The FictionMags Index
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[]McDonald, D(oerr) L. (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * Ambush at Sand Creek (with T. J. Kerttula), (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories July 1956
- * Ambush at Yellowstone (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Texas Rangers November 1957
- * The Army Way (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Real Western Stories February 1954
- * Battle of the Bobwire (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine March 1952
- * B’iled Shirts and B’ar Steaks (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine December 1952
- * Button on the Prod (with T. J. Kerttula), (ss) Western Short Stories September 1951
- * Capture of Ben Stone (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Western Action July 1959
- * The Champagne Special (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Double Action Western October 1957
- * Death for Spite (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Ranch Romances May 1959
- * The Dime Novel Way (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Ranch Romances 2nd July 1955
- * Ding Mung, Cattle Baron (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine November 1950
- * Don’t Tell Grandma (with T. J. Kerttula), (ms) Ranch Romances 2nd March 1954
- * Dude Bride (with Beatrice La Force), (ss) Ranch Romances 1st January 1954
- * The 8 Who Were Too Late (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Ranch Romances 1st July 1956
- * End of the Legend (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Ranch Romances January 1959
- * A Frenchman Named Kelly (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine December 1950
- * Geyser Bob’s Revenge (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Ranch Romances 2nd October 1955
- * Hallowe’en All Winter (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Ranch Romances 2nd December 1956
- * The Hanging of Injun Pete (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine April 1952
- * Hellgate the “Healthy” Town (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1957
- * Hoss Murder (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine June 1951
- * The Hurdy-Gurdys (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine September 1952
- * The Last Laugh (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Ranch Romances 1st January 1956
- * Little-Man-with-a-Strong-Heart (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine May 1951
- * The Major’s Christmas Dinner (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine January 1954
- * The Man Who Was Afraid (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine November 1952
- * A Mule and a Mountain Gun (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Ranch Romances 1st March 1957
- * The Mythical Belle Starr, (ar) Real Western Stories October 1952
- * Nine Holes in Rattlesnake Jake (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine August 1952
- * One Chance in a Thousand (with T. J. Kerttula), (ss) Real Western Stories February 1953
- * Outlaw Sheriff (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine September 1953
- * Petticoats and Dairy Mammas (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine June 1952
- * Pink and Pat (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Ranch Romances 1st December 1955
- * Pony Express, Junior Grade (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Ranch Romances 3rd April 1955
- * Real Woman, (ts) Ranch Romances 1st November 1954
- * The Reformation of Grandpa McGinnis, (ss) All Western Magazine October/November 1950
- * The Reluctant Deputy (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Ranch Romances 1st March 1955
- * Remember Birch Coulee (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Western Action January 1959
- * Retreat from Yellowstone (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Ranch Romances 1st August 1956
- * Say, Pardner (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Ranch Romances 2nd April 1957
- * Silver City Showdown (with T. J. Kerttula), (nv) Real Western Stories April 1954
- * Slade of the Overland (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Range Riders Western October 1952
- * The Springer Lode (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Real Western Stories December 1953
- * Testing of the Arizony Kid (with T. J. Kerttula), (ss) Western Short Stories June 1952
- * Too Many Hammerheads (with T. J. Kerttula), (ss) Complete Western Book Magazine June 1955
- * Treasure and Treachery, (ts) Ranch Romances 1st May 1953
- * The Two-Cent Stampede (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Ranch Romances 2nd May 1957
- * Two Dollars’ Worth of Death, (ss) Triple Western Spring 1954
- * Wagon-Train to the Rosebud (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Double Action Western July 1953
- * When Calico Was King (with T. J. Kerttula), (ss) Western Short Stories October 1952
- * White Indians on the Big Muddy (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Real Western Stories December 1952
- * The White Night of Right (with T. J. Kerttula), (ar) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1955
- * Wilderness Christmas (with T. J. Kerttula), (ts) Ranch Romances 2nd December 1953
[]McDonald, David (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * And Now Thou Art Cursed from the Earth, (nv) In Your Face ed. Tehani Wessely, Fablecroft, 2016
- * And the Greatest of These Is Love, (ss) Flesh and Bone: Rise of the Necromancers ed. Jessy Marie Roberts, Pill Hill Press, 2010
- * Catspaw, (ss) Agents Provocateurs ed. J.-M. & Randy Lofficier, Black Coat Press, 2011
- * Cold Comfort, (ss) Epilogue ed. Tehani Wessely, FableCroft Publishing, 2012
- * Diplomatic Freeze, (ss) La Vie en Noir ed. J.-M. & Randy Lofficier, Black Coat Press, 2012
- * Red in Tooth and Claw, (ss) Dimension6 #5, 2015
- * Set Your Face Towards the Darkness, (nv) Tales of Australia: Great Southern Land ed. Stephen C. Ormsby & Carol Bond, Satalyte Publishing, 2013
- * Sympathetic Impulses, (ss) nEvermore! ed. Caro Soles & Nancy Kilpatrick, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2015
- * To Dance, Perchance to Die, (ss) Expiration Date ed. Nancy Kilpatrick, Hades Publications, 2015
