The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 924
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[uncredited] (chron.) (continued)
- * Self Justice, (ms) Manhunt September 1957
- * A Self-Proclaimed Nerd & We Love It!, (iv) Suspense Magazine May/June/July 2018 [Ref. Jim Butcher]
- * Self-Styled Gland Expert Collects and Disappears, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 13 1922
- * Self Trappers, (ms) Manhunt May 1957
- * Seller of Check Protector Held as Check Raiser, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 4 1922
- * Sells Bottle Caps as Gold Nuggets, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 18 1925
- * Sells Building He Doesn’t Own, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 9 1920
- * Sell Seats at Murder Trial, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 7 1923
- * Sensational Bandit Raid on Illinois Town, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 6 1926
- * Sensational Break by Condemned Murderers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1927
- * Sensational Charge Made Against Prison Superintendent, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 29 1919
- * A Sensational Prison Break, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 28 1926
- * Sense of Direction in Animals, (ms) Mystery Magazine #113, July 15 1922
- * Sentenced Crook Walks Out of Court, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 30 1925
- * Sentenced for Prison Check Frauds, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 15 1922
- * Sentenced Gunman Says: “You’ll Be Sorry”, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 19 1918
- * Sentenced to Die Five Times but Escaped, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 28 1928
- * Sentenced to Go to Church, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly August 18 1928
- * Sentenced to Imprisonment for Breeding Snakes, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 17 1922
- * Sentenced to Sleep in Horse’s Stall, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 4 1922
- * Sentenced to Twenty-Five Seconds, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 29 1920
- * Sentence Reduced for Youthful Slayer, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 19 1925
- * Sentence Settled in Novel Way, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 2 1920
- * Sent Him a Mule’s Head, (ms) Mystery Magazine #113, July 15 1922
- * Sentiment and Jewel Thieves, (ms) Clues 2nd January 1929
- * Sentry Boxes for White-House Guards, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 11 1922
- * September’s Big Line-Up, (ms) Black Mask August 1936
- * September’s Star Issue, (ms) Black Mask August 1932
- * The September Thrill Docket, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine Aug 1936, Aug 1939, Aug 1941, Aug 1945, Aug 1946, Aug 1947, Aug 1949, Aug 1950
- * Series Synopses, (cl) The Armchair Detective Apr 1977, Oct 1978
- * Series Synopsis, (cl) The Armchair Detective Jan, Fll 1979
- * Servant Held in Thirty Thefts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 11 1922
- * Servant’s Dream Realized, (ms) Mystery Magazine #84, May 1 1921
- * Served Without Ice, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 17 1928
- * Serves Eight Years Through Mistake, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 31 1926
- * Set a Thief to Catch a Thief, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 26 1922
- * Set for a Thief, (ms) Super-Detective January 1946
- * Set the Stage for Your Charms, (ar) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1932
- * Setting Snow on Fire, (ms) Mystery Stories December 1927
- * The Seven Blue Bombers [Sexton Blake], (na) (by Stanley Hooper) Detective Weekly #375, April 27 1940
- * Seven Come Ten, (ms) Manhunt June 1957
- * The Seven Devils of Babylon, (ms) Speed Mystery February 1943
- * Seven Prisoners Saw Way to Liberty, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 20 1923
- * Seven Skeletons in Beach Mystery, (ms) Mystery Magazine #58, April 1 1920
- * A $75,000 Bank Theft, (ar) Mystery Magazine #137, August 1 1923
- * The 79th “Victim”, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly September 8 1928
- * 70,000 Wild Ponies in Montana, (ms) Mystery Magazine #92, September 1 1921
- * Seventy Years for Youthful Bandit, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 15 1927
- * A Seven-Year Quest for Slayer, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 17 1922
- * Seven Years to Serve a Summons, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 18 1922
