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<< Green Dragon Mystery (1944-1946) >>

Genre: Mystery
Category: Digest
Issue List: Incomplete
Publication: Ceased
Publishers: Green Dragon Books
The novel listed with no number is probably #15 or #22.
--Gordon, June 15, 2004

Numbers 25-33 are paperback instead of digest size.
--Gordon, June 15, 2004

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No FictionMags entry.
1944no # images availableThe Corpse with the Listening Ear by Laurence Dwight Smith
1944 images availableNo. 1Murder Makes By-Lines by Kelliher Secrist
1944 images availableNo. 2The Mausoleum Key by Norman A. Daniels
1944 images availableNo. 3Johnny on the Spot by Amen Dell
1944 images availableNo. 4A Murder a Day! by Robert Avery
1944 images availableNo. 5The Moscow Mystery by Ivy Litvinoff
1944 images availableNo. 6The Snatch by R.L. Goldman
1944No. 7And Death Drove On by Robert Fleming
1944 images availableNo. 8A Most Immoral Murder by H. Ashbrook
1944No. 9Murder Moves On by Jack Dall
1944 images availableNo. 10Death Plays Solitaire by R.L. Goldman
1944 images availableNo. 11Too Many Murders by George Childerness
1944 images availableNo. 12Grave Without Grass by Donald Clough Cameron
1945 images availableNo. 1310 Words of Poison by Barry Perowne
1945 images availableNo. 14Talent for Murder by John l. Benton
1945fillNo. 15
1945 images availableNo. 16Murder Without Clues by Joseph L. Bonney
1945 images availableNo. 17And Death Drove On by Robert Fleming
1945No. 18Murder Comes Back by H. Ashbrook
1945 images availableNo. 19Death Defies the Doctor by Denis Muir
1945 images availableNo. 20Death at Her Elbow by Donald Clough Cameron
1945 images availableNo. 21The Man who was Murdered Twice by Robert H. Leitfred
1945fillNo. 22
1945 images availableNo. 23I Thought I'd Die by David Reed
1945 images availableNo. 24If I Die-It's Murder by Mari Ervin
1945 images availableNo. 25She Screamed Blue Murder by Kelliher Secrist
1945 images availableNo. 26Stone Dead by Patrick Laing
1945 images availableNo. 27About the Murder of the Night Club Lady by Anthony Abbot
1946 images availableNo. 28Headman's Holiday by Dean Hawkins
1946No. 29The Late Lamented Lady by Marie Blizard
1946No. 30A Matter of Policy by Sam Merwin Jr.
1946No. 31Murder by Magic by Amelia Reynolds Long
1946No. 32The Men in Her Death by Marie Blizard
1946 images availableNo. 33Death is Thy Neighbor by Lawrence Dwight Smith

Some statistics
32 known issues. 34 including fills.
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