The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 8569
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[]Rader, Guy (fl. 1920s) (chron.)
- * Brazil’s Diamond Rush, (ms) Argosy Allstory Weekly October 20 1928
- * Crusoe’s Island, (ms) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 22 1928
- * Death Rides Behind, (ss) Boys’ Life November 1928
- * The Disappointment of Hell-Gate Boggs, (ss) Boys’ Life July 1929
- * Fer a Plumb Tough Hombre, (ss) Wild West Weekly November 9 1929
- * The Fire-God Stalks, (ss) Boys’ Life February 1929
- * The Hate of Attila, (ms) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 7 1928
- * Hello, Mars!, (ms) Argosy Allstory Weekly November 10 1928
- * High Stakes, (ms) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 14 1928
- * How He Went Into Business, (ms) West July 28 1928
- * An Injun’s Chance, (ss) Wild West Weekly October 13 1928
- * Into the North, (ms) Argosy Allstory Weekly June 23 1928
- * John Colter’s Peril, (ss) The Open Road for Boys March 1928
- * Loop of the Law (with Archie Joscelyn), (ss) West January 14 1928
- * One Tough Tenderfoot (with Archie Joscelyn), (ss) Wild West Weekly November 5 1927
- * Payne Outran a Horse, (ar) Frontier Stories April 1929
- * Rainier Starts Something, (ms) Argosy Allstory Weekly August 4 1928
- * Rawhide Kane’s Revenge (with Archie Joscelyn), (ss) The Golden West Magazine April 1929
- * The Return to Hangtown, (ss) Wild West Weekly May 18 1929
- * Smashing Through, (ms) Argosy Allstory Weekly August 11 1928
- * Spanning the Golden Gate, (ms) Argosy Allstory Weekly September 1 1928
- * They Fought Through, (ms) Argosy Allstory Weekly September 22 1928
- * When the Ice Went Out, (ms) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 21 1928
- * Where Millions of Dollars Change Hands, (ms) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 28 1928
[]Rader-Day, Lori (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * An Interview Among Friends, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #57, November 2014
- * MWA Criminal Friends, (ms) Crimespree Magazine #62, February 2016
- * Our Lips Are Sealed, (ss) Murder-a-Go-Go’s ed. Holly West, Down & Out Books, 2019
- * Outlaws, (ss) Unloaded Vol 2 ed. Eric Beetner, Down & Out Books, 2018
- * Over Her Body, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2014
- * Things That Go Through an Author’s Mind While Writing the Second Book, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #60, 2015
- * [The Applause Dies.], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2024
_____, [ref.]
[]Radford, Elaine (fl. 1980s-1990s) (chron.)
- * Another Crow’s Eyes, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1987
- * Birdbrain, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction July/August 1990
- * Dancing in the Dark, (ss) Night Cry Fall 1986
- * The Double-Yolked Egg, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1989
- * En Route, (ss) Far Frontiers Vol. VI ed. Jerry Pournelle & Jim Baen, Baen, 1986
- * Letting Go, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1988
- * The Northern Giants, (ss) Pandora #13, 1985
- * Passing, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1987
- * The Ramsey Gryphon, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1986
- * To Be an Auk, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction March/April 1988
[]Radford, Irene (fl. 1990s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Curse of the Pendragon, (ss) Slipstreams ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW, 2006
- * The Divi, (ss) Treachery and Treason ed. Laura Anne Gilman & Jennifer Heddle, Roc, 2000
- * The Fall, (ss) River ed. Alma Alexander, Dark Quest Books, 2011
- * The Final Choice, (ss) Fate Fantastic ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Daniel M. Hoyt, DAW, 2007
- * Finding Home, (ss) Straight Outta Dodge City ed. David Boop, Baen, 2020
- * First Contact Cafe, (ss) Space Stations ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW, 2004
- * Little Red in the ’Hood, (ss) Little Red Riding Hood in the Big Bad City ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW, 2004
- * More to Truth Than Proof, (ss) Something Magic This Way Comes ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Sarah A. Hoyt, DAW, 2008
- * Museum Hauntings, (ss) Better Off Undead ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Daniel M. Hoyt, DAW, 2008
- * Not My Knot, (nv) The Dimension Next Door ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Kerrie Hughes, DAW, 2008
- * The Stink of Reality, (ss) The Future We Wish We Had ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Rebecca Lickiss, DAW, 2007
- * The Sword of Herakles, (ss) Olympus ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Bruce D. Arthurs, DAW, 1998
- * Welcome to the Crystal Arches, (nv) Gateways ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 2005
[]Radford, John (fl. 1970s-1990s) (chron.)
