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<< Adventure Series (1907-1912) >>

Genre: Adventure
Issue List: Incomplete
Publication: Ceased
Publishers: Arthur Westbrook Co.
Other Westbrook series include All Star Series, American Detective Series, American Indian Series. Circling the Globe Series, Early Western Life Series, Famous Pirate Story Series, and The Hart Series.
--Gordon, May 1, 2005
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No FictionMags entry.
1907 images availableNo. 1The Murderer of New Orleans by William Ward
1907 images availableNo. 2The James Boys and their Outlaw band of Border Bandits in Old Missouri by William Ward
1907 images availableNo. 3The Black Box Murder by William Ward
1908 images availableNo. 4Harry Tracy, The Death Dealing Oregon Outlaw, by William Ward
1908fillNo. 5
1908 images availableNo. 6Younger Brothers by William Ward
1908 images availableNo. 7The Dalton Gang. The Bandits of the Far West by William Ward
1908? dateNo. 8 images availableRube Burrow the King of Train Robbers
1908 images availableNo. 9Jesse James' Dash for Fortune or The Raid on the Kansas City Fair
1908 images availableNo. 10Jesse James, Knight Errant
1908? dateNo. 11 images availableJesse James' Midnight Raid
1908? 1928No. 12 images availableJesse James' Greatest Haul
1908? 1909No. 13 images availableJesse James' Revenge
1908no dateNo. 14 images availableJesse James' $100,000 Robbery by William Ward
1908? dateNo. 15 images availableJesse James' Nemesis or the Pinkertons' Oath
1908? yearNo. 16 images availableJesse James' Terrible Raid Or The Extermination of the Mexican Bandits by William Ward
1908? dateNo. 17 images availableJesse James' Boast or "Who Killed Daniel Askew"
1908? dateNo. 18 images availableJessie James' Desperate Game or the Robbery of the Ste. Genevieve Bank by William Ward
1908? dateNo. 19 images availableJesse James' Long Chance or The Robbery of the Northfield Bank by William Ward
1908? dateNo. 20 images availableJesse James' Battle for Freedom or the Fight at Monclava by William Ward
1908? dateNo. 21 images availableJesse James' Gentleman Or The Hold-Up of the Mammoth Cave Stage William Ward
1908? dateNo. 22 images availableJesse James' Bluff or the Escape from the Chinese Highbinders by William Ward
1909 images availableNo. 23Jesse James - Wild Night or The Wrecking of the Rock Island Train, by William Ward
1909? dateNo. 24 images availableJesse James' Brutal Shot, or the Murder in the Gallatin Bank
1909? yearNo. 25Jess James' Daylight Foray or the Looting of the Band at Corydon, Iowa
1909 images availableNo. 26Jesse James' Threat
1909 images availableNo. 27Jesse James' Mid-winter Lark or the Plundering of the Iron Mountain Train
1909 images availableNo. 28Jesse James' Mistake
1909 images availableNo. 29Jesse James' Race for Life or Trailed by the Vigilantes
1909 images availableNo. 30Jesse James Ruse by William Ward
1909 images availableNo. 31Jesse James' Bold Stroke or The Double Bank Robbery by William Ward
1909No. 32Jesse James' Mid-Night Attack, or, The Bandits Revenge on the Vigilantes
1909 images availableNo. 33Jesse James' Daring Joke or The Kidnapping of a Bank President by William Ward
1909 images availableNo. 34Jesse James' Blackest Crime by William Ward
1909 images availableNo. 35Jesse James' Nerve or The Hold-up of the Missouri Pacific Train
1909 images availableNo. 36Jesse James' Narrow Escape
1909 images availableNo. 37Jessie James Last Chance or Outwitting the Decret Dervice Possie by William Ward
1909 images availableNo. 38Jesse James' Surprise Or The looting of the Huntington Bank
1909 images availableNo. 39Jesse James' Legacy Or Winning Through Death by William Ward
1909 images availableNo. 40Jesse James' Silver Trail, or The Plundering of the Mexican Muleteers
1909 images availableNo. 41Jesse James' Ring of Death or the Fate of the Texas Rangers
1910 images availableNo. 42Jesse James' Mysterious Foe or The Pursuit of the Man in Black by William Ward
