The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 125
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Carse, Robert (items) (continued)
- A Flag to Die For, (nv) Argosy March 12 1938
- Dark Island, (nv) Argosy April 2 1938
- The Flame, (nv) Short Stories May 10 1938
- Thirteen Stars, (ss) Argosy May 28 1938
- Picador, (nv) Argosy June 18 1938
- Dandy Boy, (nv) Argosy July 2 1938
- The Cap of My Uncle, (ss) Short Stories July 25 1938
- The Bright Sword, (ss) Argosy August 13 1938
- Scrap Ship, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1938
- Argonotes, (ed) Argosy October 22 1938
- Return to Glory, (nv) Argosy October 22 1938
- Word of Honor, (ss) Short Stories November 25 1938
- Seven Came by Sea, (nv) Argosy February 4 1939
- Cape Stiff, (ss) Argosy February 25 1939
- Number Five, (ss) Short Stories March 10 1939
- Crusader, (nv) Argosy April 22 1939
- High and Wide, (ss) Short Stories June 25 1939
- Maximilian’s Men, (nv) Argosy July 15 1939
- Volcano, (nv) Argosy July 22 1939
- To the Brave, (ss) Short Stories July 25 1939
- Puritan’s Progress, (nv) Argosy September 16 1939
- Pirate Bagpipes, (nv) Adventure September 1939
- Dark Thunder, (sl) Argosy November 25 1939, etc.
- Jack in the Box, (nv) Argosy February 10 1940
- Recall to Arms, (nv) Argosy March 23 1940
- Golden Sword of Samarkand, (nv) Argosy April 27 1940
- Blockade, (nv) Argosy May 18 1940
- Rebel Take Arms, (sl) Argosy September 28 1940, etc.
- Warrior Alone, (nv) Argosy November 9 1940
- Street of Swords, (na) Argosy November 30 1940
- The Captain, the Parson and the Sea, (ss) Argosy January 4 1941
- Stepsons of France, (na) Argosy January 11 1941
- Fugitives Two, (nv) Argosy March 29 1941
- Sands of Sahara, (nv) Argosy July 19 1941
- Cape Horner, (nv) Short Stories July 25 1941
- Guerilla Warrior, (na) Argosy September 20 1941
- Veni, Vidi—Vichy, (ar) Argosy November 29 1941
- Hitler’s Secret Terror (with Josef Forman), (ar) Argosy February 7 1942
- France—Treachery Pays Off (with Josef Forman), (ar) Argosy February 21 1942
- Sword of Freedom, (ss) Argosy March 15 1942
- The Secret Behind the Stab in the Back by Japan, (ar) Argosy April 1 1942
- Army of Freedom, (sl) Argosy January 1943, etc.
- Argosy Authors, (bg) Argosy September 1943
- Nitro to Murmansk, (nv) Argosy September 1943
- Moonlight Requisition, (nv) Short Stories May 25 1944
- Safe Convoy, (ar) Argosy July 1944
- Argonotes (with Wyatt Blassingame, Lewis Freiburg Levenson & Les Savage, Jr.), (bg) Argosy March 1947, as by Wyatt Blassingame, Robert Carse, Charles Dexter & Les Savage, Jr.
- Mud, Blood—and Glory, (na) Argosy March 1947
- Canteen Seven, (na) The Blue Book Magazine June 1947
- March North, (ss) Adventure February 1948
- The Hand of Danjou, (nv) Adventure May 1948
- A Love Worth Everything, (ss) Redbook August 1948
- A Love Worth More Than Dreams, (ss) Redbook October 1948
- The Bosun’s Mite, (ss) Adventure December 1948
- Braid, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1949
- House on the Hill, (ss) Redbook June 1949
- Heart Divided, (ss) Redbook August 1949
- Toro, (ss) The American Magazine August 1949
- And Never Forget, (ss) Redbook October 1949
- Rendezvous, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1949
- Retreat, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1950
- Song in the Wind, (ss) Redbook July 1950
- Route Zero, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1950
- Sahara Squadron, (ss) Adventure January 1951
- Sahara Duty, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1951
- Vengeance Sets the Course, (ss) Argosy June 1952
- The Long Voyage, (ss) Bluebook October 1952
- The Cruel Voyage, (ss) Argosy April 1959
- [unknown story], (ss)
Carson, Casper (fl. 1900s-1910s) (items)
- Press Agent to a Princess, (ss) The Argosy July 1905
- The Duel of the Divas, (ss) The All-Story Magazine October 1905
- Playing Against the Colors, (na) The Argosy November 1905
- On the Wave of Success, (ss) The Argosy December 1905
- Playing with the Financiers, (ss) The Argosy February 1906
- On the Spur of the Moment, (na) The Argosy October 1906
- In the Mouth of the Gift-Horse, (sl) The Argosy February 1907, etc.