- * Severe Penalties Might Discourage Perjury, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 28 1928
- * The Sewers of Paris, (ms) Mystery Magazine #119, November 1 1922
- * Sex Fiends Have Shocked Chicago, (ts) Saucy Detective Stories August 1937
- * A Sextet of Beauty in the Police Spotlight, (pi) Real Detective February 1932
- * A Sextet of Girls in the Detective Spotlight, (pi) Real Detective April 1932
- * Sexton Blake versus the House of Cynos [Sexton Blake], (na) (by Robert Murray Graydon) The Union Jack #1289,
- * Shackled Gangster Attends Funeral, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 11 1925
- * Shade at Seance Is Arrested, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 16 1922
- * Shadow of Holdup on Shade, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 3 1921
- * Shadows, (ts) Mystery March 1934
- * The Shadow Speaks, (cl) The Shadow Magazine Nov 1, Dec 1, Dec 15 1934, Jan 1, Jan 15, Feb 1 1935
- * Shady Stock Salesman Turn to Real Estate, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 23 1926
- * The Shake Down, (ss) Scotland Yard #1, March 1930
- * The Shake-Down Racket, (ms) Gang World September 1931
- * The “Shakedown” Shoplifter, (ms) Clues 1st May 1931
- * Shane Gericke Cuts to the Chase, (iv) Suspense Magazine September 2010 [Ref. Shane Gericke]
- * Shanghai’s Police Force, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 12 1920
- * Shares a Secret, so Don’t Tell, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2016 [Ref. Katherine Neville]
- * Sharing a Piece of Herself, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2016 [Ref. Sara Abdel-Latif]
- * Shark Guards, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 18 1932
- * Shark-Hunting as a Trade, (ms) Mystery Magazine #99, December 15 1921
- * Sharon Gwyn Short, (bg) Over My Dead Body! #4, Spring 1994 [Ref. Sharon Gwyn Short]
- * A Sharp-Edged Joke, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 7 1931
- * The Sharpened Dagger, (nv) Modern Detective #2, 1954
- * Shattuck Bandits All Brought to Justice, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 26 1925
- * Shattuck Butler Sent to Devil’s Island, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 12 1926
- * She Built 148-Room Hotel for Ghosts, (ts) Detective Fiction Weekly April 18 1931
- * The She Devil, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly July 31 1926
- * She Didn’t Pay, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 6 1931
- * Sheep’s Clothing, (ms) Manhunt April 1956
- * She Even Fooled Two Detectives, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 6 1931
- * Shellac Through a Handkerchief, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 13 1930
- * She’ll “Creep” You Out, (iv) Suspense Magazine July 2011 [Ref. Jennifer Hillier]
- * Sheriff Recovers Thirty-Four Autos, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 21 1925
- * Sheriff Runs Grocery for Deputies, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 13 1920
- * Sheriff Takes Hand in City Crime, (ms) Clues 1st November 1928
- * Sheriff Takes Three Robbers Single-handed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 27 1923
- * Sheriff Walt Longmire Isn’t Just “Any Other Name”, (iv) Suspense Magazine August 2014 [Ref. Craig Johnson]
- * Sherlock Holmes and Criminology, (ms) The Saint Detective Magazine September 1958
- * Sherlock Holmes and the Da Vinci Code, (ms) Sherlock #67, June 2006
- * Sherlock Holmes and the Drood Mystery, (br) The Armchair Detective May 1973 [Ref. Edmund L. Pearson]
- * Sherlock Holmes: Discovering the Border Burghs and, by Deduction, the Brig Bazaar [Sherlock Holmes], (vi) The Book o’ the Brig, George Lewis & Co., 1903
- * The Sherlock Holmes Pub, (ms) The Saint Mystery Magazine December 1961
- * Sherlock Holmes Quiz, (qz) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine Aug, Sep 1983, Feb, Apr 1984
- * Sherlock Holmes Quiz (#2), (qz) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine April 1984
- * Sherlock Holmes—The E-Tective, (ar) Crime Time #26, 2002
- * Sherlock Holmes Wallpaper, (ms) The Armchair Detective July 1969
- * The Sherlockian Doyle, (br) The Armchair Detective January 1969 [Ref. A. Conan Doyle]
- * “Sherlock of France” Murdered, (ms) Time
- * Sherlocks of the Screen, (ar) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective July 1943
- * She’s Back—with Gifts!, (iv) Suspense Magazine July/August 2017 [Ref. Brenda Novak]
- * She Simply Got Bored, (ms) The Saint Detective Magazine October 1958
- * She Threw Love Away, (ss) Pocket Reader Series #121, Romance Stories 1949
