The General Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 698

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    The Golden Book Magazine [v14, #81, September 1931] ed. Frederica Pisek Field (Review of Reviews, 25¢, 100pp+, standard)
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 4a · Who’s Who in the Golden Book · [uncredited] · bg
    • 8a · Authors and Books · F. F. (by Frederica Pisek Field) · br
    • 22a · September · George Elbert Burr · il
    • 23a · East of Suez · [uncredited] · ar
    • 97-110 · A Lost Lady [Part 1 of 4] · Willa Cather · na The Century Magazine April 1923 (+2)
    • 101 · Love’s Secret · William Blake · pm Life of William Blake by Alexander Gilchrist, Macmillan and Co., 1863
    • 109 · The Moon’s the West Wind’s Cooky · Vachel Lindsay · pm 1923
    • 110 · They Studied Love · Various · ms (r)
    • 111 · The Maid of the Dauber · Emile Zola; translated by Maxim Lieber · ss Great Stories of All Nations, Brentano's, 1927
    • 114 · Thackeray’s Views on America · William Makepeace Thackeray · ms (r)
    • 115 · So They Say · Various · ms (r)
    • 117 · The Elephant Hunter · Arkady Timofeovich Averchenko; translated by A. Fox · ss (r)
    • 119 · Told for the Truth · Cyril Hume · ss Street of the Malcontents and Other Stories by Cyril Hume, Doran, 1927
    • 131 · A Little Course in Lovemaking · Laurence Sterne · ex 1768
      from A Sentimental Journey 1768.
    • 132 · Business Was BAD 300 Years Ago · [uncredited] · ex 1926
      from The Fugger News-Letters 1926.
    • 134 · Edmee, or Charity Well Bestowed · Anatole France; translated by Winifred Stephens · ss 1922
    • 137 · La Vache a l’Espionage · H. M. Bateman · ct 1924
      from A Mixture 1924.
    • 138-156 · Story of the Young Man with the Cream Tarts · Robert Louis Stevenson · nv London June 8 1878 (+2)
    • 144 · Love Song, At Once Tender and Informative · Samuel Hoffenstein · pm (r)
      from Poems in Praise of Practically Nothing 1928.
    • 150 · The Voice That Beautifies the Land: Navajo Song · [uncredited] · pm (r)
      from American Indian Love Lyrics 1925.
    • 157 · A Vendetta · Guy de Maupassant · ss The Complete Writings of Guy de Maupassant by Guy de Maupassant, The Dunstan Society, 1903, as “Semillante”
      translated from the French (“Une vendetta”, Le Gaulois, October 14, 1883).
    • 160 · Richard Brinsley Sheridan: The Man Who Was Too Charming · E. M. Butler · ex 1931
      from Sheridan, A Ghost Story 1931.
    • 164 · “To-morrow you will live, you always cry…” · Martial; translated by Abraham Cowley · pm (r)
    • 165 · Mr. Copernicus and the Proletariat · H. C. Bunner · ss Short Sixes by H. C. Bunner, Keppler & Schwarzmann, 1890
    • 171 · The Two Tartarins · Alphonse Daudet · ms from Tartarin de Tarascon (r)
      translated from the French.
    • 172 · The Empress Catharine and Princess Dashkof · Walter Savage Landor · ss (r)
      from Imaginary Conversations.
    • 176 · Thoughts on Today · Various · ms (r)
    • 177 · The Ancient Roman · Archibald Marshall · ss Simple Stories by Archibald Marshall, G.G. Harrap & Co., 1927
    • 179-195 · The Apple Tree [Part 2 of 2] · John Galsworthy · na Good Housekeeping January 1917 (+3)
    • 193 · Too Late · George Meredith · pm (r)
      from Modern Love 1898.
    • 196 · Quips and Cranks · Various · hu (r)

