The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 579
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Eng, Steve (chron.) (continued)
- * Seashore Scene, (pm) Equinox #4, Summer 1977, as by John Bredon
- * A Sheaf of Lyrics, (gp) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1996
- * Skeptic’s Song, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1996
- * Slim Chance, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1992
- * Soho Street: 1895, (pm) 1972, as by John Bredon
- * Soldier and Civilian, (pm) Ambrosia #2, August 1973, as by John Bredon
- * Somewhere, Under the Rainbow, (pm) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Summer 1996
- * Spartacus, (pm) Fantasy Crossroads #7, February 1976, as by John Bredon
- * The Speculative Muse: An Introduction to Science-Fiction Poetry, (ar) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 1992
- * Steppe Spirit, (pm) Equinox #4, Summer 1977, as by John Bredon
- * Still Rocks, (pm) Cross Plains #3, May/June 1974, as by John Bredon
- * Still There, (pm) Cross Plains #6, February/March 1975, as by John Bredon
- * Storybooks and Treasure Maps, (pm) Equinox #4, Summer 1977, as by John Bredon
- * The Sword and the Stylus, (vi) Ambrosia #2, August 1973, as by John Bredon
- * Through the Pale Door: A Guide to and Through the American Gothic, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1991 [Ref. Frederick S. Frank]
- * Time’s Palmistry, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Summer 1989
- * Tomb-Time, (pm) Fantasy Tales #4, Spring 1979
- * To Not Return, (pm) Space & Time #73, Winter 1988
- * Transmutation, (pm) Toadstool Wine ed. W. Paul Ganley, A.S.P., 1975, as by John Bredon
- * A Tribute to Terrors, (pm) Eldritch Tales #17, 1988
- * The Troubadour-King, (pm) Kadath Fall 1984
- * Tycho Brahe’s “Fortress of the Heavens”, (pm) Star*Line May/June 1992
- * Unheard Plea, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Spring 1992
- * Victor’s Loot, (pm) The Chronicler of Cross Plains Fall 1978 [Ref. Robert E. Howard], as by John Bredon
- * A Virtuous Vengeance, (vi) Eldritch Tales #7, 1980
- * Weapon, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Spring 1992
- * While You Can, (pm) The Diversifier November 1976, as by John Bredon
- * White Witch, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #1, 1973, as by John Bredon
- * Whore, (vi) The Argonaut #7, Fall/Winter 1980
- * William Blake, (pm) Whispers October 1978, as by John Bredon
- * Wing-Song Macabre, (pm) Eerie Country #8, 1982
- * Witch-Time, (pm) Space and Time #40, January 1977, as by John Bredon
- * Wolf-Meal, (pm) Fantasy Crosswinds #1, January 1977, as by John Bredon
- * Wonder, Capitalized, (vi) Argonaut #9, Fall 1983
- * The Year’s Scholarship in Science Fiction and Fantasy, 1972-1973, (br) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1983 [Ref. Roger C. Schlobin & Marshall B. Tymn]
- * Yellow Rider, (pm) Cross Plains #4, July/August 1974, as "Yellow Rider Coming", by John Bredon
- * Yellow Rider Coming, (pm) Cross Plains #4, July/August 1974, as by John Bredon