- When Reuben Came to Town, (na) The Argosy May 1907
- The Night Job at the Junction, (ss) The Argosy June 1907
- The Trump Card, (na) The Argosy November 1907
- Through No Fault of His Own, (sl) The Argosy April 1908, etc.
- In the Lap of Luxury, (na) The Argosy January 1909
- The Time for Action, (nv) The Argosy May 1909
- From Stripes to Shoulder Straps, (sl) The Argosy August 1909, etc.
- The Cad, (na) The Argosy May 1910
- A Gentleman of Leisure, (na) The Argosy July 1910
- Within the Hour, (nv) The Cavalier August 1910
- Juggling the “Bow-Wow”, (sl) The Argosy October 1910, etc.
- A $30,000 Hoodoo, (na) The Argosy May 1911
- The Time-Killer, (ss) The Cavalier May 1911
- Russia’s Black Paw, (sl) The Argosy November 1911, etc.
- Wizard or Crook, (nv) The Argosy December 1912
- Castles in the Air, (sl) The Argosy January 1916, etc.
Carson, Edward L. (fl. 1910s-1930s) (items)
- Old Dog Rex, (pm) Adventure April 1915
- Some Freak, (pm) Adventure November 1915
- Alaska, (pm) Adventure January 1916
- Points of View, (pm) Adventure January 1917
- Two Opinions, (pm) Adventure February 1917
- The Pincher Creek Bunch, (pm) Adventure June 1917
- The Song of the Wanderer, (pm) Adventure mid October 1917
- Just a Hound, (pm) Adventure 1st December 1917
- An Alaskan to Wild Geese, (ss) Adventure 1st April 1918
- Getting Protection, (vi) Adventure 1st December 1918
Carson, Sam(uel) (fl. 1920s-1970s) (items)
- Nine Thirty-One, (ss) People’s Story Magazine July 10 1922
- The Flash That Failed, (ss) People’s Story Magazine August 10 1922
- The Flash of Eyes, (ss) People’s Story Magazine September 25 1922
- Seven Furlongs and a Jump, (ss) People’s Story Magazine November 25 1922
- Won; Going Away, (ss) People’s January 15 1923
- Severed Wires, (ss) People’s February 15 1923
- Seventh Race, Claiming, (ss) People’s March 1 1923
- White Breeches, (ss) People’s May 15 1923
- Horns of Elfland, (ss) People’s August 1 1923
- A Race—a Girl—and Grit, (ss) People’s September 1 1923
- For Sake of a Lady, (ss) Everybody’s February 1924
- The Fourth Big Brother, (ss) Everybody’s March 1924
- Weather Clear, Track Fast, (ss) Everybody’s April 1924
- Get-Away Money, (ss) People’s June 1 1924
- Saving Danny Deever, (ss) Everybody’s July 1924
- The Getaway Horse, (ss) Everybody’s August 1924
- A Double-Barreled Rescue, (ss) Complete Story Magazine September 25 1924
- A Daughter of the Stars, (ss) Everybody’s September 1924
- Outside the Chart, (ss) Complete Story Magazine October 25 1924
- Ran Second, (ss) Everybody’s October 1924
- Ex-Has-Been, (ss) Everybody’s November 1924
- Both in the Money, (ss) Everybody’s December 1924
- Squirrel-Teeth, (ss) Everybody’s January 1925
- Six Feet of Water, (ss) Complete Story Magazine December 25 1925
- “I Gotta Horse”, (ss) Complete Story Magazine February 25 1926
- Across the Ridge, (ss) Complete Story Magazine April 25 1926
- Feet Let’s Go, (ss) Everybody’s July 1926
- Bullet and Bridle, (ss) Short Stories September 25 1930
- Six-Guns and Rifles, (ss) Short Stories October 10 1930
- Major—Here’s the Mules, (ss) Argosy July 12 1941
- Get Thar Fustest, (ss) Short Stories October 10 1941
- The Man Who Made It Rain, (ss) Short Stories June 25 1948
Carter, Burnham (fl. 1930s-1950s) (items)
- This Way to Glory, (na) Redbook Magazine June 1938
- That Was Her World, (nv) Redbook Magazine November 1938
- Roads Going Home, (ss) Redbook Magazine March 1939
- Remember Me No More, (nv) Redbook Magazine July 1939
- Welcome, Stranger, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 12 1941
- Contraband Woman, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 7 1950
- Law of the Islands, (ss) Bluebook May 1953
- Proof Through the Night, (ss) Bluebook September 1953
- Meet Me in Havana, (ss)
- Portrait of Sill, (ss)
Carter, Charles Frederick (fl. 1890s-1930s) (items)
- Eccentricities of Old Ocean, (ar) Smith’s Magazine October 1906
- The Flying Machine Is Here, (ar) The Scrap Book July 1907
- Palaces of Unrest, (ar) The Scrap Book August 1907
- Suppose Everything Born Should Live?, (ar) The Scrap Book February 1908
- Fantastic Fanaticisms, (ar) The Scrap Book March 1908
- Millionaire Lick’s Strange Way of Avenging His Slighted Love, (ar) The Scrap Book March 1908
- The Passing of a Historic Hostelry, (ar) The Scrap Book June 1908
- Who Was the Greatest Mother?, (ar) The Scrap Book August 1908
- Languished in Dungeons to Live in History, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1908
- Election Night from Washington to Roosevelt, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1908