    The Golden Book Magazine [v14, #82, October 1931] ed. Frederica Pisek Field (Review of Reviews, 25¢, 98pp+, standard)
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 4a · Who’s Who in the Golden Book · [uncredited] · bg
    • 8a · Authors and Books · F. F. (by Frederica Pisek Field) · br
    • 28a · October · Robert Lawson · il (r)
    • 30a · This Fairy Isle: Bermuda · Roger Shaw · ar
    • 197 · The Shameless Behavior of a Lord · Michael Arlen · ss The Tatler November 29 1922
    • 201 · They Didn’t Like the Times · Various · ms (r)
    • 202 · Romance in the Life of Hefty Burke · Richard Harding Davis · ss Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1893
    • 212 · On the Art of Advertising · Samuel Johnson · ms 1759
    • 213 · Quips and Cranks · Various · hu (r)
    • 214 · From Madrid to Moscow · Caran d’Ache · ct (r)
    • 215 · So They Say · Various · ms (r)
    • 217 · The Nostalgic Ram · Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov; translated by Jacob Chaitkin · ss (r)
    • 220 · A Backstairs View of Sir Walter Scott · William Dalgleish; edited by G. E. Mitton · ex from “Memoirs of William Dalgleish, Butler to Sir Walter Scott”, The Cornhill Magazine June 1931 (+2)
    • 224-237 · The Captain’s Doll · D. H. Lawrence · na The Ladybird; The Fox; The Captain’s Doll by D. H. Lawence, Martin Secker, 1923
    • 235 · Mountain Water · Sara Teasdale · pm (r)
      from Dark of the Moon 1925.
    • 237 · The Ten Books I Reread Most · J. C. Grey · ms
    • 238 · The Fable of the Two Mandolin Players and the Willing Performer · George Ade · ss Fables in Slang by George Ade, Herbert S. Stow, 1900
    • 241 · The Kennel · Maurice Level; translated by Alys Eyre Macklin · ss Hearst’s Magazine August 1920
      translated from the French (“Le Chenil”, Le Journal, 1906).
    • 244 · Tell Him, O Night (“from the Arabian”) · [uncredited] · pm (r)
    • 245 · The Garden of Proserpine · Algernon Charles Swinburne · pm Poems and Ballads by Algernon Charles Swinburne, Edward Moxon, 1866
    • 246-263 · The Withered Arm · Thomas Hardy · nv Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine January 1888
    • 251 · Love Me or Not · Thomas Campion · pm (r)
    • 264 · George Sand: Sentimental Minerva · Mary Letha Elting · bg 1929
    • 269 · A Ghost of the Sierras · Bret Harte · ss The Sun March 3 1878
    • 274 · The Traveling Man · Lady Gregory · pl Seven Short Plays by Lady Gregory, Maunsel and Company, 1909
    • 280 · A Lost Lady [Part 2 of 4] · Willa Cather · na The Century Magazine April 1923 (+2)

    The Golden Book Magazine [v14, #83, November 1931] ed. Frederica Pisek Field (Review of Reviews, 25¢, 96pp+, standard)
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 4a · Who’s Who in the Golden Book · [uncredited] · bg
    • 12a · Authors and Books · F. F. (by Frederica Pisek Field) · br
    • 30a · November · Louis Lozowick · il (r)
    • 295 · Chances of the Street · Don Marquis · ss (r)
      from Carter 1921.
    • 300 · Definitions · Various · ms (r)
    • 301 · So They Say · Various · ms (r)
    • 303-312 · Flush of Gold · Jack London · ss The Grand Magazine of Fiction April 1908
    • 306 · Advice · Various · ms (r)
    • 307 · More Advice · Various · ms (r)
    • 312 · Arabesques · Joaquin M. Bartrina; translated by Seymour G. Link · pm (r)
    • 313 · The Background [Clovis Sangrail] · “Saki” · ss Leinsters’ Magazine July 1910
    • 315 · The Ideal Lover · Oscar Wilde · ex 1893
      from A Woman of No Importance 1893.
    • 316 · Today’s Despairing Hamlets · Paul Valéry; translated by Malcolm Cowley · ar Variety 1927
    • 319-333 · Classified · Edna Ferber · ss Cosmopolitan November 1924
    • 324 · On America · Various · ms (r)
    • 325 · Off America · Various · ms (r)
    • 329 · The Hill · Rupert Brooke · pm Collected Poems by Rupert Brooke, John Lane, 1916
    • 333 · Creditors and Debtors · Francois Rabelais · ex (r)
      from Gargantua and Pantagruel.
    • 334-347 · The Brute · Joseph Conrad · ss The Daily Chronicle December 5 1906
    • 340 · Understanding James Joyce · James Joyce · ex (r)
      from Finnegans Wake.
    • 341 · Ask Humpty-Dumpty, He Knows · Lewis Carroll · ex (r)
      from Through the Looking Glass.
    • 347 · Quips and Cranks · Various · hu (r)
    • 348 · Mickey Mouse’s Musical Career · Walt Disney · ct (r)
      from The Adventures of Mickey Mouse 1931.
    • 349 · How Does It Feel to Be Free? · Manuel Komroff · ss The Atlantic Monthly September 1925
    • 352 · Walls · Fredericka V. Blanckner · pm (r)
    • 353 · Falmenca · translated by Harry F. Cunningham · ss (r)
    • 358 · The Man Against the Sky · Edwin Arlington Robinson · ex 1921
      from The Man Against the Sky 1921.
    • 359 · Lord Byron’s Last Great Adventure · Edward J. Trelawny · ex 1858
      from Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron 1858.
    • 364 · Love and Bread · August Strindberg · ss Short Story Classics (Foreign) ed. William Patten, P.F. Collier, 1907
    • 371 · Jenny Kissed Me · Leigh Hunt · pm Monthly Chronicle November 1838
    • 372 · Salted Almonds, or, Playing the Game · F. Anstey · pl Salted Almonds by F. Anstey, Smith, Elder, 1906
    • 375 · The Best Sellers of Thirty Years · Various · ms (r)
    • 376-389 · A Lost Lady [Part 3 of 4] · Willa Cather · na The Century Magazine April 1923 (+2)
    • 387 · Sonnet 104 (“To me, fair friend, you never can be old”) · William Shakespeare · pm Shake-speares Sonnets by William Shakespeare, Thomas Thorpe, 1609
    • 389 · “None shall part us from each other…” · W. S. Gilbert · pm from Iolanthe, Hitchcock Publishing Co., 1882
    • 390 · Mexico Is Rediscovered · George Brandt · ar

