The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 942
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Steeger, Hal; [i.e., Henry Steeger, IV] (1929?-1978) (chron.)
- * The 1967 Outboards—Part I: Evinrude, (ar) Argosy February 1967
- * The 1967 Outboards—Part III: Johnson, (ar) Argosy April 1967
- * The 1967 Outboards—Part II: Mercury, (ar) Argosy March 1967
- * The 1967 Outboards—Part IV: Chrysler, (ar) Argosy May 1967
- * The 1967 Outboards—Part V: McCulloch, (ar) Argosy June 1967
- * The Abominable Snowman Safari, (ar) Argosy April 1966
- * Atomic Seeds, (ar) Argosy July 1962
- * Banff or Bust, (ar) Argosy November 1968; edited by Ward Kennedy & Bernard J. White
- * Blue-Water Fishing for Everyone, (ar) Argosy May 1966
- * The Dry-Land Marina, (ar) Argosy February 1965
- * Ducks in the Green Timber, (ar) Argosy October 1962
- * Here Come the Snow Buggies!, (pi) Argosy November 1965
- * Living High on the Hood, (pi) Argosy November 1967
- * Snowmobiles, 1967—Flexible Flyer for Adults, (ar) Argosy November 1966
- * Snowmobiles to the North Pole, (ar) Argosy Jan, Feb 1969
- * The Top of the World to You!, (pi) Argosy March 1969
- * A Two-Man Submarine in Every Garage, (ar) Argosy January 1966
- * Up the Orinoco, (ar) Argosy March 1966
- * Up to Your Hips in Crocs, (ar) Argosy February 1966
- * The World’s Ruggedest Lifeboat, (pi) Argosy June 1965
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Argosy May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1970, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1971
Jan 1972
Steeger, Henry (III) (1903-1990) (chron.)
- * Adventure at Your Doorstep, (ed) Argosy July 1952
- * Adventure on Barranca Trails, (ed) Argosy August 1952
- * All About You, Dear Reader/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy November 1968
- * Anyone for Nostalgia?, (ed) Argosy March 1961
- * Are Look-Alike Sketches Really Helpful?, (ed) Argosy November 1970
- * Are Monkeys People, or Vice Versa? (Romance in the Woods), (ed) Argosy October 1955
- * “Argosy for Justice”, (ed) Argosy November 1950
- * Argosy Goes to Work, (ed) Argosy December 1950
- * Argosy’s Birthday/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy January 1962
- * Argosy Task Force One: Special Mission, (ed) Argosy September 1969
- * “At Grave Personal Risk”, (ed) Argosy November 1971
- * Attention, Watchdogs!/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy May 1967
- * The Auxiliary Police, (ed) Argosy December 1970
- * Awesome Challenge, (ed) Argosy August 1969
- * Barranca Adventure, (ed) Argosy June 1952
- * Bartender Hero, (ed) Argosy November 1969
- * Belly Dancers/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy September 1966
- * “The Berlin Controversy” and “Cop Killers”, (ed) Argosy October 1971
- * Best Party Ever Thrown/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy October 1964
- * Biggest News of the Month, (ed) Argosy March 1957
- * The Big Hot Paper Caper, (ed) Argosy April 1972
- * A Call for Watchdogs for Justice/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy September 1968
- * The Car with a Mission, (ed) Argosy March 1951
- * A Challenge, (ed) Argosy July 1955
- * A Challenge for All, (ed) Argosy June 1969
- * Chasing Blondes and Flying Fish/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy June 1967
- * Chips on My Shoulder, (ed) Argosy November 1953
- * Cooking with Dynamite, (ed) Argosy Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1948, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,
May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct 1949
Feb 1950, Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1951
* ___ “Argosy for Justice”, (ed) Argosy November 1950
* ___ Argosy Goes to Work, (ed) Argosy December 1950
* ___ The Car with a Mission, (ed) Argosy March 1951
* ___ Court Gets Hurry Call, (ed) Argosy April 1950
* ___ Court Meets at Scene of Crime, (ed) Argosy October 1950
* ___ Court’s Lie-Detector Test Wins Parole Recommendation, (ed) Argosy January 1951
* ___ Dispatch from Mexico, (ed) Argosy July 1950
* ___ From 40,000 to 1.000,000!, (ed) Argosy May 1950
* ___ From Mexico to Pakistan, (ed) Argosy March 1950
* ___ From Murder to Sports Cars, (ed) Argosy September 1950
* ___ Hitting the Pack Trail, (ed) Argosy August 1950
* ___ Last-Minute Bulletin, (ed) Argosy February 1951
