The General Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 701

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    The Golden Book Magazine [v17, #99, March 1933] ed. Frederica Pisek Field (Review of Reviews, 25¢, 96+xviiipp, 6″ x 9″)
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 2a · Our Authors · [uncredited] · cl
    • 6a · Authors and Books · F. F. (by Frederica Pisek Field) · br
    • 14a · Four Corners of the Earth · M. L. E. (by Mary Letha Elting) · cl
    • 18a · March: “Fourteenth Street, the Wigwam” · John Sloan · il (r)
    • 193 · Old Ben Alibi [Ben Alibi Crisp (Old Ben Alibi)] · Irvin S. Cobb · ss Cosmopolitan September 1922
    • 209 · Jokes That Adam Told · Various · ms (r)
    • 210 · The Ocean Christ · Anatole France · vi Crainquebille, Putois, Riquet, and Other Profitable Tales by Anatole France, John Lane, 1915
    • 212 · Two Japanese Poems: Hearts United (and) Maiden Sighing by a Stream · translated by Anna R. B. Lindsey · pm 1933
    • 213 · So They Say · Various · ms (r)
    • 215 · A Fit of Madness · Frank Harris · ss Undream’d of Shores by Frank Harris, Brentano's, 1924
    • 217 · Admissions · Various · ms (r)
    • 218 · The Almost Perfect State · Don Marquis · cl The Sun 1927
    • 220 · Dieting · Various · ms (r)
    • 221 · An Honest Deal · Walter D. Edmonds · ss The Atlantic Monthly March 1929
    • 232 · The Sealman · John Masefield · vi The Manchester Guardian April 12 1907
    • 234 · Remembrance · Emily Brontë · pm Poems by Currer, Ellis & Acton Bell, Aylott and Jones, 1846, as by Ellis Bell
    • 235 · When Critics Disagree · Various · ms (r)
    • 236 · Sealed Orders · Alfred de Vigny · nv Tales of the First French Revolution ed. Anne Marsh, Simms and M'Intyre, 1849
    • 249 · The Ransom of Mack · O. Henry · ss McClure’s Magazine December 1904
    • 253 · He Remembers Forgotten Beauty · William Butler Yeats · pm (r)
      from Later Poems 1924.
    • 254 · On Man’s Desires · Benedict de Spinoza · ar (r)
    • 256 · The Rich Man · Franklin P. Adams · pm Tobogganing on Parnassus by Franklin P. Adams, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1911
    • 257 · After Euripedes’ “Electra” · Maurice Baring · pl Diminutive Dramas by Maurice Baring, Houghton Mifflin, 1911
    • 261 · An Apprentice Butcher · Benjamin Robert Haydon · ms 1826
    • 262 · Papago Wedding · Mary Austin · vi The American Mercury September 1925
    • 264 · A Domestic Tiff · Richard Brinsley Sheridan · ex (r)
      from The School for Scandal.
    • 265 · Mutabile Semper · Kenneth Grahame · ss The New Review April 1896
    • 272 · Heart of Darkness [Part 3 of 4] · Joseph Conrad · na Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine February 1899 (+2)
    • 288 · Some Letters from Readers · The Readers · lc

    The Golden Book Magazine [v17, #101, May 1933] ed. Frederica Pisek Field (Review of Reviews, 25¢, 96+xxviiipp, 6″ x 9″)
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 2a · Our Authors · [uncredited] · cl
    • 6a · Authors and Books · F. F. (by Frederica Pisek Field) · br
    • 14a · Travel Notes · Various · cl
    • 18a · May: “The Huntress” · Robert Lawson · il (r)
    • 385 · The Bull That Thought · Rudyard Kipling · ss MacLean’s November 15 1924
    • 395 · Private Opinions Made Public · Various · ms (r)
    • 396 · The Yellow Finger · John Russell · ss Collier’s April 16 1927
    • 401 · How to Keep a Lady Happy · [uncredited] · ex (r)
      from The Book of Ptah-Kotop.
    • 402 · The Story of Denys l’Auxerrois · Walter Pater · ss (r)
      from Imaginary Portraits 1887.
    • 412 · Earth · Oliver Herford · ex from “The Bashful Earthquake”, The Bashful Earthquake & Other Fables and Verses by Oliver Herford, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1898
    • 413 · So They Say · Various · ms (r)
    • 415 · The Almost Perfect State 3 · Don Marquis · cl The Sun 1927
    • 416 · Foibles · Various · ms (r)
    • 417 · A Tillyloss Scandal [Part 1 of 3] · James M. Barrie · sl (r)
    • 430 · Two Sonnets · John Keats · gp (r)
    • _430 · “Bright star…” · John Keats · pm (r)
    • _430 · “When I have fears…” · John Keats · pm The Poetical Works and Other Writings of John Keats by John Keats, Reeves & Turner, 1883
    • 431 · The Great French Duel · Mark Twain · ex (r)
      from A Tramp Abroad, American Publishing Company, 1880.
    • 437 · An Old Dog Shows His Tricks · Caran d’Ache · ct (r)
    • 439 · The Rocking-Horse Winner · D. H. Lawrence · ss Harper’s Bazar July 1926
    • 449 · The Man with a Green Necktie · Arkady Averchenko; translated by Bernard Guilbert Guerney · pl
    • 453 · Revolt Against Time · Anderson M. Scruggs · pm
    • 454 · The Tale of the Hunchback Who Died Four Times · [uncredited] · ex (r)
      from The Arabian Nights.
    • 458 · Madame Chrysantheme Goes to Bed · Pierre Loti · ex (r)
      from Madame Chrysantheme 1887.
    • 459 · The Story of Pavel and Peter · Willa Cather · ex (r)
      from My Antonia 1918.
    • 461 · That Enigma—Beauty · Various · ms (r)
    • 462 · The Distracted Lover · George Saintsbury · ss (r)
      from A Scrap Book 1922.
    • 464 · All Kinds of Foolishness · Various · ms (r)
    • 465 · Indian Summer of a Forsyte [Part 2 of 2; The Forsyte Saga] · John Galsworthy · ss Cosmopolitan March 1918
    • 480 · Our Puzzling Ancestors · Various · ms (r)

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