ss) Detective Fiction Sep 3 1941
- * Murder at the Miracle Club, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine Jan 1939
- * MurderDo Not Disturb!, (ss) Flynns Detective Fiction Feb 1944
- * Murder Made to Order, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries Mar 1943
- * Murderwith a Motherly Touch, (ss) New Detective Magazine Jul 1948
- * No Intent to Kill, (ss) Detective Tales Aug 1942
- * The Noose Hangs High, (ss) The Phantom Detective Jul 1942
- * Now I Lay Me Down to Die, (nv) 10 Story Mystery Magazine Apr 1942
- * Paroledto Death!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1942
- * Payment When Due, (ss) Detective Tales Jun 1941
- * Please Omit Flowers [Oliver Pettibone], (ss) Flynns Detective Fiction Feb 1943
- * The Python Murders, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1939
- * Riddle of the Headless Horrors [Tom Cardigan], (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Dec 1940
- * Satans Surgeon [Tom Cardigan], (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Apr 1940
- * Slaves of the Murder Clinic, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries Nov/Dec 1939
- * A Slight Case of Homicide, (ss) New Detective Magazine Jan 1942
- * The Sluggers Last Fight, (ss) Detective Tales Jul 1941
- * Theres More Room in the Coffin!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine Mar 1942
- * The Uninvited Dead, (ss) Detective Tales Sep 1944
- * Wanted: Substitute for a Corpse, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries Oct 1941
- * When the Dead Return [Tom Cardigan], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine Mar 1940
_____, [ref.]
CORNIER, VINCENT (1898-1976) (chron.)
- * The Brother of Heaven [Barnabas Hildreth], (nv) Pearsons Magazine Oct 1933
- * The Catastrophe in Clay [Barnabas Hildreth], (nv) Pearsons Magazine Feb 1935; also as The Smell That Killed.
- * The Cloak That Laughed [Barnabas Hildreth], (ss) Pearsons Magazine Dec 1935, as The Mantle That Laughed.
- * Duel of Shadows [Barnabas Hildreth], (ss) Pearsons Magazine Apr 1934; also as The Shot That Waited.
- * The Flying Hat [Sir Richard Brantyngham], (nv) The Story-teller May 1929
- * The Last Nightingale, (vi) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine May 1961
- * The Mantle That Laughed [Barnabas Hildreth], (ss) Pearsons Magazine Dec 1935; also as The Cloak That Laughed.
- * The Masterpiece [Barnabas Hildreth], (ss) The Evening Standard Aug 16 1951; also as O Time, in Your Flight.
- * The Monster [Barnabas Hildreth], (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Feb 1951
- * The Mystery of the Westmacott Bullet, (ss) 1947
- * O Time, in Your Flight [Barnabas Hildreth], (ss) The Evening Standard Aug 16 1951, as The Masterpiece; revised version of non-Hildreth story The Time Test (Pearsons Magazine, November 1935).
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