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Genre: Pin-Up Category: Issue List: Incomplete Publication: Ceased Publishers: Editors: "Fun on the Campus" --Gordon, July 17, 2007
No FictionMags entry.1940
Dec 1940, v1#1
Spring 1941 (Mar), v1#2
Jun 1941, v1#3
Summer 1941 (Sep), v1#4
Fall 1941, v1#5
Winter 1942, v1#6
May 1942, v2#1
Summer 1942, v2#2 fill
Fall 1942, v2#2 fill
Winter 1943, v2#3
Spring 1943, v2#4 fill
Summer 1943, v2#5 fill
Fall 1943, v2#6 fill
Winter 1944, v3#1 fill
Spring 1944, v3#2 fill
Summer 1944, v3#3 fill
Fall 1944, v3#4 fill
Some statistics
8 known issues.
17 including fills.
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