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The following explanation is quoted from an 2004 eBay auction by 'nevadanikolai':
"This is my own collection of Galaxy Science Fiction magazines, all bought by me as they were issued in the nineteen years 1952 to 1970. ...published in Britain and printed in Holland. ...based on the British issues, which generally parallel the US issues of the time. The first 79 of the numbered editions, Nos. 1-79, were published in Britain, all without dates. But No.1 had a copyright notice dated 1952, and No.79 can be dated to 1960. Issues 1-12 also had 'Vol. 3' on their spines, from No. 13 on no volume number was included. Beginning with No. 80, the issues sold in Britain appear to be identical to the US edition, published and printed in the US, but with numbering added. No. 80 is marked 'June 1960' and also has the US-type numbering, Vol.18 No.5 (generally a volume contained 6 numbers, but there is a complication in that some issues were put out monthly, and others 2-monthly). No. 94 (Oct 1962, Vol. 21 No. 1) is the last issue in the set with British numbering, with the next issue (Dec 1962, Vol. 21 No.2) only the date and US numbering is given. The set on sale is complete up to Jun 1963 (a straight run of 98 issues). After this there are some issues missed (believed to be dated Aug 1963; Feb, Apr, Jun 1964; and Jan, Mar, May 1966). The last issue in the set is Dec 1966 (Vol. 25 No. 2), giving a total of 137 issues."