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No FictionMags entry.1909
1909, ? date ? num Jenny Harlow by W. Clark Russell
1909, ? date ? num Beaton's Bargain by Mrs. ...
1909, ? date ? num Catherine's Flirtations
Name changed to All-Star Series
1910, fill No. 1
1910, ? date No. 2 Farmer Holt's Daughter by Charles Garvice
1910, fill No. 3
1910, ? date No. 4 The Sculptor's Wooing by Charles Garvice
1910, ? date No. 5 ...on Her Wedding Night by Charles Garvice
1910, ? date No. 6 The Mistress of the Court of Regret by Charles Garvice
1910, ? date No. 7 Claire by Charles Garvice
1910, ? date No. 8 A ... of Shame by Charles Garvice
1910, ? date No. 9 Love of a Life Time by Charles Garvice
1910, ? date No. 10 His Perfect Trust by Charles Garvice
1910, ? date No. 11 Her Love So True by Charles Garvice
1910, ? date No. 12 A Bridge of Love, Between Two Lives by Bertha M. Clay
1910, ? date No. 13 A Golden Dawn Bertha M. Clay
1910, fill No. 14
1910, fill No. 15
1910, ? date No. 16 The Shadow of a Sin by Bertha M. Clay
1910, ? date No. 17 The Shattered Idol by Bertha M. Clay
1910, ? date No. 18 Wedded & Parted by Bertha Clay
1910, ? series No. 19 A Queen Among Women by Bertha Clay
1910, fill No. 20
1910, ? date No. 21 Lady Dyana's Pride by Charlotte M. Braeme
1910, fill No. 22
1910, ? date No. 23 A Brides Wedding Ring by Charlotte M. Braeme
1910, fill No. 24
1910, ? date No. 25 At War with Herself by Bertha M. Clay
1910, ? date No. 26 Wise in Name Only by Charlotte M Braeme
1910, ? date No. 27 Her Faithful Heart by Charlotte M. Braeme
1910, ? date No. 28 Her Only Sin by Charlotte M. Braeme
1910, ? date No. 29 Shadow of the Past by Bertha M Clay
1910, ? date No. 30 Heiress of Hilldrop by Bertha M. Clay
1910, ? date No. 31 She Treasured Him by Charles Garvice
1910, No. 32 Leslie's Peril by Charles Garvice
1910, fill No. 33
1910, ? date No. 34
1910, ? date No. 35 Elaise by Charles Garvice
1910, ? date No. 36 Thrown on the World, by Bertha M. Clay
1910, ? date No. 37
1910, fill No. 38
1910, ? date No. 39 The Pride of Honor by Charles Garvice
1910, ? 1918 No. 40 Jesse by Charlotte M. Braeme
1910, ? date No. 41
1910, ? date No. 42
1910, ? num No. 43 Thorn in Her Heart by Bertha M. Clay
1910, ? date No. 44 The House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorn
1910, fill No. 45
1910, ? date No. 46 A Maiden All Forlorn by the Duchess
1910, ? date No. 47 A Woman's Temptation by Bertha M. Clay
1910, ? date No. 48
1910, ? date No. 49 A Golden Heart by Charlotte M. Braeme (Bertha M. Clay)
1910, ? date No. 50 The Last ... by M.W. Taylor
1910, fill No. 51
1910, fill No. 52
1910, fill No. 53
1910, fill No. 54
1910, ? date No. 55 A Life's Remorse by the Duchess
1910, ? datel No. 56 A Little Irish Girl by The Duchess
1910, fill No. 57
1910, fill No. 58
1910, fill No. 59
1910, fill No. 60
1910, fill No. 61
1910, fill No. 62
1910, fill No. 63
1910, ? date No. 64 Maid, Wife or Widow? by Mrs. Alexander
1910, ? date No. 65
1910, fill No. 66
1910, fill No. 67
1910, fill No. 68
1910, fill No. 69
1910, ? date No. 70 Fair Women by Mrs. Forrester
1910, ? date No. 71
1910, fill No. 72
1910, fill No. 73
1910, fill No. 74
1910, ? date No. 75 Guelda by Charlotte M. Braeme
1910, ? date No. 76 If Love We Love by Charlotte Braeme
1910, fill No. 77
1910, fill No. 78
1910, fill No. 79
1910, fill No. 80
1910, ? date No. 81
1910, fill No. 82
1910, ? date No. 83 The Baffled Conspirators by W. E. Norris
1910, fill No. 84
1910, ? date No. 85
1910, fill No. 86
1910, ? date No. 87 A Dead Heart by Bertha M. Clay
1910, ? date No. 88 His Wife's Judgement by Bertha M. Clay
1910, ? date No. 89 Like No Other Love by Bertha M. Clay
1910, fill No. 90
1910, fill No. 91
1910, fill No. 92
1910, fill No. 93
1910, fill No. 94
1910, ? date Summer No. 95 Lord Vancourts Daughter, by Mabel Collins
1910, fill No. 96
1910, ? date No. 97
1910, fill No. 98
1910, fill No. 99
1910, ? date No. 100 Flower & Jewel by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller
1910, fill No. 101
1910, fill No. 102
1910, fill No. 103
1910, fill No. 104
1910, fill No. 105
1910, fill No. 106
1910, fill No. 107
1910, fill No. 108
1910, fill No. 109
1910, fill No. 110
1910, fill No. 111
1910, fill No. 112
1910, fill No. 113
1910, fill No. 114
1910, fill No. 115
1910, fill No. 116
1910, fill No. 117
1910, fill No. 118
1910, fill No. 119
1910, fill No. 120
1910, fill No. 121
1910, fill No. 122
1910, fill No. 123
1910, fill No. 124
1910, fill No. 125
1910, fill No. 126
1910, fill No. 127
1910, fill No. 128
1910, fill No. 129
1910, fill No. 130
1910, fill No. 131
1910, fill No. 132
1910, fill No. 133
1910, fill No. 134
1910, fill No. 135
1910, fill No. 136
1910, fill No. 137
1910, ? date No. 138 A Golden Dawn Bertha M. Clay
1910, fill No. 139
1910, fill No. 140
1910, fill No. 141
1910, fill No. 142
1910, fill No. 143
1910, fill No. 144
1910, fill No. 145
1910, fill No. 146
1910, fill No. 147
1910, fill No. 148
1910, fill No. 149
1910, fill No. 150
Some statistics
61 known issues.
153 including fills.
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