- * Shines the Light Into “Interior Darkness”, (iv) Suspense Magazine February 2016 [Ref. Peter Straub]
- * Shipboard Hoodoos, (ms) Mystery Magazine March 15 1926
- * Ship Causes Emergency at Island Prison, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1939
- * A Ship Must Not Carry a Dead Body at Sea, (ms) Mystery Stories February 1928
- * Ship’s Officers Tried Under Ancient Law, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 26 1919
- * Shocked Even the Doctors, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 29 1930
- * Shockers Ahead, (cl) Shock May, Jul 1948
- * Shock of Conviction Causes Blindness, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 16 1919
- * Shoe Buckle Lore, (ms) Mystery Magazine #77, January 15 1921
- * A Shoe Ruse, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 5 1931
- * Shoes from Smokeless Powder, (ar) Mystery Magazine #106, April 1 1922
- * Shoes Furnish Clew to Wholesale Theft, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 30 1927
- * Shoes of Death, (ms) Mystery Magazine May 15 1926
- * Shoe Trees Prove Clew to Bank Absconders, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 9 1926
- * Shooting Follows Joy Ride, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 12 1918
- * The Shooting of “Whisper” Malloy, (pz) The Thriller #7, March 23 1929
- * Shooting Stars, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 5 1929
- * Shooting the Unseen Enemy, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 30 1929
- * Shoot Maniac Who Held Girls in Chains, (ms) Detective Tales October 1 1922
- * Shopkeeper Surprises Bandit, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 6 1930
- * The Shoplifters’ Exchange, (ar) Detective Story Magazine July 11 1925as told to Alvin F. Harlow
- * The Shoplifter’s “Kick”, (ms) Flynn’s April 18 1925
- * Shoplifting Not a Joke, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 20 1928
- * Shoplifting Organized by Gang, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 11 1926
- * Shoplifting School in Texas, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 20 1920
- * Short-Change Men, (ar) Mystery Magazine #108, May 1 1922
- * Shortest Mystery Contest Results, (cn) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1978
- * A Short Life Term, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 30 1929
- * Short Opportunities of Thieves, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 12 1920
- * Short Sentence, (ms) Manhunt May 1957
- * Short Skits on Black Mask Writers, (ms) Black Mask Feb, Mar, Jun 1932
- * Short Skits on Black Mask Writers: Carroll John Daly, (ms) Black Mask April 1932 [Ref. Carroll John Daly]
- * Short Stories: Compelling People, (si) Suspense Magazine March 2010
- * Short Story Contest Announcement, (ms) The New Strand May 1962
- * Short-Trousered Desperado’s Exploits, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 10 1919
- * Shot at Rat—Kills Man, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1916
- * Shot by a Minneapolis Detective, (ms) Mystery Magazine #155, May 1 1924
- * Shot by Playful Dog, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1916
- * Shotgun Trap Gets Boy, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 27 1926
- * A Shot in the Arm Award for Humorous Crime Novel of the Year, (ms) A Shot in the Dark #1, September 1994
- * The Shot in the Dark Award, (ms) A Shot in the Dark #0, June 1994
- * A Shot in the Dark short story competition, (cn) A Shot in the Dark #8, Summer 1996
- * Should Prohibition Apply to Fish?, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 15 1930
- * Should Solomons Take a Swig?, (ms) Speed Detective November 1943
- * Should Third-degree Methods Be Allowed?, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 27 1928
- * Shouting Victim Thwarts Robbers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 8 1925
- * Shout Out to Art Taylor, (ms) Black Cat Mystery Magazine #2, Spring 2018
- * “Shoved Queer” on Court, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 26 1921
- * Shoving the Queer, (ms) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Fall 1952
- * Shower Baths in Prison, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 14 1921
- * A Shrewd Robbery Trick, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 17 1923
- * Shuttleness Loom Doubles Production, (ms) Mystery Magazine #113, July 15 1922
- * Shylock Homes: His Posthumous Memoirs, (br) The Armchair Detective August 1973 [Ref. John Kendrick Bangs]
- * Shyster’s Swan Song, (ss) True Gangster Stories February 1941
