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Genre: Adventure Category: Digest Issue List: Incomplete Publication: Ceased Publishers: Street & Smith Editors: The Syracuse University Library Street & Smith archives list 179 of these with cover scans of each. No dates are give. --Gordon, December 2, 2003
No FictionMags entry.1924
1924, ? date No. 1 The Desert Argonaut by William Wallace Cook
1924, No. 2 A Quarter to Four by William Wallace Cook
1924, ? date No. 3 Thorndyke of the Bonita by William Wallace Cook
1924, ? date No. 4 A Round Trip to the Year 2000 by William Wallace Cook
1924, fill No. 5
1924, ? 1925 No. 6 The Spur of Necessity by William Wallace Cook
1924, fill No. 7
1924, ? date No. 8 The Goal of a Million by William Wallace Cook
1924, fill No. 9
1924, fill No. 10
1924, fill No. 11
1924, fill No. 12
1924, ? date No. 13 A Deep Sea Game by William Wallace Cook
1924, fill No. 14
1924, ? date No. 15 Adrift in the Unknown by William Wallace Cook
1924, fill No. 16
1924, fill No. 17
1924, fill No. 18
1924, fill No. 19
1924, fill No. 20
1924, fill No. 21
1924, ? date No. 22 His Audacious Highness by William Wallace Cook
1924, ? 1925 No. 23 At Daggers Drawn by William W. Cook
1924, No. 24 The Eighth Wonder by William Wallace Cook
1924, fill No. 25
1924, ? date No. 26 The Cotton Bag by William Wallace Cook
1925, No. 27 Little Miss Vassar by William Wallace Cook
1925, fill No. 28
1925, ? 1907 No. 29 The Testing of Noyes by William W. Cook
1925, fill No. 30
1925, fill No. 31
1925, fill No. 32
1925, fill No. 33
1925, fill No. 34
1925, fill No. 35
1925, fill No. 36
1925, fill No. 37
1925, fill No. 38
1925, ? date No. 39 Trailing the Josephine by William Wallace Cook
1925, fill No. 40
1925, ? date No. 41 Brothers of the Thin Wire, by Franklin Pitt
1925, fill No. 42
1925, fill No. 43
1925, fill No. 44
1925, fill No. 45
1925, fill No. 46
1925, ? date No. 47 Stanley Holt, Thorougbred by Ralph Boston
1925, fill No. 48
1925, fill No. 49
1925, ? date No. 50 Bainbridge of Bangor
1925, ? date No. 51 Amid Crashing Hills, by Edmond Laurence
1925, fill No. 52
1925, fill No. 53
1925, fill No. 54
1925, fill No. 55
1925, fill No. 56
1925, fill No. 57
1925, ? date No. 58 Service Audacious, by Don Cameron Shafer
1925, fill No. 59
1925, fill No. 60
1925, fill No. 61
1925, ? date No. 62 Wireless Sid or Over the Air by Dana R. Preston
1925, fill No. 63
1925, fill No. 64
1925, fill No. 65
1925, fill No. 66
1925, fill No. 67
1925, fill No. 68
1925, ? date No. 69 The Presidential Snapshot by Bertram Lebhar
1925, fill No. 70
1925, fill No. 71
1925, fill No. 72
1925, fill No. 73
1925, fill No. 74
1925, fill No. 75
1925, fill No. 76
1925, fill No. 77
1925, fill No. 78
1925, fill No. 79
1925, fill No. 80
1925, fill No. 81
1925, fill No. 82
1925, fill No. 83
1925, fill No. 84
1925, ? date No. 85 The Filibusters by Frederick Gibson
1925, fill No. 86
1925, fill No. 87
1925, fill No. 88
1925, fill No. 89
1925, fill No. 90
1925, fill No. 91
1925, fill No. 92
1925, fill No. 93
1925, fill No. 94
1925, fill No. 95
1925, fill No. 96
1925, fill No. 97
1925, fill No. 98
1925, fill No. 99
1925, fill No. 100
1925, fill No. 101
1925, fill No. 102
1925, ? date No. 103 "The Fate of the Plotter, or Love's Final Triumph", by Louis Tracy
1925, fill No. 104
1925, fill No. 105
1925, fill No. 106
1925, fill No. 107
1925, fill No. 108
1925, fill No. 109
1925, fill No. 110
1929, No. 111 A Strange Wooing by Richard Marsh
1929, fill No. 112
1929, fill No. 113
1929, fill No. 114
1929, ? date No. 115 As a Man Lives by E. Phillips Oppenheim
1929, fill No. 116
1929, fill No. 117
1929, fill No. 118
1929, fill No. 119
1929, No. 120 A Round Trip to the Year 2000 by William Wallace Cook
1929, fill No. 121
1929, fill No. 122
1929, fill No. 123
1929, ? date No. 124 The Goal of a Million or, Fighting for a Fortune by William Wallace Cook
1929, fill No. 125
1929, fill No. 126
1929, fill No. 127
1929, fill No. 128
1929, fill No. 129
1929, fill No. 130
1929, fill No. 131
1929, fill No. 132
1929, fill No. 133
1929, fill No. 134
1929, fill No. 135
1929, fill No. 136
1929, fill No. 137
1929, fill No. 138
1929, fill No. 139
1929, fill No. 140
1929, fill No. 141
1929, fill No. 142
1929, fill No. 143
1929, fill No. 144
1929, fill No. 145
1929, fill No. 146
1929, fill No. 147
1929, fill No. 148
1929, fill No. 149
1929, fill No. 150
1929, fill No. 151
1929, fill No. 152
1929, ? date No. 153 Fools for Luck by William Wallace Cook
1929, fill No. 154
1929, ? date No. 155 Trailing the Josephine by William Wallace Cook
1929, fill No. 156
1929, fill No. 157
1929, fill No. 158
1929, fill No. 159
1929, ? date No. 160 -His Snapshot Lordship, by Bertram Lebhar
1929, fill No. 161
1929, fill No. 162
1929, fill No. 163
1929, fill No. 164
1929, fill No. 165
1929, fill No. 166
1929, fill No. 167
1929, fill No. 168
1929, fill No. 169
1929, fill No. 170
1929, fill No. 171
1929, ? date No. 172 Service Courageous by Don. C. Shafer
1929, fill No. 173
1929, fill No. 174
1929, fill No. 175
1929, fill No. 176
1929, fill No. 177
1929, fill No. 178
1929, ? date No. 179 Wireless Sid, Or, Over the Air by Dana R. Preston
1929, fill No. 180
1929, fill No. 181
1929, fill No. 182
1929, fill No. 183
1929, fill No. 184
1929, fill No. 185
1929, fill No. 186
1929, fill No. 187
1929, fill No. 188
1929, fill No. 189
1929, fill No. 190
1929, fill No. 191
1929, fill No. 192
1929, fill No. 193
1929, fill No. 194
1929, fill No. 195
1929, fill No. 196
1929, fill No. 197
1929, fill No. 198
1929, fill No. 199
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