_____, [ref.]
[]McDonald, Donald George (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Big Bug, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 8 1931
- * Bottled Cold, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 30 1932
- * Caged Hope, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 23 1932
- * Chicken Hungry, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 13 1932
- * A Clever Game, (sl) Mystery Magazine #136 Jul 15, #137 Aug 1 1923
- * Counterfeit Labels, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 9 1932
- * Crimson Flash, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 18 1931
- * Dancing Danger, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 25 1932
- * Detective Ficks—Art Lover, (ss) Mystery Magazine #109, May 15 1922
- * Fading Evidence, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 2 1931
- * Fearful Specter, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 13 1931
- * Fifteen Minutes, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 10 1933
- * Her Secret with Death, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 2 1932
- * Just a Killing, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 25 1932
- * Killer Commands, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 28 1932
- * Lifelike Death, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 10 1931
- * The Lion’s Cage, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 28 1931
- * Mad Device, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 25 1931
- * Monkey Business, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 10 1935
- * One Per Cent Risk, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 3 1931
- * One Spare Room, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 11 1931
- * A Scientific Detective, (ss) Mystery Magazine #117, September 15 1922
- * Seeing Crooked, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 30 1932
- * Seven Cigarettes, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 7 1931
- * Snakey Strikes, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 8 1930
- * Strange Tenant, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 21 1931
- * Sweet Bullets, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 6 1931
- * The Terror’s Token, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 21 1931
- * Three Minutes, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 30 1932
- * Twenty Grand or—, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 28 1931
- * Wanted, a Crook, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 27 1930
[]Macdonald, Dorothy (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * Amanda Makes Some New Friends, (ss) Ideal Book for Children 195?
- * Dial for Death (with Beatrice La Force), (ss) Star Weekly January 10 1953
- * The Emerald Necklace, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1952
- * Let’s Go for a Spin, (ss) Superb Book for Children, Dean & Son, 1964
- * The Little Tailor, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1950
- * Marilyn and the Dragon, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1952
- * Slippers for the Princess, (ss) Ideal Book for Children 195?
- * A Stick in Time, (ss) Supreme Book for Children, Dean & Son, 1963
- * Thurga Makes Up His Mind, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1958
- * Two Dogs and a Tale, (ss) Premier Book for Children 1962
- * White Star, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1958
[]MacDonald, Edwina Levin (fl. 1920s-1930s); also as Edwina LeVin (chron.)
- * Black and White Magic, (ss) Everybody’s May 1925
- * Black Swans, (nv) Munsey’s Magazine February 1928
- * Creole Joe, (ss) Mystery Stories October 1927
- * Dead Men Make No Music, (sl) Mystery Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1927
- * The Empty House, (nv) Everybody’s December 1923
- * The Fascinating Devil, (ss) Macfadden Fiction-Lovers Magazine March 1925
- * I Planned to Murder My Husband, (ts) Hearst’s International October 1924
- * The Log, (ss) Everybody’s January 1924
- * Miss Nobody, (na) The Illustrated Love Magazine February 1931
- * Once an Actor—, (ss) Mystery Stories September 1927
- * Over Eden Hung a Sword, (ss) McClure’s November 1927
- * The Paradox That Is Love, (ar) Hearst’s International December 1924
- * Star Jasmine, (na) The Illustrated Love Magazine December 1933
- * Tracks to the Weeds, (ss) Liberty May 13 1933
- * The Uncertain Quantity, (ss) Everybody’s May 1924
- * Wanted—An Unknown Lady, (vi) The Illustrated Love Magazine October 1932
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