- * The Siamese a Peculiar People, (ms) Mystery Magazine #107, April 15 1922
- * A Side-Car Cell, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 5 1925
- * Side Issue, (ss) (by Ronald Horton) Detective Casebook February 1948
- * Siesta, (ms) Manhunt April 1957
- * Signal Bells Protect Moonshiners from Raiders, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 25 1922
- * Signals from the Planets, (ar) Mystery Magazine #61, May 15 1920
- * The Sign at the Cairn, (cn) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2016
- * Sign Court Letters with Dead Clerk’s Name, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 3 1921
- * Significant Changes in Prison Systems, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 29 1919
- * Signing Off, (ms) Swift Story Magazine November 1930
- * The Sign of the Maple Leaf, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 14 1921
- * The Sign of the Sword, (ms) Mystery Magazine March 15 1926
- * Signs of a Swindler, (ms) Speed Detective November 1943
- * Silence Is Costly to Thief, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 12 1919
- * A Silent Tongue Helps, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 19 1931
- * “Silk Mask” Jimmy Harrigan, Master Crook, Killed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 22 1920
- * Silly Statutes of the States, (ms) Private Detective Stories November 1943
- * Silver Stolen from Church Is Returned, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1921
- * Simon Brett, (ar) Crime Time #27, 2002 [Ref. Simon Brett]
- * Simon Wood Interviewed, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #21, November/December 2007 [Ref. Simon Wood]
- * Simpatico Siblings, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2012 [Ref. Lee Hollis]
- * Simple Meals for Saxony Murderers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 10 1921
- * Simple Trick Snares Thief, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 8 1920
- * Singapore’s Traffic Cops, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 10 1926
- * Singing Pictures, (ss) Scotland Yard #4, August 1930
- * Singing Sands of Michigan Explained, (ms) Mystery Magazine #61, May 15 1920
- * Sing Sing Convict Hides, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 13 1928
- * Sing Sing Executioner to Quit, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 16 1926
- * Sing Sing “Gold” Is Iron, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 28 1920
- * Sing Sing Has More College Men, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 1 1927
- * Sing Sing Loses Principal Keeper, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 2 1920
- * A Sing Sing Malingerer, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 11 1926
- * Sing Sing Paper to Reappear, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 2 1920
- * Sing Sing Poor, (ms) Best Detective Magazine February 1936
- * Sing Sing Prison Is Overcrowded, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 16 1922
- * Sing Sing’s Catcher Is Caught, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 15 1930
- * Sing Sing’s Executioner Shuns Publicity, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 25 1926
- * Sing Sing’s Negro Guard Causes Objections, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 12 1925
- * Sing Sing’s New Warden, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 2 1920
- * Sing Sing to Have New Death House, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 20 1920
- * Singular Reason for Suspended Sentence, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 21 1922
- * The Sinister Dr. Satira [Sexton Blake], (na) (by Robert Murray Graydon) The Union Jack #1209,
- * Sinister Mystery Still Unresolved, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 16 1921
- * Sinister Static, (ms) Manhunt November 1956
- * Sinister Trifles, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 31 1918
- * Sins of the Past, (ms) Clues 1st June 1928
- * Sirens in Banks, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 11 1922
- * Siren Summons, (ms) Best Detective Magazine May 1931
- * Sir Grog’s Drink Recipes: Rusty Nail, (ms) Alcoholman #4, 2001
- * Sitting Down on the Sea Floor, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 1937
- * Six Feet Under, (ms) Manhunt January 1957
- * A Six-Foot Bandit, (ms) Mystery Magazine #141, October 1 1923
- * $600 in One Chicken, (ms) Mystery Magazine #74, December 1 1920
- * Six Million Tags, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 2 1932
- * Six Pay Penalty for Murder, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 29 1928
