The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 1144
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[]“Boy Worker, A” (chron.)
- * The Boy Munitioner:
* ___ No. 1—How I Became a Munition Worker, (ss) Chums March 31 1917
* ___ No. 2—My First Day at Work, (ss) Chums April 7 1917
* ___ No. 3—A Draw My First Pay, (ss) Chums April 14 1917
* ___ No. 4—A Turn on the Night Shift, (ss) Chums April 21 1917
* ___ No. 5—A Night Alarm!, (ss) Chums April 28 1917
* ___ No. 6—How I Was Treated When I Was Ill, (ss) Chums May 5 1917
- * A Draw My First Pay, (ss) Chums April 14 1917
- * How I Became a Munition Worker, (ss) Chums March 31 1917
- * How I Was Treated When I Was Ill, (ss) Chums May 5 1917
- * My First Day at Work, (ss) Chums April 7 1917
- * A Night Alarm!, (ss) Chums April 28 1917
- * A Turn on the Night Shift, (ss) Chums April 21 1917
[]Boz (chron.)
- * The Black Veil, (ss) (by Charles Dickens) Sketches by Boz: First Series by Boz, Macrone, 1836, as by Boz
- Stories in Light and Shadow, Lantos, 1923, as by Charles Dickens
- The Mystery Book ed. H. Douglas Thomson, Odhams Press, 1934, as by Charles Dickens
- Mystery ed. A. K. Barton, Dent, 1937, as by Charles Dickens
- Victorian Tales of Terror ed. Hugh Lamb, W.H. Allen & Co., 1974, as by Charles Dickens
- Mystery for Christmas ed. Richard Dalby, Michael O'Mara, 1990, as by Charles Dickens
- Terror by Gaslight ed. Hugh Lamb, Constable, 1992, as by Charles Dickens
- * The Drunkard’s Death, (ss) (by Charles Dickens) Sketches by Boz: Second Series by Box, Macrone, 1836, as by Boz
- * The Great Winglebury Duel, (ss) (by Charles Dickens) Sketches by Boz: First Series by Boz, Macrone, 1836, as by Boz
- * The Streets—Morning, (ar) (by Charles Dickens) The Evening Chronicle July 21 1835, as by Boz
[]Boz (fl. 1870s-1890s) (chron.)
- * Absent-Minded, (il) Wide Awake January 1883
- * A Big Catch, (il) Wide Awake September 1879
- * A “Black-and-White” Exhibition, (il) Wide Awake April 1883
- * “The Cat Ran Away with the Pudding Bag String”, (il) Wide Awake November 1879
- * Decorative Art, (il) Wide Awake January 1884
- * Detained, (il) Wide Awake October 1883
- * A Disturbed Nap, (il) Wide Awake November 1885
- * Going to Market, (il) Wide Awake October 1879
- * A Home Gymnasium, (il) Wide Awake July 1883
- * Hop-o’-My-Thumb, (pm) Wide Awake October 1878
- * In a Tight Place, (il) Wide Awake October 1879
- * In Trouble, (il) Wide Awake February 1880
- * It Is Dinner-Time—But Dinner Isn’t Ready, (il) Wide Awake April 1879
- * The Knowing Little Fish (with Walton Isaacs), (pm) St. Nicholas October 1885
- * Make Hay While the Sun Shines, (il) Wide Awake September 1879
- * “Merry Christmas to All!”, (il) Wide Awake December 1882
- * “Now That Tabby Won’t Hear Where the Nest Is!”, (il) Wide Awake March 1883
- * “Oh My Eye”, (il) St. Nicholas September 1883
- * Our Portraits. “I Had Sisters Two and Brothers Three”, (il) Wide Awake February 1884
- * A Prize for a Squirrel, (il) Wide Awake December 1879
- * Pussy’s Toilette, (il) Wide Awake October 1879
- * A Risky Favor, (il) Wide Awake October 1883
- * Rival Companies—A Rehearsal, (il) Wide Awake February 1883
- * “Seeing Kitty Home”, (il) Wide Awake September 1883
- * “Three Mice Sat in the Barn to Spin”, (il) Wide Awake March 1880
- * “Who Are You, Anyway?”, (il) Wide Awake March 1883
- * [illustration(s)], (il) St. Nicholas Apr, Dec 1882, Dec 1883, Sep 1884, Aug 1886, Oct 1890
[]Bozic, Streten (1932- ); used pseudonym B. Wongar (chron.)