1910 images availableNo. 43Jesse James' Fate
1910fillNo. 44
1910fillNo. 45
1910fillNo. 46
1910fillNo. 47
1910fillNo. 48
1910fillNo. 49
1910fillNo. 50
1910fillNo. 51
1910 images availableNo. 52Jeff Clayton's Riddle by William Ward
1910? dateNo. 53Jeff Clayton's Blind Trail or Trapped by the Letter S by William Ward
1910fillNo. 54
1910 images availableNo. 55Jeff Clayton's Discovery or the Lure of the Fatal Eye
1910 images availableNo. 56Jeff Clayton's Long Chase by William Ward
1910? 1920No. 57 images availableThe West Wind by Cyrus Townsend Brady
1910fillNo. 58
1910fillNo. 59
1910? dateNo. 60 images availableOld Sleuth's Greatest Case or Caught by the King of all Detectives by Old Sleuth
1910fillNo. 61
1910fillNo. 62
1910 images availableNo. 63Jeff Clayton's Puzzle or the Hold-Up of the Gold Special by William Ward
1910fillNo. 64
1910 images availableNo. 65Jeff Clayton's Red Mystery by William Ward
1910fillNo. 66
1910fillNo. 67
1910? 1909No. 68 images available"Old Sleuth's Triumph" or "The Great Bronx Mystery"
1910fillNo. 69
1910? dateNo. 70 images availableOld Sleuth the Detective, a Three Fold Mystery
1910fillNo. 71
1910fillNo. 72
1910 images availableNo. 73Jeff Clayton's Fatal Shot
1910fillNo. 74
1910fillNo. 75
1910fillNo. 76
1911 images availableNo. 77Jeff Clayton and the Outlaws by William Ward
1911fillNo. 78
1911fillNo. 79
1911fillNo. 80
1911? 1931No. 81The Phantom of Meadow Creek or the Crime of the Tennessee Mountains by Old Sleuth
1911fillNo. 82
1911fillNo. 83
1911fillNo. 84
1911fillNo. 85
1911fillNo. 86
1911fillNo. 87
1911? dateNo. 88 images availableUnder Troubled Skies by St. George Rathborne
1911fillNo. 89
1911? dateNo. 90 images availableThe League of the Counterfeiters; or, Trapped By the Lightning Detective, by "Old Sleuth"
1911? dateNo. 91 images availableThe Witch's Head by H. Rider Haggard
1911fillNo. 92
1911 images availableNo. 93Jeff Clayton's Last Bullet by William Ward
1911fillNo. 94
1911fillNo. 95
1911 images availableNo. 96Jeff's Clayton's Lost Ship or The Bravo Rovers by William Ward
1911fillNo. 97
1911fillNo. 98
1911? dateNo. 99 images availableEff Claytons Daring Leap or the Buccaneers of the Great Lakes by William Ward
1911fillNo. 100
1911fillNo. 101
1911 images availableNo. 102Jeff Clayton's Wild Ride by William Ward
1911fillNo. 103
1911fillNo. 104
1911fillNo. 105
1911fillNo. 106
1911fillNo. 107
1911no dateNo. 108 images availableMysterious Mr. Sabin. by E. Phillips Oppenheim
1911fillNo. 109
1911? dateNo. 110 images availableJeff Clayton at Bay or the Mystery of the Great Ruby by William Ward
1911? dateNo. 111 images availableShadowed to His Doom by Old Sleuth
1911fillNo. 112
1911fillNo. 113
1911? dateNo. 114 images availableA Japanese Revenge by Louis Tracy
1911fillNo. 115
1911fillNo. 116
1911 images availableNo. 117The Secret Compact by John B. Williams M.D.
1911fillNo. 118
1911 images availableNo. 120Jeff Clayton's Masked Foe by William Ward
1911? numNo. 136 images availableThe Baronet's Crime or Ellen Hepburn's Peril by John B.Williams M.D.
1912 images availableNo. 119
1912? 1909No. 121 images availableThe American Monte-Cristo
1912? 1911No. 122 images available"Jeff Clayton's Invisible Hand" or "Outcast Night Hawk" by William Ward
1912fillNo. 123
1912fillNo. 124
1912? dateNo. 125 images availableCarried by Storm, by St. George Rathborne
1912fillNo. 126
1912fillNo. 127
1912fillNo. 128
1912fillNo. 129
1912fillNo. 130
1912fillNo. 131
1912 images availableNo. 132"Secret of the Chinese Jar" or "Loot of the Summer Palace" by Fergus Hume
1912 images availableNo. 133The Vial with the White Powder or Deadly Foes to the Grave by John B. Williams M.D
1912 images availableNo. 134Mr. Marx's Secret - E. Phillips Oppenheim
1912fillNo. 135
1912? numNo. 136 images availableJeff Clayton's Mexican Plot or the Man in the Gray Suit by William Ward
1912fillNo. 137
1912fillNo. 138
1912fillNo. 139

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77 known issues. 140 including fills.
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