The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 339
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Chizmar, Richard T(homas) (chron.) (continued)
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- * A (Cemetery) Dance with Richard Chizmar by Trevor Kennedy, (iv) Phantasmagoria Magazine #16, Summer 2020
- * The Earth Strikes Back by Peter Crowther, (br) Interzone #101, November 1995
- * Gwendy’s Button Box and Gwendy’s Magic Feather (with Stephen King) by Trevor Kennedy, (br) Phantasmagoria Magazine #16, Summer 2020
- * Interview: Richard Chizmar by Lisa Morton, (iv) Nightmare #31, April 2015
- * Interview with Richard Chizmar by Dustin Schyler Yoak, (iv) Aphotic Realm #3, February/March 2018
- * I Was Lost and Searching for What to Do Next, (iv) Unnerving Magazine #8, 2018, uncredited.
- * King in the Slush Pile, (iv) Unnerving Magazine #14, 2020, uncredited.
- * Midnight Promises by Peter Crowther, (br) Interzone #109, July 1996
- * Q & A with Richard Chizmar by Peter Tennant, (iv) Black Static #58, May/June 2017
- * Return to Castle Rock: An Interview with Stephen King and Richard Chizmar by Bev Vincent, (iv) Cemetery Dance #76, 2017
- * Thrillers by Peter Crowther, (br) Interzone #92, February 1995
Chng, Joyce (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * And Chang’Er Flew to the Moon, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly January 2010
- * Ark, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #8, December 2011
- * Being Invisible, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #24, September/October 2018
- * Birth, (vi) Crossed Genres Magazine #19, July 2014
- * The Birth of a Child, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #19, September 2014
- * The Bones Shine Through with Light, (ss) M-Brane SF #27, April 2011
- * The Bridge, (pm) Anathema: Spec from the Margins #4, April 2018
- * Diary of War, (ss) Anathema: Spec from the Margins #3, December 2017
- * Growing Up, (ar) Crossed Genres Magazine #18, May 2010
- * “In the Far and Dazzling Future, People Are Still *People*”: A Round-Table on Domestic Space Opera (with Ann Leckie, Foz Meadows, Judith Tarr & Jennifer Foehner Wells), (ar) Strange Horizons August 27 2018
- * A Letter to the Jianghú (with Mia Tsai & Yilin Wang), (ed) Strange Horizons May 29 2023
- * Lux Perpetua, (ss) M-Brane SF #18, July 2010
- * A Matter of Possession, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #9, August 2009
- * Metal Can Lanterns, (vi) International Speculative Fiction #1, November 2012
- * Moon Maiden’s Mirror, (ss) Semaphore Magazine #8, September 2009
- * My Soul Is Wolf, (ss) Anathema: Spec from the Margins #10, April 2020
- * Pendant, (pm) Anathema: Spec from the Margins #8, August 2019
- * Qi Xi, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #17, July/August 2017
- * Representing Marginalized Voices in Historical Fiction and Fantasy (with David Anthony Durham, Vanessa Rose Phin & Kari Sperring), (ar) Strange Horizons April 27 2015
- * Science Fiction in the Antipodes: An Australian Speculative Fiction Roundtable (with Tehani Croft, Matthew Farrer, Ambelin Kwaymullina & Gillian Polack), (ar) Strange Horizons July 24 2017
- * Silver Wings, (ss) The Future Fire #48, 2019
- * Skyscarves/Aurora, (pm) GlitterShip Spring 2017
- * Solarpunk Letters: Seeds of Change, (vi) The Future Fire #65, 2023
- * A Song to SEA (with May Chong & Jaymee Goh), (ed) Strange Horizons August 29 2022
- * The Sound of Breaking Glass, (ss) Semaphore Magazine #11, June 2010
- * The Sun Boat Heads East, (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly January 2015
- * The Thing You Feed, (ss) The Future Fire #44, 2018
- * Towards Hope and Inclusivity: A Conversation, (iv) Strange Horizons May 31 2021 [Ref. Charlie Anders & Keffy R. M. Kehrli]
- * Treacle Blood, (ss) The Future Fire #63, 2022
- * “Water Is Life”: A Roundtable about Coasts and Rivers Affected by Climate Change (with Ishki Ricard, Rebecca Roanhorse & Holley Rubinsky), (ar) Strange Horizons October 24 2016, as by Joyce Chng, Kate Elliot, Ishki Ricard & Rebecca Roanhorse
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Future Fire #44, #46 2018, #49, #51 2019, #64 2023, #70 2024
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Mermaids Monthly #2, February 2021
- * [unknown poem], (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #26, September 2021
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Cho, Jessica (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * After the End, (pm) Fantasy Magazine #73, November 2021
- * A Deeply Rooted Wonder, (ar) Apparition Literary Magazine #16, Wonder, October 2021
- * Editorial, (ed) Heartlines Spec #4, Spring 2024
- * Grandmother Spider, (pm) Kaleidotrope Spring 2021
- * Icarus, and the Truths That Bore Him, (pm) Apparition Literary Magazine #20, Nostalgia, October 2022
- * Incarnate, (pm) Anathema: Spec from the Margins The Poetry Issue, December 2022
- * A Message from Her Feline Self, Unborn, to Her Cousin, Whose Ancestors Were Once Wolves, (pm) Fireside Magazine #101, March 2022
- * Nine-Tailed Heart, (ss) Khōréō v1 #3, 2021
- * Pocket Change, (pm) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2021
- * Proper Pedagogy, (ss) Zooscape #20, April 15 2024
- * The Ships That Sang, (pm) The Future Fire #70, 2024
- * Sumbisori, (pm) Nightmare #146, November 2024
- * These Are Not Your Stories Anymore, (pm) New Myths #65, Winter 2023
- * To Call My Own, (ss) Haven Speculative #9, June 2023
- * Water, to Grow a Garden, (pm) Anathema: Spec from the Margins #16, August 2022
Cho, Zen (1986- ) (about) (chron.)