- * You, (pm) Weirdbook #26, Autumn 1991
- * [letter], (lt) Space and Time #49, October 1978
- * [letter], (lt) Fantasy Commentator Wtr 1984, Fll 1985
_____, trans.
_____, [ref.]
Enge, James (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Beasts of the Bluestone Hills [Morlock Ambrosius], (ss) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #7, 2022
- * A Book of Silences, (ss) Black Gate Spring 2007
- * City of Dreadful Light [Morlock Ambrosius], (ss) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #60, 2024
- * Cold in Blood [Morlock Ambrosius], (ss) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #6, 2021
- * Destroyer, (na) Black Gate Winter 2010
- * Drunkard’s Walk [Morlock Ambrosius], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2021
- * The Ember-Eyed, (ss) Old Moon Quarterly v7, 2024
- * Evil Honey, (nv) Old Moon Quarterly Winter 2023
- * Five Deaths [Morlock Ambrosius], (ss) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #3, 2019
- * The Guild of Silent Men [Morlock Ambrosius], (ss) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #1, 2018
- * The Hunger [Morlock Ambrosius], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2022
- * The Lawless Hours, (nv) Black Gate Summer 2007
- * Masks of Silence [Morlock Ambrosius], (ss) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #4, 2020
- * Payment Deferred, (ss) Black Gate Fall 2005
- * Payment in Full, (nv) Black Gate Summer 2008
- * Pool of Memory [Morlock Ambrosius], (ss) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #5, 2020
- * Sky Pirates of the Savage Clouds [Morlock Ambrosius], (ss) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #8, 2022
- * Stolen Witness [Morlock Ambrosius], (ss) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #2, 2018
- * Three Festivals [Morlock Ambrosius], (ss) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #9, 2023
- * Turn Up This Crooked Way, (ss) Black Gate Summer 2005
- * Your Illustrious Ancestors, (ar) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #0, 2017
Engebretson, Russell (fl. 1980s) (chron.)
- * The Beast, (br) Science Fiction Review #51, Summer 1984 [Ref. Robert Stallman]
- * The City of the Singing Flame, (br) Science Fiction Review #43, Summer 1982 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * The Land of Laughs, (br) Science Fiction Review #54, Spring 1985 [Ref. Jonathan Carroll]
- * The Man Who Had No Idea, (br) Science Fiction Review #50, Spring 1984 [Ref. Thomas M. Disch]
- * The Parasite, (br) Science Fiction Review #48, Fall 1983 [Ref. Ramsey Campbell]
- * Spacetime Donuts, (br) Science Fiction Review #43, Summer 1982 [Ref. Rudy Rucker]
- * To Sail the Century Sea, (br) Science Fiction Review #45, Winter 1982 [Ref. G. C. Edmondson]
Engel, Jill (chron.)
- * Are You Man Enough to Read This?, (ar) Nova Express Summer 1988
- * Beauty, (br) Nova Express Summer 1992 [Ref. Sheri S. Tepper]
- * The Cadigan Interviews: Interviews with, yup, Pat Cadigan (with Dwight Brown, Glen Engel-Cox, Lawrence Person & Michael Sumbera), (iv) Nova Express Fall 1989 [Ref. Pat Cadigan]
- * Children of the Wind, (br) Nova Express Fall 1989 [Ref. Kate Wilhelm]
- * The Essential Ellison: The Gift That Kept On Giving, (ar) Nova Express Spring 1989
- * The Gate to Women’s Country, (br) Nova Express Summer 1988 [Ref. Sheri S. Tepper]
- * Good News from North Carolina: An Interview with John Kessel (with Dwight Brown, Glen Engel-Cox & Michael Sumbera), (iv) Nova Express Summer 1989 [Ref. John Kessel]
- * Grass, (br) Nova Express Fall 1989 [Ref. Sheri S. Tepper]
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching, (br) Nova Express Summer 1990 [Ref. Harlan Ellison]
- * Houses Without Doors, (br) Nova Express Winter 1991 [Ref. Peter Straub]
- * Insert Tacky Double-Entendre Here (the Alien Sex article) (with Dwight Brown), (ar) Nova Express Summer 1990
- * Letters from Upstate New York: A Correspondence with Pamela Sargent, (iv) Nova Express Winter 1991 [Ref. Pamela Sargent]
- * Mare Imbrium, (ss) Nova Express Spring 1987
- * Nova Espresso (with Glen Engel-Cox), (ed) Nova Express Winter 1991
- * Only Begotten Daughter, (br) Nova Express Summer 1990 [Ref. James Morrow]
- * Raising the Stones, (br) Nova Express Winter 1991 [Ref. Sheri S. Tepper]
- * The State of the Art, (br) Nova Express Summer 1989 [Ref. Iain Banks]
- * Swordspoint/Counterpoint (with Glen Engel-Cox), (ar) Nova Express Summer 1989
- * Terminals, (ss) Nova Express Spring 1988
- * What Did Miss Darrington See?, (br) Nova Express Summer 1990 [Ref. Jessica Amanda Salmonson]
Engel-Cox, Glen (1966- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Abraham’s Bosom, (vi) New Pathways #19, January 1991
- * ArmadilloCon 9 -- A Con for Any Season, (ar) Nova Express Fall/Winter 1987
- * Book Reviews, (rc) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy; Jul, Nov 90, Jan 91.