- * Nganug, the Ferryman, (ss) Australian Short Stories #26, 1989, as by B. Wongar
- * The Rainmaker, (ss) Pulpsmith Spring 1985, as by B. Wongar
- * The Turtle, (ss) Pulpsmith Summer 1985, as by B. Wongar
- * Two Tales, (ss) Pulpsmith Autumn 1985, as by B. Wongar
- * U3O8, (ss) Pulpsmith Spring 1981, as by B. Wongar
[]Bozzetto, Roger (1937-2024) (about) (chron.)
- * Accréditer l’irréel: La piste du paradigme absent, (ar) Solaris #67, May 1986
- * Les Ambiguités du couple S-F/Féminisme, (ar) Requiem #26, April 1979
- * L’Annee 1977-1978 de la SF et du Fantastique, (br) Fiction (France) #293, September 1978 [Ref. Jacques Goimard]
- * Confessions d’un Barjot, (br) Fiction (France) #292, July/August 1978 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- * Deux nouvellistes québécoises originales: Esther Rochon et Élisabeth Vonarburg, (ar) Solaris #143, September 2002
- * Dick in France: A Love Story, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies July 1988 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- * Douces Illusions, (br) Fiction (France) #293, September 1978 [Ref. Robert Sheckley]
- * Du fantastique moderne ou de la modernité du Fantastique, (ar) Requiem #23, October 1978
- * The Evolution of the Quest for Immortality in Science Fiction and the Fantastic: Spirituality, Corporeality, Virtuality (with Fanfan Chen), (ar) Fastitocalon: Studies in Fantasticism Ancient to Modern v1 #2, 2010
- * Fantastique et métonymie (with Alain Chareyre-méjan, P. Pujade & Robert Pujade), (ar) Solaris #44, March 1982
- * L’Homme Eclate (Man Who Folded Himself), (br) Fiction (France) #293, September 1978 [Ref. David Gerrold]
- * Infos-SF, (ms) Requiem #17, September 1977
- * Intercultural Interplay: Science Fiction in France and the United States (as Viewed from the French Shore), (ar) Science-Fiction Studies March 1990; translated by Arthur B. Evans
- * Les Joueurs du Titan (The Game Players of Titan), (br) Fiction (France) #294, October 1978 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- * Kepler’s Somnium; or, Science Fiction’s Missing Link/Johannes Kepler, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies November 1990; translated from the French by Arthur B. Evans.
- * Lectures (with Joël Champetier & Élisabeth Vonarburg), (br) Solaris #110, July 1994
- * Lectures (with Marc-André Ferguson & Élisabeth Vonarburg), (br) Solaris #122, July 1997
- * Lectures (with Hugues Morin & Jean-Louis Trudel), (br) Solaris #126, August 1998
- * Lectures (with Jean Pettigrew & Olivier Raynaud), (br) Solaris #143, September 2002, as by Roger Bozzetto, Richard D. Nolane & Jean Pettigrew
- * Lectures (with Luc Pomerleau), (br) Solaris #89, February 1990
- * Lectures (with Joseph P. Thomas & Élisabeth Vonarburg), (br) Solaris #54, January 1984
- * Lectures (with Pascal J. Thomas & Jean-Louis Trudel), (br) Solaris #104, March 1993
- * Lectures (with Pascal J. Thomas & Élisabeth Vonarburg), (br) Solaris #101 Aug, #103 Dec 1992
- * Lectures (with Jean-Louis Trudel & Élisabeth Vonarburg), (br) Solaris #119, October 1996
- * Lectures (with Élisabeth Vonarburg), (br) Solaris #53, Autumn 1983
- * Lectures (with Julie Martel & Élisabeth Vonarburg), (cr) Solaris #130, August 1999
- * Lectures S.F. (with Denis Guiot & Pierre Pelot), (br) Fiction (France) #300, April 1979
