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Genre: SF Category: Reprint Issue List: Complete Publication: Ongoing Publishers: Nostalgia Ventures Inc. Editors: Each book reprints several Doc Savage stories, with the original artwork, plus pertinent articles. --Gordon, August 15, 2008
FictionMags: Doc Savage 2 issues.Skipped 2 FictionMags issues of Doc Savage from 1940-1940
Oct 2006, ? month No. 1 "Fortress of Solitude" and "The Devil Genghis" by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent)
Nov 2006, No. 2 "Resurrection Day" and "Repel" by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent)
Jan 2007, No. 3 "Death in Silver" and "The Golden Peril" by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent and Harold a Davis)
Feb 2007, No. 4 "Land of Always - Night" and "Mad Mesa" by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent and W. Ryerson Johnson)
Apr 2007, No. 5 "The Spook Legion" and "The Submarine Mystery" by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent)
May 2007, No. 6 "Pirate of the Pacific" and "The Polar Treasure" by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent)
May 2007, No. 7 "The Lost Oasis" and "The Sargasso Ogre" by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent)
Jul 2007, No. 8 "The Sea Magician" and "The Living Fire-menace" by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent and Harold A. Davis)
Aug 2007, No. 9 "The Maji" and "The Golden Men" by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent)
Sep 2007, No. 10 "Dust of Death" and "The Stone Men" by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent and Harold A. Davis)
Oct 2007, No. 11 "Cold Death" and "The South Pole Terror" by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent and Laurance Donovan)
Nov 2007, No. 12 "The Squeaking Goblin" and "The Evil Gnome." by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent)
Jan 2008, No. 13 "Brand of the Werewolf" and "Fear Cay" by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent)
Feb 2008, No. 14 "The Man of Bronze" and "The Land of Terror" by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent)
Mar 2008, No. 15 "The Red Spider", "Return from Cormoral" and "Terror Wears No Shoes" by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent)
Apr 2008, No. 16
May 2008, No. 17
Jun 2008, No. 18
Jul 2008, No. 19
Aug 2008, No. 20
Sep 2008, No. 21
Nov 2008, No. 22
Dec 2008, No. 23
2009, No. 24
2009, No. 25
2009, No. 26
2009, ? date No. 27
2009, No. 28
2009, No. 29
2010, ? date No. 30
2010, fill No. 31
2010, ? date No. 32
2010, No. 33
2010, No. 34
2010, No. 35
2010, ? month No. 36
2010, ? month No. 37
2010, No. 38
2010, No. 39
2010, No. 40
2010, No. 41
2010, No. 42
2011, fill No. 43
2011, fill No. 44
2011, fill No. 45
2011, fill No. 46
2011, fill No. 47
2011, fill No. 48
2011, fill No. 49
2011, fill No. 50
2011, fill No. 51
2011, fill No. 52
2011, fill No. 53
Some statistics
41 known issues.
53 including fills.
2 Matching FictionMag issues.
0 Partial matched FictionMag issues.
0 Unmatched FictionMag issues.
0 issues you want.
0 issues you are expecting soon.
0 issues you have.
0 issues you have for sale.
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