- * Book Reviews, (rc) New Pathways #16, July 1990
- * Books, (rc) New Pathways #19, January 1991
- * The Cadigan Interviews: Interviews with, yup, Pat Cadigan (with Dwight Brown, Jill Engel, Lawrence Person & Michael Sumbera), (iv) Nova Express Fall 1989 [Ref. Pat Cadigan]
- * Changes, (ed) Nova Express Summer 1989
- * Dueling Lunatics: Two Views of Bradley Denton’s Latest (with Bill Humphries), (ar) Nova Express Fall/Winter 1996
- * The Ghost of You Lingers, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #10, April 2022
- * Good News from North Carolina: An Interview with John Kessel (with Dwight Brown, Jill Engel & Michael Sumbera), (iv) Nova Express Summer 1989 [Ref. John Kessel]
- * Heatseeker, (br) Nova Express Winter 1988 [Ref. John Shirley]
- * Higher Learning, (ss) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine February/March 2023
- * Holy Fire, (br) Nova Express Fall/Winter 1996 [Ref. Bruce Sterling]
- * Jonathan Carroll: The Importance of Detail, (ar) Nova Express Summer 1990
- * Nova Espresso, (ed) Nova Express Spring 1989
- * Nova Espresso (with Jill Engel), (ed) Nova Express Winter 1991
- * Nova Espresso (with Lawrence Person & Michael Sumbera), (ed) Nova Express Winter 1988
- * The NOVA Express Bibliography Format, (ar) Nova Express Summer 1989
- * Of Steam and Stuff: A Conversation with James P. Blaylock, (iv) Nova Express Winter 1988 [Ref. James P. Blaylock]
- * Robinson on the Gulf Coast: Talking with Kim Stanley Robinson at Worldcon (with Dwight Brown & Michael Sumbera), (iv) Nova Express Spring 1989 [Ref. Kim Stanley Robinson]
- * Sittin’ Around Drinkin’ with Howard Waldrop (with Dwight Brown, Lawrence Person & Michael Sumbera), (iv) Nova Express Fall/Winter 1987 [Ref. Howard Waldrop]
- * Small Press & Small Stories, (br) New Pathways #18, November 1990
- * A Splendid Chaos, (br) Nova Express Summer 1988 [Ref. John Shirley]
- * Swordspoint/Counterpoint (with Jill Engel), (ar) Nova Express Summer 1989
- * A Very Large Array: New Mexico Science Fiction and Fantasy (with Dwight Brown & Michael Sumbera), (br) Nova Express Spring 1988 [Ref. Melinda M. Snodgrass]
- * Voyage to the Red Planet, (br) Nova Express Winter 1991 [Ref. Terry Bisson]
- * “What’s the R.R. Stand For?” and Better Questions from the Nova Express Gang (with Dwight Brown, Lawrence Person & Michael Sumbera), (iv) Nova Express Spring 1988 [Ref. George R. R. Martin]
- * Williams: The Evolution of a Novelist, (ar) Nova Express Spring 1988
Engelhardt, Megan R. (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * The Ballad of the Lost, (pm) Cover of Darkness #7, May 2011
- * Devil’s Down, (ss) Necrotic Tissue #12, October 2010
- * Echoes of Light from Orbit, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction November/December 2018
- * Hymn for the Ether-naut, (pm) Kaleidotrope #11, April 2011
- * Oh the Places You’ll Hide—A Brief Guide for the Library Specialist After the Undead Uprising, (ss) Penumbra (online) February 2013
- * Serafina Will Not Go, (pm) Spellbound Fall 2013
- * Waiting in the Light in the Hungry Months, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #34, October 2011
_____, [ref.]
Engh, M(ary) J(ane) (1933-2024); used pseudonym Jane Beauclerk (about) (chron.)
_____, [ref.]
- * Arslan by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1985, Jul 1987
- * Profile: M.J. Engh, Not What You Expect by William F. Wilbert, (bg) Midnight Zoo v4 #1, 1994
- * Rainbow Man by John Clute, (br) Interzone #72, June 1993
- * Wheel of the Winds by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1989
- * Wheel of the Winds by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #35, May 1990
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