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FictionMags: Best of Argosy Annual 2 issues.Originally named Argosy War Annual
Name changed to Argosy Adventure Annual
1976, Adventure
Name changed to Argosy Annual
1976, Death Defying
Name changed to Argosy Detectives Annual
1976, Detectives
Name changed to Argosy True Life Adventure Special
1976, Killers of the Ocean
Name changed to The Argosy Supernatural Annual
1976, Supernatural
Name changed to Argosy Annuals and Specials
1976, The 50's
Name changed to Argosy War Annual
1976, War
Name changed to The Best of Argosy Annual
1976 , Bicentennial No. 1
1976 , Commemorative No. 2
Name changed to An Argosy Special
1977, Monsters
1977, Sharks
1977, War
1977, Science Fiction
Name changed to Argosy Annual
1978, Most Notorious Criminals
1978, Treasure Hunting
Some statistics
16 total issues.
2 Matching FictionMag issues.
0 Partial matched FictionMag issues.
0 Unmatched FictionMag issues.
0 issues you want.
0 issues you are expecting soon.
0 issues you have.
0 issues you have for sale.
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