The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7803
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[]P., Q. (chron.)
- * At the Inaugural Ball, (nf) Wide Awake June 1889
- * Ben Franklin’s Wish in Old Age, (nf) Wide Awake March 1889
- * The Bent of the Twig, (nf) Wide Awake April 1889
- * Bolivar’s Christmas Dinner, (nf) Wide Awake April 1889
- * A Charming Pun, (nf) Wide Awake July 1889
- * A Fairy Cradle, (nf) Wide Awake March 1891
- * A Horse at the Dentist’s, (nf) Wide Awake February 1889
- * How High-Grade English Boys Learn Business, (nf) Wide Awake December 1889
- * How the Princess Manages It, (nf) Wide Awake August 1889
- * How Vesuvius Looks This Year, (nf) Wide Awake September 1889
- * Indian Fun, (nf) Wide Awake April 1889
- * The Lapps and the “Sleeping Bags”, (nf) Wide Awake March 1889
- * A Laughing Match, (nf) Wide Awake April 1889
- * Men and Things:
* ___ III. Why in the Western Hemisphere?, (nf) Wide Awake December 1889
* ___ IV. “Sit” or “Set”?, (nf) Wide Awake June 1889
* ___ VII. At the Inaugural Ball, (nf) Wide Awake June 1889
* ___ XIII. How High-Grade English Boys Learn Business, (nf) Wide Awake December 1889
* ___ XXIII. A Charming Pun, (nf) Wide Awake July 1889
* ___ XXVII. A Musical Definition, (nf) Wide Awake February 1889
* ___ XXIX. A Horse at the Dentist’s, (nf) Wide Awake February 1889
* ___ XXXII. Some School Compositions, (nf) Wide Awake August 1890
* ___ XXXV. How the Princess Manages It, (nf) Wide Awake August 1889
* ___ XXXVII. A Fairy Cradle, (nf) Wide Awake March 1891
* ___ XXXVIII. Ben Franklin’s Wish in Old Age, (nf) Wide Awake March 1889
* ___ XL. A Royal Japanese Schoolboy, (nf) Wide Awake March 1889
* ___ XLI. The Lapps and the “Sleeping Bags”, (nf) Wide Awake March 1889
* ___ XLIV. How Vesuvius Looks This Year, (nf) Wide Awake September 1889
* ___ XLVIII. A Pretty Story About Our President’s Wife, (nf) Wide Awake March 1889
* ___ LI. U.S. Extent, (nf) Wide Awake September 1889
* ___ LII. Bolivar’s Christmas Dinner, (nf) Wide Awake April 1889
* ___ LIV. A Laughing Match, (nf) Wide Awake April 1889
* ___ LIV. The Truth About the Lark, (nf) Wide Awake November 1889
* ___ LVII. The Bent of the Twig, (nf) Wide Awake April 1889
* ___ LIX. Indian Fun, (nf) Wide Awake April 1889
* ___ LIX. Sir Julian Pauncefote’s Nursery, (nf) Wide Awake November 1889
* ___ LX. Stanley’s Responsibility, (nf) Wide Awake November 1890
* ___ LX. Two Things Some Little American Girls Would Like to Have, (nf) Wide Awake April 1889
- * A Musical Definition, (nf) Wide Awake February 1889
- * A Pretty Story About Our President’s Wife, (nf) Wide Awake March 1889
- * A Royal Japanese Schoolboy, (nf) Wide Awake March 1889
- * Sir Julian Pauncefote’s Nursery, (nf) Wide Awake November 1889
- * “Sit” or “Set”?, (nf) Wide Awake June 1889
- * Some School Compositions, (nf) Wide Awake August 1890
- * Stanley’s Responsibility, (nf) Wide Awake November 1890
- * The Truth About the Lark, (nf) Wide Awake November 1889
- * Two Things Some Little American Girls Would Like to Have, (nf) Wide Awake April 1889
- * U.S. Extent, (nf) Wide Awake September 1889
- * Why in the Western Hemisphere?, (nf) Wide Awake December 1889
[]Pabke, William Hugo (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * The Divorcing Umbrella, (ss) The Cavalier May 17 1913
- * The Hardness of Fact, (ss) All-Story Weekly May 24 1919
- * Leaven of Righteousness, (ss) The Canadian Magazine January 1915
- * Murder—According to Plan, (ss) The Novel Magazine February 1920
- * Onlooker, (ss) The Canadian Magazine December 1920
- * Sixth Heaven, (ss) The Canadian Magazine July 1919
- * A Son of Isaiah, (ss) All-Story Cavalier Weekly May 16 1914
- * The Sustaining Promise, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine October 1911
- * Taking Chances, (ss) All-Story Weekly March 20 1920
- * Troops, (ss) All-Story Weekly February 2 1918
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