* ___ Report on a Pack Trip in the Sierra Madre, (ed) Argosy June 1950
- * Could We Have Taken Berlin?, (ed) Argosy July 1971
- * Court Gets Hurry Call, (ed) Argosy April 1950
- * Court Meets at Scene of Crime, (ed) Argosy October 1950
- * The Court of Last Resort, (ed) Argosy January 1955
* ___ A Free Man—A Night Sky, (ar) Argosy April 1953
* ___ Raymond C. Schindler in Memoriam, (ed) Argosy October 1959
- * The “Court” on TV, (ed) Argosy October 1957
- * Court’s Lie-Detector Test Wins Parole Recommendation, (ed) Argosy January 1951
- * Dead Men Do Tell Tales, (ed) Argosy September 1954
- * Dispatch from Mexico, (ed) Argosy July 1950
- * Doing It Yourself—In One Uneasy Lesson, (ed) Argosy March 1954
- * Each of Us Must Serve, (ed) Argosy October 1970
- * Erle Stanley Gardner’s Adventure Collection/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy October 1965
- * Even Though Disabled, He Answered the Call for Help, (ed) Argosy March 1972
- * The Fairest of the Fair/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy July 1967
- * The Famous Rope Trick (for Hunters), (ed) Argosy December 1955
- * Fantastic Tour/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy June 1965
- * Farewell to a Great Leader, (ed) Argosy August 1972 [Ref. J. Edgar Hoover]
- * Favorite Bloopers/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy December 1967
- * Fishing with a Decoy, (ed) Argosy April 1957
- * Fishing with Bagpipes, (ar) Argosy September 1959
- * Fishing with Bottles, (ed) Argosy July 1960
- * Fishing with Bucks, or How to Get Fish from a Lake Where There Are No Fish, (ar) Argosy September 1960
- * Fishing with Buzzers, (ed) Argosy July 1957
- * Fishing with Cuff Links, (ed) Argosy June 1957
- * Fishing with Dummies, (ed) Argosy September 1958
- * Fishing with Fifi, (ed) Argosy May 1959
- * Fishing with Gas, (ed) Argosy May 1958, Nov 1960
- * Fishing with Hookers, (ed) Argosy April 1956
- * Fishing with Hot Coils, (ed) Argosy July 1959
- * Fishing with Ice, (ed) Argosy August 1958
- * Fishing with Ice Worms, (ed) Argosy May 1960
- * Fishing with Isaac, (ed) Argosy November 1956
- * Fishing with Martinis, (ed) Argosy April 1960
- * Fishing with Mirrors, (ed) Argosy November 1957
- * Fishing with Models, (ed) Argosy October 1958
- * Fishing with Music, (ar) Argosy July 1958
- * Fishing with Pills, (ar) Argosy August 1959
- * Fishing with Pink Elephants, (ed) Argosy August 1960
- * Fishing with Plugs—Chewing, That Is, (ed) Argosy April 1959
- * Fishing with Pointers, (ed) Argosy March 1960
- * Fishing with Rubber Bands, (ed) Argosy April 1958
- * Fishing with Smoochers, (ed) Argosy June 1960
- * Fishing with Spooks, (ed) Argosy July 1956
- * Fishing with Springs, (ed) Argosy June 1958
- * Fishing with Stogies, (ed) Argosy March 1959
- * Fishing with St. Patrick, (ed) Argosy June 1959
- * Fishing with TV, (ed) Argosy January 1960
- * Fishing with Vacuum Cleaners, (ar) Argosy December 1959
- * Fishing with Yarn Spinners, (ed) Argosy August 1956
- * A Free Man—A Night Sky, (ar) Argosy April 1953
- * From 40,000 to 1.000,000!, (ed) Argosy May 1950
- * From Mexico to Pakistan, (ed) Argosy March 1950
- * From Murder to Sports Cars, (ed) Argosy September 1950
- * Geisha Girls and Japan/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy January 1966
- * General Beyer and the Vietnam Marines/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy August 1966
- * Glamorous Girl at Expo 67/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy August 1967
- * Glamour Gal at the Latin Quarter/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy September 1967
- * Golden Argosy’s 80th Year, (ar) Argosy February 1961
- * Good Samaritan Cop, (ed) Argosy January 1970
- * Graffiti, Anyone?/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy January 1968
- * Greatest Thrill of All/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy June 1966
- * Great Hunting—Rocky Mountain Style, (ar) Argosy March 1953
- * Hairpin Trail, (ed) Argosy September 1952
- * Happy Hong Kong to You!/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy February 1966
- * Harem Girls and Otherwise in India/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy July 1966
- * Heroism/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy October 1968
- * “He Tried Harder”, (ed) Argosy May 1971
- * Hitting the Pack Trail, (ed) Argosy August 1950
- * Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1961, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul,
Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1962
Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1963
Jan, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov 1964, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul,
Aug, Sep, Dec 1965
- * “Honest, Judge, I Thought His Intentions Were Honorable!”/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy October 1967
- * Horns of a Dilemma, (ed) Argosy December 1958
- * How Do You Feel About Capital Punishment?, (ed) Argosy November 1972
- * “How Soon She’s Ripe”/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy July 1968
- * How to Fox an Elk, (ed) Argosy April 1955
- * How to Hunt Relaxed Deer, (ed) Argosy February 1959
- * How to Make Doe, (ed) Argosy November 1958
- * How to Protect Your Own Property, (ed) Argosy September 1972
- * Hunting and Fishing Champ/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy February 1967
- * Hunting Tales (Mostly Tall), (ed) Argosy January 1956
- * Hunting the White Deer, (ed) Argosy October 1956
- * Hunting with a Lasso, (ed) Argosy January 1957
- * Hunting with Bagels, (ed) Argosy September 1956
- * Hunting with Bandages, (ed) Argosy February 1960
- * Hunting with Baseball Bats, (ed) Argosy August 1957
- * Hunting with Breeze-Shooters, (ed) Argosy June 1956
- * Hunting with Brickbats, (ed) Argosy May 1956
- * Hunting with Bunnies, (ed) Argosy January 1959
- * Hunting with Candy Bars, (ed) Argosy February 1957
- * Hunting with Diogenes, (ed) Argosy December 1960
- * Hunting with Four-Leaf Clovers, (ed) Argosy March 1956
- * Hunting with Horseshoes, (ed) Argosy November 1955
- * Hunting with Ironing Boards, (ed) Argosy May 1957
- * Hunting with Mirrors, (ed) Argosy Dec 1957, Oct 1960
- * Hunting with Nickels, (ed) Argosy November 1959
- * Hunting with Rabbits’ Feet, (ed) Argosy February 1956
- * Hunting with TV Cameras, (ed) Argosy September 1957
- * Hunting with Worms, (ed) Argosy December 1956
- * I Have Six Children. Can You Tell Me Why?/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy February 1968
- * Instant Courage, (ed) Argosy December 1969
- * Interesting Communiqué/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy March 1964
- * Invisible Fish, (ed) Argosy April 1961
- * Justice Triumphs in Watchdog Case, (ed) Argosy April 1970
- * Know Your Neighbor, (ed) Argosy July 1954
- * Know Your Power, (ed) Argosy February 1954
- * Know Yourself, (ed) Argosy June 1954
- * Last-Minute Bulletin, (ed) Argosy February 1951
- * Latest Hollywood Scandal (Mexican Style), (ed) Argosy September 1955
- * Life or Death?, (ed) Argosy February 1953
- * The Life You Save May Be Your Own, (ed) Argosy January 1971
- * The Long Arm, (ed) Argosy October 1954
- * A Lowell Thomas Adventure/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy November 1965
- * Magic Carpet to Malaysia and Bangkok/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy May 1966
- * Medal for You, (ed) Argosy March 1952
- * Meeting with Agent X, (ed) Argosy May 1952
- * Meet the New Editor, (ed) Argosy November 1954 [Ref. Ken W. Purdy]
- * Memo, (ed) Argosy Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1951, Jan 1952
- * A Message for Watchdogs for Justice/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy December 1968
- * Mexican Adventure/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy January 1963
- * The Million-Dollar Plot/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy January 1967
- * Mr. Adventure/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy March 1967
- * Mountain Lions, (ed) Argosy February 1955
- * My Wife Has an Incision/Honest Abe Club/Coming Attractions, (ed) Argosy April 1968
- * Needed: More Crime-Fighting Citizens Like Bill Steele, (ed) Argosy October 1972
- * The Need for Aroused Citizens, (ed) Argosy February 1969
- * The New Golden Argosy, (ed) Argosy January 1961
- * New Weapons for Crime Fighters, (ed) Argosy March 1970
- * No Challenge Too Great for Legless Veteran from Vietnam, (ed) Argosy January 1972
- * No Respect for Law and Order, (ed) Argosy June 1971
- * Now, Jerk!, (ed) Argosy December 1953
- * A Personal Call for Watchdogs, (ed) Argosy September 1970
- * A Personal Challenge for Each of Us, (ed) Argosy February 1971
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