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<< Lobo Westerns (Australian) (1960?-1976?) >>

Genre: Western
Issue List: Incomplete
Publication: Ceased
Publishers: Cleveland Pub.
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No FictionMags entry.

1960, fill No. 200 1960, ? date No. 201

Gunfighter's Dawn by Marshall Grover

1960, fill No. 202 1960, fill No. 203 1960, fill No. 204 1960, fill No. 205 1960, fill No. 206 1960, fill No. 207 1960, fill No. 208 1960, ? date No. 209

One More Notch by Kirk Hamilton

1960, ? date No. 210

Diablo Rock
1960, fill No. 211 1960, ? date No. 212

Kid Fargo by Kirk Hamilton


1960, ? date No. 213

Posse Boss by Marshall Grover

1960, ? date No. 214
1960, ? date No. 215

Gallows Cheater by Marshall Grover
1960, fill No. 216 1960, fill No. 217 1960, fill No. 218 1960, ? date No. 219

Mesa Gun Trap by Kirk Hamilton


1961, No. 220

Come Sundown by Brett Waring
1961, ? date No. 221

Fill a Saddle Fast

1961, fill No. 222 1961, fill No. 223 1961, ? date No. 224

Gun Sinner by Kirk Hamilton


1962, No. 225

Stay Alive by Ward Brennan
1962, ? date No. 226

Man Alone by Luke Stroud

1962, ? date No. 227

1963, No. 228

Untaimed Colt by Kirk Hamilton
1963, ? date No. 229 1963, No. 230

Bogus Star by Luke Hardin
1963, fill No. 231 1963, fill No. 232 1963, fill No. 233 1963, fill No. 234 1963, ? date No. 235

Come Gunnin' by Ward Brennan
1963, No. 236
1963, ? date No. 237

The Broken Badge by Luke Hardin

1963, fill No. 238 1963, fill No. 239 1963, ? date No. 240

Hell Track by Brad Cordell


1963, No. 241

Clint Ryker by Ward Brennan


1964, fill No. 242 1964, ? date No. 243 1964, fill No. 244 1964, fill No. 245

1965, fill No. 246 1965, fill No. 247 1965, fill No. 248 1965, fill No. 249 1965, ? date No. 250

Cole Damaron by Brett McKinley

1965, fill No. 251

1966, fill No. 252 1966, fill No. 253 1966, fill No. 254 1966, ? date No. 255 1966, fill No. 256 1966, fill No. 257

1967, ? num ? date

Revenge of a Texan by Emerson Dodge

1967, fill No. 258 1967, fill No. 259 1967, fill No. 260 1967, fill No. 261 1967, fill No. 262 1967, fill No. 263

1968, fill No. 264 1968, fill No. 265 1968, fill No. 266 1968, ? date No. 267

Revenge of a Texan

1968, fill No. 268 1968, ? date No. 269

Ride, Rebel! by Walt Beaumont


1969, fill No. 270 1969, fill No. 271 1969, fill No. 272 1969, fill No. 273 1969, fill No. 274 1969, fill No. 275

1970, No. 276

Siege at Rio Santo by Ben Jefferson

1970, fill No. 277 1970, fill No. 278 1970, fill No. 279 1970, fill No. 280 1970, fill No. 281 1970, fill No. 282 1970, fill No. 283 1970, fill No. 284 1970, fill No. 285 1970, fill No. 286 1970, fill No. 287

1971, No. 288

Duke Harlen's Heritage, by Emerson Dodge

1971, fill No. 289 1971, ? 1972 No. 290

Border Shift by Scott McLure
1971, fill No. 291 1971, fill No. 292 1971, fill No. 293 1971, fill No. 294 1971, fill No. 295 1971, fill No. 296 1971, fill No. 297 1971, ? 1975 No. 298

South to Sandor by Scott McLure

1971, fill No. 299 1971, fill No. 300

1971, fill No. 301 1971, fill No. 302 1971, ? 1976 No. 303

Texas Land Grab by Johnny Nelson
1971, fill No. 304 1971, fill No. 305 1971, ? 1976 No. 306

Don't Push Your Luck by Shad Denver
1971, ? date No. 307

Five for the Tall Tree by Scott McLure
1971, fill No. 308 1971, fill No. 309 1971, ? date No. 310

Where Hellions Ride by Emerson Dodge

1971, fill No. 311 1971, fill No. 312 1971, ? date No. 313

Shadow of a Star by by Brett McKinley


1971, ? date No. 314

No Jury by Gunn Halliday

1971, ? 1970 No. 315

Spur Line to Hell by Cord McCabe
1971, fill No. 316 1971, fill No. 317 1971, fill No. 318 1971, fill No. 319 1971, fill No. 320 1971, No. 321

Zachary Clay - Gunfighter by Emerson Dodge
1971, fill No. 322 1971, No. 323

Sam Bannon's Son by Emerson Dodge

1972, fill No. 324 1972, ? date No. 325

Cord! by Clay Anthony

1972, ? date No. 326

Battle Valley by Marshall Grover

1972, fill No. 327

1973, fill No. 328 1973, fill No. 329 1973, fill No. 330 1973, fill No. 331

1974, No. 332

Shep Halliday - By Kirk Hamilton

1974, ? date No. 333

When Clanton Came Home by Emerson Dodge

1974, fill No. 334 1974, ? date No. 335

Silver Spur by Kirk Hamilton


1975, No. 336

Six Graves to Shilo by Scott McLure

1975, fill No. 337 1975, fill No. 338 1975, ? date No. 339

Fugitive from Hell by Brett McKinley

1975, fill No. 340 1975, fill No. 341 1975, fill No. 342 1975, fill No. 343 1975, fill No. 344 1975, fill No. 345 1975, fill No. 346 1975, ? date No. 347

Secret of Badeye Ridge by Brett Waring
1975, ? date No. 348

Killer in Town by Emerson Dodge


1975, fill No. 349 1975, fill No. 350 1975, fill No. 351 1975, fill No. 352 1975, fill No. 353 1975, fill No. 354 1975, fill No. 355

1976, ? date No. 356

Four Hungry Guns, by Emerson Dodge

1976, fill No. 357 1976, fill No. 358 1976, ? date No. 359

Getin' Even by Emerson Dodge

1976, fill No. 360 1976, fill No. 361 1976, fill No. 362 1976, ? date No. 363

Time to Kill by Shad Denver

1976, fill No. 364 1976, fill No. 365 1976, fill No. 366 1976, fill No. 367

1977, fill No. 368 1977, fill No. 369 1977, fill No. 370 1977, fill No. 371 1977, fill No. 372 1977, fill No. 373 1977, fill No. 374 1977, fill No. 375 1977, fill No. 376 1977, fill No. 377 1977, fill No. 378 1977, fill No. 379

1978, fill No. 380 1978, fill No. 381 1978, fill No. 382 1978, fill No. 383 1978, fill No. 384 1978, fill No. 385 1978, fill No. 386 1978, fill No. 387 1978, fill No. 388 1978, fill No. 389 1978, fill No. 390 1978, fill No. 391

1979, fill No. 392 1979, fill No. 393 1979, fill No. 394 1979, fill No. 395 1979, fill No. 396 1979, fill No. 397 1979, fill No. 398 1979, fill No. 399

Some statistics
53 known issues. 201 including fills.
0 issues you want. 0 issues you are expecting soon.
0 issues you have. 0 issues you have for sale.

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