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Genre: Adventure Category: Digest or PB Issue List: Incomplete Publication: Ceased Publishers: Street & Smith Editors: The Syracuse University Library's Street & Smith Preservation and Access Project hosts the Alger Series Digital Edition . --Gordon, February 2, 2008These books were actually printed 1915-1927. The dates on the books are usually the original copyright or printing, or a previous printing. --Gordon, February 3, 2008
No FictionMags entry.1915
1915, ? date No. 1 Driven from Home, or, Carl Crawford's Experience by Horatio Alger
1915, fill No. 2
1915, fill No. 3
1915, ? date No. 4 Andy Gordan, or, The Fortune of a Young Janitor
1915, ? date No. 5 Tony the Tramp, or, Right is Might
1916, No. 6 The Five Hundred Dollar Check by Horatio Alger
1916, No. 7 Grit by Horatio Alger Jr.
1916, No. 8
1916, No. 9 Try and Trust, or, Abner Holden's Bound Boy
1916, No. 10 Joe's Luck by Horatio Alger, Jr.
1916, No. 11 Jed, the Poorhouse Boy, or, Alone in New York
1916, No. 12
1916, No. 13 Grit, or, the Young Boatman of Pine Point. by Horatio Alger Jr.
1916, No. 14 Joe's Luck, or, Always Wide Awake
1916, No. 15 From Farm Boy to Senator : Being the History of the Boyhood And... Alger Horatio
1916, No. 16 The Young Outlaw, or, Adrift in the Streets. Alger, Horatio
1916, No. 17 Paul the Peddler by Horatio Alger, Jr.
1916, No. 18 Dean Dunham, or, The Waterford Mystery. Alger, Horatio
1916, No. 19
1916, No. 20
1916, No. 21 The Store Boy, or, The Fortunes of Ben Barclay. Alger, Horatio
1916, No. 22
1916, No. 23
1916, No. 24
1916, No. 25
1916, No. 26
1916, No. 27
1916, No. 28
1916, No. 29
1917, fill No. 30
1917, No. 31
1917, No. 32
1917, No. 33
1917, No. 34 Making His Way by Horatio Alger Jr.
1917, No. 35
1917, No. 36
1917, No. 37
1917, No. 38
1917, No. 39
1917, No. 40
1917, No. 41
1917, No. 42
1917, No. 43
1917, No. 44
1917, No. 45
1917, No. 46
1917, No. 47
1917, No. 48
1917, No. 49
1917, No. 50
1917, No. 51
1918, fill No. 52
1918, ? date No. 53 The Erie Train Boy by Horatio Alger
1918, No. 54 Paul, the Peddler by Horatio Alger
1918, No. 55
1918, No. 56
1918, No. 57 A Debt of Honor by Horatio Alger, Jr.
1918, No. 58
1918, No. 59
1918, No. 60
1918, No. 61
1918, No. 62
1918, No. 63
1918, No. 64 Tom Thatcher's Fortune by Horatio Alger, Jr.
1918, No. 65
1918, No. 66 Dan,the Newsboy by Horatio Alger Jr.
1918, No. 67
1918, No. 68
1918, No. 69
1918, No. 70
1918, No. 71 Bernard Brook's Adventures by Horatio Alger, Jr.
1918, No. 72
1918, No. 73
1918, No. 74 Mark Manning's Mission by Horatio Alger, Jr.
1918, No. 75
1918, No. 76
1919, fill No. 77
1919, No. 78
1919, No. 79
1919, No. 80
1919, No. 81
1919, No. 82
1919, No. 83
1919, No. 84
1919, No. 85
1919, No. 86
1919, No. 87 Lost at Sea by Horatio Alger, Jr.
1919, No. 88
1919, No. 89
1919, No. 90
1919, No. 91
1919, No. 92
1919, No. 93
1919, No. 94
1919, No. 95
1919, No. 96 Ben Logan's Triumph by Horatio Alger, Jr,
1919, No. 97
1919, No. 98
1919, No. 99 Reuben Stone's Discovery by Edward Statemeyer
1919, No. 100
1919, No. 101 Richard Dare's Venture by Edward Stratemeyer
1919, No. 102
1919, fill No. 103
1920, No. 104
1920, No. 105
1920, No. 106
1920, No. 107
1920, No. 108
1920, No. 109
1920, No. 110
1920, No. 111
1920, No. 112
1920, No. 113
1920, No. 114
1920, No. 115
1920, No. 116
1920, No. 117
1920, No. 118
1920, No. 119
1920, No. 120 Boys of the Fort by Edward Stratmeyer,
1920, No. 121
1920, No. 122
1920, No. 123 Bob, the Photographer by Edward Stratemeyer
1925, No. 124
1925, No. 125
1925, No. 126 Honest Kit Dunstable by Oliver Optic
1925, No. 127
1925, No. 128
1925, No. 129
1925, No. 130
1925, No. 131
1925, No. 132 Haste and Waste by Oliver Optic
1925, No. 133 Work and Win by Oliver Optic
1925, No. 134 Hope and Have by Oliver Optic
1925, No. 135 Haste and Waste by Oliver Optic
1925, No. 136
1925, No. 137 The Prisoners of the Cave by Oliver Optic
1925, No. 138
1925, No. 139
1925, No. 140
1925, No. 141 The Cruise of the Dandy by Oliver Optic
1925, No. 142 Building Himself up by Oliver Optic
1925, No. 143
1925, No. 144
1925, No. 145
1925, No. 146
1925, No. 147
1925, No. 148
1925, No. 149
1925, No. 150
1926, No. 151
1926, No. 152 Bear and Forebear by Oliver Optic
1926, No. 153 The Starry Flag by Oliver Optic
1926, No. 154
1926, No. 155
1926, No. 156
1926, No. 157
1926, No. 158 Down the River by Oliver Optic
1926, No. 159
1926, No. 160
1926, No. 161
1926, No. 162 Try Again by Oliver Optic
1926, No. 163
1926, No. 164
1926, No. 165 The Sailor Boy by Oliver Optic
1926, No. 166
1926, No. 167 Pour & Proud by Oliver Optic
1926, No. 168
1926, No. 169
1926, No. 170
1926, No. 171
1926, No. 172
1926, No. 173
1926, No. 174
1926, No. 175 Fighting for Fortune by Roy Franklin
1926, No. 176
1927, No. 177
1927, No. 178 For the Right by Roy Franklin
1927, No. 179
1927, No. 180
1927, No. 181
1927, No. 182
1927, No. 183
1927, No. 184
1927, No. 185
1927, No. 186
1927, No. 187
1927, No. 188
1927, No. 189
1927, No. 190
1927, No. 191
1927, No. 192 The River Fugitives by Remson Douglas
1927, No. 193
1927, No. 194
1927, No. 195
1927, No. 196
1927, No. 197 His Own Master by Roy Franklin
1927, No. 198 When Courage Wins, or, On Top of the World. Ellis, Edward Sylvester
1927, No. 199 Bound to Get There, or, A Boy Who Could Not Be Downed. Franklin, Roy
1927, No. 200 Who Was Milton Marr? by Frederick Gibson
1927, No. 201 The Lost Mine, or, A Perilous Treasure Hunt. Franklin, Roy
1927, No. 202 Larry Borden's Redemption, or, The Boy Who Made Good. Baker, Emerson
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