Collection of pieces by and about Robert E. Howard. |
Not published - lost at the printers |
Besides the standard edition of The Howard Review #7, there were fifty additional copies that had a second blue cover on them, and fifty copies with extra covers that were on a tan stock. Both of the colors of the extra covers had the same images on them. |
Not for sale. Available to REHupa members only. Dated Summer 1988 and marked as a “Special Advanced Edition for REHupa”, but not for that date. |
Details taken from online listing. |
Limited to 50 copies. A couple of the authors of the letters complained about them being reproduced in the magazine, so no further copies were printed. The letters give an inside view of what was going on in Howard circles during the time of the great Howard boom. |
Although dated Spring 1995 this issue was not published until July 1998 |
Although the date on the cover is September, on the inside of the front cover it is noted that actual publication was October. |
Version 1 contained typographical errors and omissions. All copies were recalled and destroyed. |
Distributed with the December 2007 Robert E. Howard United Press Association mailing. Printed in an edition of 40 copies. The untitled editorial on the inside front cover explains why The Howard Review #10 never showed up before. |
The entire issue is made up of letters and a few reviews. The letters are from professional writers and fan editors, including L. Sprague de Camp, Frank B. Long, Fritz Leiber, Robert Bloch, Brian Lumley, Tom Collins, Harry O. Morris, Paul Bergland, David Sutton, and Darrell Schweitzer. There is one poem on page 4. |
Small press SF magazine. |