- * “Bring Her Back Safe to Me”, (ss) London Mystery Selection #128, March 1981
- * Introductory Psychology Through Science Fiction, (br) Foundation #10, June 1976 [Ref. Martin H. Greenberg, Harvey A. Katz & Patricia S. Warrick]
- * PSY FY Psychology and Science Fiction (with Richard Kirby), (ar) Beyond This Horizon ed. Christopher Carrell, Ceolfrith Press, 1973
- * Science Fiction as Myth, (ar) Foundation #10, June 1976
- * Taking a Trip, (ar) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #2, 1975
- * [letter], (lt) Foundation #29 Nov 1983, #53 Aut 1991, #60 Spr 1994
[]Radford, Margaret Maitland (1884-1944?) (chron.)
- * The Architect, (pm) Colour August 1914
- * The Artist, (pm) Colour January 1915
- * The Coming of Song, (pm) Colour August 1920
- * Doing Housework, (pm) Colour February 1920
- * In Winter, (pm) Colour December 1914
- * The Need of a Friend, (pm) Colour October 1914
- * To Love, (pm) Colour April 1915
- * To One Mad, (pm) Colour July 1915
- * untitled (“A pile of flints by the roadside”), (pm) Colour May 1915
- * untitled (“Under the sunlight’s mystic flood”), (pm) Colour October 1914
- * XX, (pm) Colour July 1915
[]Radford, Maude L. (fl. 1900s) (chron.)
- * Beatrix and Benedict, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 30 1907
- * The Club House of the People, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 5 1907
- * Cross Currents, (nv) Smith’s Magazine March 1908
- * Flaherty and the Muck-raker, (ss) People’s July 1908
- * Flaherty, Master of Love, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 4 1905
- * Flaherty Pursued [Patrick Sarsfield], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 18 1905
- * Her Romance, (ss) The Red Book Magazine February 1909
- * An Idyl of the Yards, (ss) McClure’s Magazine August 1907
- * The Little Father of St. Angelo’s, (ss) The American Magazine October 1906
- * The Match-Maker, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 11 1907
- * Monsieur Patrique, (ss) The Smart Set March 1908
- * Patrick on the Primrose Path [Patrick Sarsfield], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 5 1906
- * Patrick Sarsfield, Diplomat [Patrick Sarsfield], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 19 1905
- * A Resurrection, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1907
- * The Seat of Judgment [Patrick Sarsfield], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 17 1906
- * Setting Hearts at Rest, (ss) The Red Book Magazine July 1907
- * The Story of Sheelah, (ss) McClure’s Magazine July 1907
- * The Unlit Lamp (with H. Crandall), (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine October 1907
- * The Wearin’ o’ the Green, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 24 1904
- * The Young Knight-Errant, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 10 1906
[]Radford, P. J. (fl. 1980s-1990s) (chron.)
- * 2359, (pm) The Scanner #10, 1990
- * A Divine Disclosure, (vi) The Scanner #1, Winter 1988
- * Humus, (vi) Sweet Dreams, Baby! #1, May 1990
- * 1:5,23, (vi) The Scanner #6, 1989
[]Radikin, Earle E. (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * All Blown Up, (ss) War Stories #40, September 27 1928
- * All Loaded Up, (ss) War Stories #48, January 17 1929
- * The Alphabet Trail, (ss) War Aces #13, April 1931
- * Ben Hur’s Taxi, (ss) War Stories #26, March 15 1928
- * Beware of the Dogs, (ss) War Novels #17, June 1 1929
- * Beyond the Front, (ss) War Stories #43, November 8 1928
- * Diving Shadows, (ss) Sky Riders #1, November 1928
- * The First Hundred Years, (ss) War Novels #18, June 15 1929
- * Fish a la Frog, (ss) War Stories #54, April 11 1929
- * Flying Neckties, (ss) War Birds #9, November 1928
- * “Give ’Em Schnapps”, (ss) War Stories #38, August 30 1928
- * His Best Pants, (ss) War Novels #13, February 1929
- * Iron Man, (ss) War Novels #20, August 1929
- * The Kamerad Kid, (ss) War Stories #53, March 28 1929
- * A Lady from Alsace, (ss) Battle Stories March 1928
- * The Major Offensive, (ss) War Stories #30, May 10 1928
- * On the Back of His Neck, (ss) War Birds #12, January 1929
- * Pass the Razzberries, (ss) War Stories #57, May 23 1929
- * Pink Salmon, (ss) War Stories #36, August 2 1928
- * The Road to Somewhere, (ss) War Stories #22, January 19 1928
- * Shorty Kane-Hero, (ss) War Birds #52, March 1932
- * “That’s Regulations”, (ss) War Stories #47, January 3 1929
- * “We Ain’t Algerians”, (ss) War Novels #14, March 1929
- * Wet Money, (ss) War Stories #58, June 6 1929
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