- * The Earth Spirit’s Favourite Anecdote, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #54, 2012
- * First National Forum on the Position of Minorities in Malaysia, (ss) Fantastique Unfettered #3, September 2011
- * The First Witch of Damansara, (ss) Bloody Fabulous ed. Ekaterina Sedia, Prime Books, 2012
- * The Fish Bowl, (ss) The Alchemy Press Book of Urban Mythic ed. Jan Edwards & Jenny Barber, Alchemy Press, 2013
- * The Guest, (ss) Expanded Horizons #24, November 2010
- * Love in the Time of Utopia, (ss) Lontar #1, Autumn 2013
- * Monkey King, Faerie Queen, (ss) Kaleidotrope Spring 2015
- * Odette, (ss) Shoreline of Infinity #18, Summer 2020
- * Rising Lion—The Lion Bows, (ss) Strange Horizons March 21 2011
- * A Roundtable on Faith Depiction in SFF (with Michael A. Burstein, Tajinder Singh Hayer, Ben Jeapes, Daniel Heath Justice, Ken MacLeod, Farah Mendlesohn, Mimi Mondal, Liz Williams & Aliette de Bodard), (ar) Strange Horizons May 27 2019
- * Seven Star Drum, (ss) Lontar #7, Autumn 2016
- * Sorcerer to the Crown [Sorcerer Royal], (ex) Ace, 2015
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- * Black Water Sister by Kelly Jennings, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2022
- * Black Water Sisters by Michelle Sagara West, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2021
- * Interview with Zen Cho by Charles Tan, (iv) Apex Magazine #76, September 2015
- * The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Malrubius, (br) Grimdark Magazine #22, 2020
- * The True Queen by Juliet E. McKenna, (br) Interzone #286, March/April 2020
- * The True Queen by Juliet E. McKenna, (iv) Interzone #286, March/April 2020
Chocholak, Misha; married name of Misha Nogha (1955- ) (chron.)
- * Another View on the Enigmatic Writer’s Guidelines for New Pathways, (ms) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy September 1986
- * Book Reviews, (rc) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy Jul, Sep 1986, Apr/May, Aug, Nov 1987, #10 Mar 1988
- * Close Encounters with Michael Bishop, (iv) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy January/February 1987 [Ref. Michael Bishop]
- * Interview with Carter Scholz, (iv) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy #11, July 1988 [Ref. Carter Scholz]
- * Interview with Mark Ziesing: Bookseller & Publisher, (iv) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy January/February 1987 [Ref. Mark V. Ziesing]
- * Misha’s Points of Impact, (br) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy; May 89.
- * Misha’s Points of Impact, (br) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy #11 Jul, #12 Oct, #13 Dec 1988, #14 May 1989
- * NP Interviews Matt Howarth, (iv) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy #13, December 1988 [Ref. Matt Howarth]
- * Paul Williams talks to New Pathways: Only Apparently Real, (iv) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy January/February 1987 [Ref. Paul Williams]
- * Prayers of Steel, (vi) Ice River #1, Summer 1987
- * Sci-Fi & Fi-Sci, (ar) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy July 1986
- * The Wishing Well, (ss) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy May 1986
Chokshi, Roshani (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Dancing Princesses, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #16, May/June 2017
- * deep sleep, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #34, May/June 2020
- * miracle babies, (pm) Strange Horizons Fund Drive 2022
- * The Star Maiden, (ss) Shimmer #26, July 2015
- * syzygy, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #59, July/August 2024
- * To the High School Sweetheart, in Snatches, (pm) Strange Horizons December 7 2015
- * A Trade at the Fox Wedding, (ss) Mythic Delirium (online) April/June 2016
- * The Wives of Azhar, (ss) Strange Horizons September 28 2015
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Chong, May (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Beefriend, (pm) Apparition Literary Magazine #16, Wonder, October 2021
- * Bunian Laundry, (pm) Strange Horizons August 30 2021
- * Cosmos Amok, (pm) Lontar #10, Spring 2018
- * Cursebody, (pm) Apparition Literary Magazine #11, July 2020
- * Esprit d’Escalier, (pm) Apparition Literary Magazine #1, January 2018
- * Final Hurdle, (pm) Frozen Wavelets #5, Fall 2020
- * First Contact, (pm) Departure Mirror #3, Spring 2021
- * Friends on the Other Side, (pm) Liminality #24, Summer 2020
- * Great Sage, Protector of Horses, (pm) Fantasy Magazine #78, April 2022
- * Hungry Ghost Marriage, (pm) Anathema: Spec from the Margins #11, August 2020
- * Kamcia, (pm) Strange Horizons June 4 2018
- * Pinafore, (pm) Anathema: Spec from the Margins #11, August 2020
- * Replacement Rainforests, (pm) Apparition Literary Magazine #28, Harbinger, October 2024
- * Sang Kancil at the Protest, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #49, November/December 2022
- * Social Media Manticore, (pm) Mithila Review #12, December 2019
- * A Song to SEA (with Joyce Chng & Jaymee Goh), (ed) Strange Horizons August 29 2022
- * Tapah Lullaby, (pm) Anathema: Spec from the Margins #9, December 2019
- * Things I Love About My Werewolf Girlfriend, (pm) Fantasy Magazine #61, November 2020
- * Tuan Puteri Mayang, (pm) Lontar #10, Spring 2018
- * Two Poems, (gp) Lontar #10, Spring 2018
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