- * Limbo, (br) Fiction (France) #291, June 1978 [Ref. Bernard Wolfe]
- * Le Littéranaute (with Claude Janelle), (cl) Solaris #59, January 1985
- * Les Littéranautes (with Laurine Spehner & Martin Thisdale), (cl) Solaris #149, March 2004
- * Le Long Crepuscule (The Long Twilight), (br) Fiction (France) #291, June 1978 [Ref. Keith Laumer]
- * MAI 86, (br) Fiction (France) #292, July/August 1978 [Ref. Jacques Sternberg]
- * Mermere, (br) Fiction (France) #291, June 1978 [Ref. Hugo Verlomme]
- * Miasmes de Mort, (br) Fiction (France) #292, July/August 1978 [Ref. Richard Matheson]
- * Moreau’s Tragi-Farcical Island, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies March 1993 [Ref. H. G. Wells]; translated by Robert M. Philmus & Russell Taylor
- * Mort a l’Etouffee, (br) Fiction (France) #293, September 1978 [Ref. J. P. Hubert]
- * Paroles d’auteurs de SF…, (ar) Solaris #33, June 1980
- * Les Points sur les zines (with Hugues Morin), (br) Solaris #126, August 1998
- * Le Point sur la S.F française, (ar) Requiem #24, December 1978
- * Science-Fiction et Soucoupes Volantes, (br) Fiction (France) #291, June 1978 [Ref. Bernard Meheust]
- * La SF dans le rétroviseur: Il était une fois la SF des anneés 50, (ar) Solaris #124, Winter 1998
- * Tinounours Sapiens (Little Fuzzy), (br) Fiction (France) #294, October 1978 [Ref. H. Beam Piper]
- * Les Vampires de l’Espace (Space Vampires), (br) Fiction (France) #293, September 1978 [Ref. Colin Wilson]
- * La Vie et l’Oeuvre de Jules Verne, (br) Fiction (France) #293, September 1978 [Ref. Charles Noel Martin]
- * Les Zines et les autres (with Alain Lortie & Luc Pomerleau), (br) Solaris #90, May 1990, as by Roger Bozzetto, Luc Pomerleau & Daniel Sernine
- * Les Zines et les autres (with Luc Pomerleau), (br) Solaris #80 Aug 1988, #99 May 1992
[]Brabazon, Paul (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * It’s a Fact (with Llewellyn McGurk), (ia) Ace-High Magazine 1st January 1932
- * It’s a Fact, No. 1 (with Llewellyn McGurk), (ia) Ace-High Magazine 1st December 1931
- * It’s a Fact, No. 2 (with Llewellyn McGurk), (ia) Ace-High Magazine 2nd December 1931
- * It’s a Fact, No. 4 (with Llewellyn McGurk), (ia) Ace-High Magazine 2nd January 1932
- * It’s a Fact, No. 5 (with Llewellyn McGurk), (ia) Ace-High Magazine 1st February 1932
- * It’s a Fact, No. 6 (with Llewellyn McGurk), (ia) Ace-High Magazine 2nd February 1932
[]Brabbins, Oliver (Gilmore) (1912-1973) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Futuristic Stories #2, 1946
- * [front cover], (cv) Paget’s 1/- Westerns #1, #2, #3 1948, #4 1949
- * [front cover], (cv) Thrilling Romances #4, 1948
- * [front cover], (cv) Rip-Roaring Western August 1948
- * [front cover], (cv) Britannia and Eve Sep, Nov 1949
- * [front cover], (cv) Oomph Bedtime Stories 1950
- * [front cover], (cv) Wish 1953
- * [front cover], (cv) Crime-Craft ed. Anthony Boucher, Corgi, 1957
- * [front cover], (cv) Murder March 1957
- * [front cover], (cv) Manhunt May, Nov 1957
- * [front cover], (cv) John Bull and Illustrated Oct 11 1958, Jun 13 1959, Feb 13 1960
- * [front cover], (cv) Lush Bedtime Stories 195?
- * [front cover], (cv) Twinkle Bedtime Stories 195?
- * [front cover], (cv) Corgi, 1958
- * [illustration(s)], (il) John Bull Aug 23, Oct 11, Oct 25, Dec 13 1958, Sep 5, Dec 12 1959, Jan 9 1960
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