- * Six Police Heroes and a Police Heroine, (pi) Real Detective August 1931
- * Six-Shooter Bill, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction May 26 1928
- * “Six-Shooter Bill” Dies Hard, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 25 1926
- * Sixteen Girls and Women in the Month’s Detective News, (pi) Real Detective September 1931
- * Sixteen Murders Unsolved, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 5 1927
- * 6,200 Miles a Second, (ms) Mystery Magazine #139, September 1 1923
- * Sixty-four Lynch-law Victims in 1921, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 19 1922
- * Sixty Prisoners Attempt Break, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 31 1928
- * Sixty Thousand Spies, (ms) The Saint Mystery Magazine June 1959
- * Six Women on Murder Jury, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 5 1917
- * Six-Year-Old Boy in State Penitentiary, (ms) Best Detective Magazine December 1931
- * Six Years Behind, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 25 1933
- * Six Years for British Swindlers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 8 1926
- * The Size of Heaven, (ms) Mystery Magazine #59, April 15 1920
- * Skeleton Clew to Old Murder, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 19 1918
- * Skeleton of Barbarian Times Found in Geneva, (ms) Mystery Magazine #116, September 1 1922
- * Skeptical Safecrackers, (ms) Manhunt July 1956
- * A Skillful Forger, (ms) Best Detective Magazine August 1931
- * Skull and Crossbones, (ms) Manhunt April 1957
- * The Skull in the Lease, (ms) Mystery Magazine July 1 1926
- * Skull of Slain Man Found, (ms) Mystery Magazine #17, July 15 1918
- * Skull Tests of Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 25 1925
- * The Sky’s the Limit, (cn) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2019
- * Slain as Trial Nears, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 11 1925
- * The Slain Guest, (cn) Black Mask September 1935
- * Slain Man’s Name Drawn as Juror for Accused, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 9 1921
- * Slanderer Trapped by Office Dictaphone, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 13 1920
- * Slanguage Quiz, (qz) Mobsters December 1952
- * Slashed ’n’ Bashed, (iv) Crime Factory #3, August 2001 [Ref. Larry Writer]
- * Slash Man’s Pockets to Get His Money, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 6 1920
- * Slaughter Did Not Reveal Hiding Place of Loot, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 11 1922
- * Slave and Master Fight, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 14 1930
- * Slayer Arrested After Forty-Four Years, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 20 1923
- * Slayer Dies at Scene of Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 5 1921
- * Slayer Escapes from Sing-Sing, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 21 1922
- * Slayer Escapes the Chair, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 21 1925
- * Slayer Executed Blaming Society, (ms) Clues Detective Stories July 1938
- * Slayer Gets 35-Year Term, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 16 1928
- * Slayer of Policeman Goes to Chair, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 20 1926
- * Slayer of Senator Is Murdered, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 11 1919
- * Slayer’s Ashes Vanish, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 5 1917
- * Slayer Wants Compensation for Injured Finger, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 7 1922
- * A Sleep After Fourteen Years, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 2 1932
- * Sleeping Beauty, (br) The Armchair Detective May 1973 [Ref. Ross Macdonald]
- * Sleeping Farmer Shoots Sheriff, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 1939
- * Sleepless Eyes, (ms) Mystery Magazine #42, August 1 1919
- * Sleepwalker Responsible for Loss of Bonds, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 23 1919
- * The Sleepy Killer, (ms) Private Detective Stories June 1945
- * Sleuthing for Beauty:
* ___ Cosmetics for the Bride, (cl) The Illustrated Detective Magazine October 1931
* ___ The Kitchenette Beauty Parlor, (cl) The Illustrated Detective Magazine November 1931
- * Sleuthing vs. Luck, (ar) Private Detective Stories January 1946
- * Sleuth of Baker Street, Toronto, Ontario, (ar) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 2004
- * A Slick Deal, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly June 29 1929
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