- The Irrepressible Automobile, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1908
- Folly in the Name of the Law, (ar) The Scrap Book December 1908
- Living the Bluff Magnificent, (ar) The Scrap Book February 1909
- Odd Ancestors of the Aeroplane, (ar) The Scrap Book April 1909
- The Howes—An Inventive New England Family, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine July 1909
- Boosting the Circulation: How the Wily Managers Try to Multiply “Our Readers”, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1909
- Men Who Hunt for Costly Trifles, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1909
- The Rise of an Aeronaut, (bg) The Scrap Book October 1909
- Speed and Power of the Locomotive, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1909
- Making Passenger-Cars Comfortable, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1909
- Pressing Problems of Rolling Stock, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1910
- The Headlight of Genius, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1910
- The Last Great Buffalo-Hunt, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine February 1910
- Possibilities of the Gyroscope, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1910
- Around the Order-Book, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1910
- The First Locomotive Race, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1910
- The Riddle of the Gage, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1910
- The Fine Art of Running a Freight, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1910
- Early Railroad Days in New England, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1910
- The Railroads’ War on Dust, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1910
- Europe’s Old-Fashioned Railroads, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1911
- Passes of the Past, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1911
- Whims of the Wheels, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1911
- The Live-Stock Limited, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1911
- How Little Most of Us Really Know, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1911
- With a Big “T”, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1911
- Startling Surprises in Divorce Statistics, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1911
- Up the Grades on Rack-Roads, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1911
- Dared Death in the Cab, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1911
- Queer Happenings in Wrecks, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1912
- Birth of the P. and R., (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1912
- The Railway Bar, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1912
- On the Pay-Car, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1912
- Playing the Railroad Game, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1912
- Our Busy Switchmen, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1912
- Queer Railroad Inventions, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1914
- Birth of the “North Western”, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1915
- Running Trains by Telephone, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1916
- Standardizing the Nation, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1916
- “The Bridge That Must Be Built”, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1917
- How McCarty Got Even, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1917
- Big Railroading—14, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1918
- With Their Boots On, (pm) North•West Stories June 1931
- Sunk Without Trace, (ar) Railroad Stories August 1934
- Into the Dark Continent, (ar) Railroad Stories April 1935
- Engine Cab Heroes, (ar) Railroad Stories May 1935
- Madame President, (ar) Railroad Stories June 1935
- Heroes of the C. P. R., (ar) Railroad Stories July 1935
- Van Horne of the C.P.R., (ar) Railroad Stories August 1935
- The Narrow-Gage G. & Q., (ar) Railroad Stories November 1935
- Doctor of Ailing Locomotives, (ia) Railroad Stories September 1936
- Train-Wrecking as an Outdoor Sport, (pi) Railroad Stories February 1937
- Tinplaters and Such, (ar) Railroad Stories June 1937
- Big Little Railroads, (ar) Railroad Stories July 1937
- Early Days in Washington Territory, (ar) Railroad Magazine September 1937
- Railroaders in Bronze, (ar) Railroad Magazine November 1937
- Tom Thumb Railroads, (ar) Railroad Magazine January 1939
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