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The editor explains, in an ebay auction: "Wierdbook Encores a small-press weird-fantasy magazine. These were initiated because I was so overstocked with material for Weirdbook and had so many manuscripts by well-known writers that the less-known writers were being squeezed out. All material was originally accepted for Weirdbook but ended up in the Encores. Issues 2-9 were published under the title of Eerie Country, a pun on the fact that I live in Erie County, NY. But checks made out to Eerie Country made my bank a little nervous, so I changed the name to Weirdbook Encores. Oh! --- and issue #10 was entitled The Weirdbook Sampler, and was intended as a "sampler" for Weirdbook (how about that!). It has all new material however, not reprints from Weirdbook. --Gordon, March 12, 2003