The General Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 696

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    The Golden Book Magazine [v12, #70, October 1930] (The Review of Reviews Corporation, 25¢, 110pp, 8½″ x 11″, cover by W. Stuart Leech)
    managing editor Ralph Rockafellow.
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 4 · Who’s Who in the Golden Book · [uncredited] · bg
    • 8 · Letters from Our Readers · The Readers · lc
    • 11 · Authors and Books · F. F. (by Frederica Pisek Field) · br
    • 27 · An English Railway Carriage · H. M. Bateman · cs Punch
    • 28 · A Vagabond Song · Bliss Carman · pm Songs from Vagabondia by Bliss Carman & Richard Hovey, Small, Maynard and Company, 1894
    • 29 · There Are Smiles · Ring W. Lardner · ss Cosmopolitan April 1928
    • 33 · Roses · Pierre de Ronsard; translated by Andrew Lang · pm (r)
    • 34 · Fugitive Love · Moschus · vi
    • 35 · So They Say · Various · ms (r)
    • 37 · One-Smoke Stories · Mary Austin · gp
    • _37 · The Man Who Walked with the Trues · Mary Austin · vi Laughing Horse March 1 1928
    • _38 · The Love of Winnenap for Pahwanike · Mary Austin · vi 1927
    • 38 · The Lover’s Lament: A Tew Indian Song · translated by H. J. Spinden · pm Natural History
    • 39 · Notes from a Northern Cottage · Hugh Walpole · cl
    • 40 · This Is My Favorite Story: Prize-Winning Essay for October · Ella C. Kendall · ar
    • 40 · The Most Dangerous Game · Richard Connell · nv Collier’s January 19 1924
    • 49 · Here and There · Various · ms (r)
    • 50 · The Cop and the Anthem · O. Henry · ss The (New York) Sunday World December 4 1904
    • 52 · How Red Conlin Told the Widow · O. Henry · vi Houston Post-Dispatch
    • 54 · Enoch Soames · Max Beerbohm · nv The Century Magazine May 1916
    • 65 · A Mad Tea Party [Alice] · Lewis Carroll · ex from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Macmillan, 1865
    • 66 · Virgil, the Best-Loved Poety · George E. Woodberry · bg 1900
    • 68 · Dido’s Death · Virgil; translated by John Conington · pm (r)
    • 71 · Bill’s Little Girl · Zona Gale · vi Collier’s June 5 1926
    • 72 · They Died Saying— · Various · ms (r)
    • 73 · A Visit to the Asylum for Aged and Decayed Punsters · Oliver Wendell Holmes · ss The Atlantic Monthly January 1861, uncredited.
    • 74 · Desert Islands · Walter de la Mare · ar (r)
      from Desert Islands and Robinson Crusoe, 1930.
    • 77 · Quatrain: From the Persian · translated by Sir William Jones · pm (r)
    • 78 · The Changeling · W. W. Jacobs · ss The Strand Magazine June 1906
    • 81 · A Genuine Humorist · J. B. Priestley · ms (r) [Ref. W. W. Jacobs]
    • 84 · Freya of the Seven Isles [Part 3 of 3] · Joseph Conrad · na Metropolitan Magazine April 1912
    • 96 · Art in Everyday Living: Provincial Furniture of France · Leonora R. Baxter · ar
    • 104 · Be a Buccaneer! · Roger Shaw · ar

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