    The Golden Book Magazine [v15, #85, January 1932] ed. Frederica Pisek Field (Review of Reviews, 25¢, 96+30pp, standard)
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 4a · Our Authors · [uncredited] · cl
    • 8a · Authors and Books · F. F. (by Frederica Pisek Field) · br
    • 20a · From the New Books · Various · ms (r)
    • 26a · January: The Shooting Star · R. C. Peter · il (r)
      from Fine Prints of the Year for 1928.
    • 1-10 · Night of Hate · Rafael Sabatini · ts The Premier Magazine November 1916
    • 5 · Winter Fields and Woods · Robert Frost · pm (r)
      from A Boy’s Will.
    • 10 · Suggestions for Resolutions · Various · ms (r)
    • 11 · So They Say · Various · ms (r)
    • 13 · Abandoned · Guy de Maupassant · ss (r)
      translated from the French (“L’abandonné”, Le Figaro, August 15, 1884).
    • 18-30 · Messer Marco Polo [Part 1 of 3] · Donn Byrne · sl 1921
    • 25 · The Business Man Makes Love (“’Tis true, ’tis day…”) · John Donne · pm (r)
    • 31 · Reaping the Whirlwind of the Peace Treaty · John Maynard Keynes · ar (r)
      from The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1919.
    • 33 · An Author Being Himself · Hugh Walpole · cl
    • 34 · A Matter-of-Fact Fairy Tale · A. A. Milne · ss (r)
      from Those Were the Days.
    • 39 · The Lady Takes It to Court in 1715 · Montesquieu · ex (r)
    • 40-55 · One Head Well Done · John D. Swain · nv Top-Notch Magazine 1st November 1930
    • 44 · Admissions · Various · ms (r)
    • 45 · More Admissions · Various · ms (r)
    • 55 · Mr. Jingle’s Sagacious Dog · Charles Dickens · ex The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club by Charles Dickens, Chapman & Hall, 1837
    • 56 · Skippy and the Skater [Skippy] · Percy L. Crosby · ct (r)
      from Skippy.
    • 57 · The Tiredness of Rosabel · Katherine Mansfield · ss Little Girl and Other Stories by Katherine Mansfield, Knopf, 1924
    • 61 · How a Babbit Became a Sage · Vlas Doroshevitch; translated by Leon Saunders · ss (r)
    • 64 · The Black Door · Gordon Seagrove · vi Life September 23 1915
    • 65 · Lewis Carroll’s Nonsense Letters and His “Hunting of the Snark” · Lewis Carroll · lt (r)
    • 69-81 · The Song of Love Triumphant · Ivan Turgeniev; translated by Constance Garnett · ss Dream Tales and Prose Poems by Ivan Turgenev, tr. Constance Garnett, Macmillan, 1897
    • 73 · Pawnbrokers · Marguerite Wilkinson · pm 1926
    • 76 · Clues · Various · ms (r)
    • 77 · More Clues · Various · ms (r)
    • 82 · Electra · Euripedes; translated by Gilbert Murray · ex (r)
    • 88 · The Saxophone · William Bolitho · ms (r)
    • 89 · The Night-Doings at “Deadman’s” · Ambrose Bierce · ss London Sketch-Book March 1874, as “The Strange Night-Doings at Deadman’s”
    • 94 · At the Year’s End · Various · ms (r)
    • 95 · Mrs. Liardet · Louis Becke · ss The Ebbing of the Tide by Louis Becke, T. Fisher Unwin, 1895
    • 27a · Galvinized Corpses · Joseph Conrad · ex (r)
    • 28a · Quips and Cranks · Various · hu (r)
    • 30a · Sun-Chasing · Roger Shaw · ar

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