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Genre: Sleaze , Western Category: Digest Issue List: Incomplete Publication: Ceased Publishers: Archer Press Ltd. Editors: These books were not printed with numbers. The numberes in this table are from Holroyd's Paperbacks .
Some of these titles are reprinted in Archer Books (US) (1950-1952) . --Gordon, July 6, 2006
No FictionMags entry.1947
1947, ? date ? num Girl of the Bordellos by Juan Garcia
1947, ? date ? num Call Girls of New York by Roand Vane
1947, ? date ? num White Slaves of the Red Lamp by Roland Vane
1947, ? date ? num Passionate Puritan - Ruy Du Montesse
1947, ? date ? num Sinful Life by Glenn Watkins
1947, ? date ? num Reckless Passion by Gordon Semple
1947, ? date ? num Midnight by Paul Rénin
1947, ? num ? date Juvenile Delinquent by Roland Vane
1947, ? num ? date Silken Sin by Roland Vane
1947, ? num ? date Sin Street by Paul Revillee
1947, ? num ? date Women I Have Loved by Paul Rénin
1947, ? num ? date Two A.M. by Paul Rénin
1948, No. 1 Be Sure It's Love - Hanna, Frances
1948, No. 2 Face Fifty Guns - Williams, R.M.
1948, No. 3 Outlaw Guns - Williams, P.m.
1948, No. 4 Bullets for a Banker - Thomas, Lee
1948, No. 5 Broken Creek - Floren, Lee
1948, No. 6 Riders in the Night - Floren, Lee
1948, No. 7 Blizzard Guns - Floren, Lee
1949, ? num Men Women Love by Paul Rénin
1949, No. 8 Cardigan Cowboy - Snow, Charles H.
1949, No. 9 Roaring Guns - Snow, Charles H.
1949, No. 10 Argonaut Gold - Snow, Charles H.
1949, No. 11 The Black Riders of the Range - Snow, Charles H.
1949, No. 12 Mayfair Loves - Cole, Magaret
1949, No. 13 Her Mexican Lover - Smith, Jeremy
1949, No. 14 Hampton of the Water Guns - Hoffman, William Dawson
1949, No. 15 The Maverick Man - Hoffman, William Dawson
1949, No. 16 Make Mine a Shroud - Storme, Michael (George Dawson)
1949, No. 17 White Man's Slave - Clare, Mary
1949, No. 18 Puma Pistoleers - Floren, Lee
1949, No. 19 White Slaves of New Orleans - Vane, Roland (Ernest Mckeag)
1949, No. 20 Romance...and Susan - Somerset, May
1949, No. 21 The Tragedies of the White Slaves - Lyttle, H.m.
1949, No. 22 Unlucky Virgin - Storme, Michael (George Dawson)
1949, No. 23 Two Smart Dames - Ross, Gene (William Newton)
1949, No. 24 Make Mine a Harlot by Michael Storme (George Dawson)
1949, No. 25 Sonara Stage - Floren, Lee
1949, No. 26 The Crimson Highway - Hoffman, William Dawson
1949, No. 27 Tracker League of Texas - Hoffman, William Dawson
1949, No. 28 Big Matt Mckee - Hopson, William
1949, No. 29 Make Mine Beautiful - Storme, Michael (George Dawson)
1949, No. 30 Wanton Wife - Vane, Roland (Ernest Mckeag)
1949, No. 31 Night Haunts of Paris - Vane, Roland (Ernest Mckeag)
1949, No. 32 Woman with a Past - Vane, Roland (Ernest Mckeag)
1950, ? date Glamour by Paul Rénin
1950, ? num Dames Are No Dice, Slim Vincent
1950, ? num Willing Sinner by Roland Vane
1950, ? num Sin Stained by Roand Vane
1950, ? num Satan's Sister by Tony Angelo
1950, ? num Sinner's Shroud by Tony Angelo
1950, ? num Coffin for a Cutie, Spike Morelli
1950, ? num The Black Mistress by Louis Charles Royer
1950, ? num Take It and Like It by Spike Morelli
1950, ? num Dame in My Bed by Michael Storme
1950, No. 33 Make Mine a Virgin - Storme, Michael (George Dawson)
1950, No. 34 Rim Rock Range - Craigie, Hamilton
1950, No. 35 Saddles West! - Hickey, H.b.
1950, No. 36 A Thousand Head North - Hopson, William
1950, No. 37 Make Mine Dangerous - Storme, Michael (George Dawson)
1950, No. 38 Spoiled Lives - Flammeche, Pierre
1950, No. 39 The Eternal Conflict - Goodchild, George
1950, No. 40 Whilst the Crowd Roared - Horler, Sydney
1950, No. 41 Ladies of the Red Lamp - Vane, Roland (Ernest Mckeag)
1950, No. 42 Sultry Love - Cunningham, Louis Arthur
1950, No. 43 This Way for Hell - Ross, Gene
1950, No. 44 Sinful Sisters - Vane, Roland (Ernest Mckeag)
1950, No. 45 Virus X - Horler, Sydney
1950, No. 46 Lady, Throw Me a Curve - Ross, Gene (William Newton)
1950, No. 47 Make Mine a Corpse - Storme, Michael (George Dawson)
1950, No. 48 When Passion Rules - Flammeche, Pierre (George Dawson)
1950, No. 49 A Gentleman from Texas - Hoffman, William Dawson
1950, No. 50
1950, No. 51
1950, No. 52
1950, No. 53
1950, No. 54
1950, No. 55
1950, No. 56
1951, No. 57 Plaything of Passion by Jeanette Revere
1950, No. 58
1950, No. 59
1950, No. 60
1950, No. 61
1950, No. 62
1950, No. 63
1950, No. 64
1950, No. 65
1951, No. 66
1951, No. 67
1951, No. 68
1951, No. 69 Satan Buys a Wreath, Michael Storme
1951, No. 70
1951, No. 71
1952, No. 72
1952, No. 73
1952, No. 74 A Fortnight's Folly by Paul Rénin
1952, No. 75
1952, No. 76
1952, No. 77
1952, No. 78 Love, by Paul Rénin
1952, No. 79
1952, No. 80
1952, No. 81
1952, No. 82
1952, No. 83
1952, No. 84 Make Mine a Harlot by Michael Storme (George Dawson)
1952, No. 85
1952, No. 86
1952, No. 87
1952, No. 88
1952, No. 89
1952, No. 90
1952, No. 91
1952, No. 92
1952, No. 93
1952, No. 94
1952, No. 95
1952, No. 96
1952, No. 97
1952, No. 98
1953, No. 99
1953, No. 100
1953, No. 101
1953, No. 102
1953, No. 103
1953, No. 104
1953, No. 105
1953, No. 106
1953, No. 107
1953, No. 108
1953, No. 109
1953, No. 110
1953, No. 111
1953, No. 112
1953, No. 113
1953, No. 114
1953, No. 115
1953, No. 116
1953, No. 117
1953, No. 118
1953, No. 119
1953, No. 120
1953, No. 121
1953, No. 122
1953, No. 123
1953, No. 124
1953, No. 125
1953, No. 126
1954, No. 127
1954, No. 128
1954, No. 129
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