The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 759
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Stevens, R. L.; pseudonym of Edward D. Hoch (1930-2008) (chron.)
- * The Case of the Barking Beagle, (ss) Hers 1979, as by R. L. Stevens
- * The Crime of the Century, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1977
- * A Deal in Diamonds, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1975
- * Deduction, 1996, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 6 1980
- * EQMM Number 400, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1977
- * Five Rings in Reno, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1976
- * The Forbidden Word, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1972
- * The Great American Novel, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1975
- * Here Be Dragons, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1976
- * Innocent Victim, (vi) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1978
- * Just Passing Through, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1982
- * Just Something That Happened, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 1972
- * King’s Knight Gambit Declined, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1973
- * The Legacy, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1972
- * Lot 721/XY258, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1972
- * The Lot’s Wife Caper, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Anthology #25, Spring/Summer 1973
- * The Missing Money, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1978
- * The Most Dangerous Man [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 1973
- * Nothing to Chance, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1974
- * The Physician and the Opium Fiend, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1971
- * The Price of Wisdom, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 1977
- * Thirteen, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1971
- * The Three Travellers, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1976
Stevenson, Burton E(gbert) (1872-1962) (chron.)
_____, adapt.
- * Barnaby Rudge by Charles Dickens, (sa) Mystery November 1933
- * The Big Bow Mystery by Israel Zangwill, (sa) Mystery May 1934
- * Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas, (sa) Mystery April 1934
- * Bleak House by Charles Dickens, (sa) Mystery August 1933
- * Guy Fawkes by W. Harrison Ainsworth, (sa) Mystery February 1934
- * Jack Sheppard by W. Harrison Ainsworth, (sa) Mystery December 1933
- * Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe, (sa) Mystery January 1934
- * Mysteries of Paris by Eugène Sue, (sa) Mystery September 1933
- * The Mystery of a Hansom Cab by Fergus Hume, (sa) Mystery October 1933
- * Other People’s Money by Émile Gaboriau, (sa) Mystery March 1934
- * Tower of London by W. Harrison Ainsworth, (sa) Mystery July 1934
Stevenson, Louis Lacy (1879-1953) (about) (chron.)
- * Aces Down [Bill Lawson], (ss) Flynn’s April 24 1926
- * Bare Hands [Bill Lawson], (ss) Flynn’s October 25 1924
- * Beating the Clock [Bill Lawson], (nv) Flynn’s May 16 1925
- * Before-Midnight [Bill Lawson], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 14 1929
- * Blond Hair [Bill Lawson], (ss) Flynn’s Weekly August 14 1926
- * Button, Button [Bill Lawson], (ss) Flynn’s February 28 1925
- * By Ear, (ss) Flynn’s May 22 1926
- * Cold Storage [Bill Lawson], (ss) Flynn’s January 24 1925
- * Cupid-Hard Boiled [Bill Lawson], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 5 1929
- * Death’s Head, (ss) The Underworld Magazine December 1931
- * Four Square, (ss) Flynn’s May 15 1926
- * A Girl in Red [Bill Lawson], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 16 1929
- * The Girl in the Desk, (sl) Detective Fiction Weekly Jul 4, Jul 11, Jul 18, Jul 25, Aug 1 1931
- * The Golden Web [Bill Lawson], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly March 9 1929
- * Gold Front [Bill Lawson], (ss) Flynn’s November 15 1924
- * Green Eyes [Bill Lawson], (sl) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction Dec 17, Dec 24, Dec 31 1927, Jan 7, Jan 14, Jan 21 1928
- * The Hell Cat [Bill Lawson], (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction August 27 1927
- * High Polish [Bill Lawson], (ss) Flynn’s September 27 1924
- * Lawson’s Tip Off [Bill Lawson], (ss) Flynn’s February 27 1926
- * Nora [Bill Lawson], (ss) Flynn’s Weekly June 5 1926
- * One or the Other [Bill Lawson], (ss) Flynn’s December 19 1925
- * The Riddle of the Locked House [Bill Lawson], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 6 1929
- * The Square Emerald [Bill Lawson], (nv) Flynn’s Weekly March 5 1927
- * Three Times and— [Bill Lawson], (ss) Flynn’s June 13 1925
- * Two Bullets [Bill Lawson], (ss) Flynn’s October 11 1924
- * Written in Red, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 26 1930
_____, [ref.]
Stewart, Alexander (fl. 1920s) (chron.)
- * The Best Judge of All, (ar) Flynn’s December 5 1925
- * Big Jake Stays on the Job, (ss) Flynn’s March 13 1926
- * Bob Musgrave’s Skeleton, (ar) Flynn’s April 10 1926
- * Buried Bricks, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly October 9 1926
- * The Crack in the Wall, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly July 24 1926
- * Fatal Beauty, (ar) Flynn’s October 31 1925
- * The Fickle Goddess, (ar) Flynn’s November 21 1925
- * Folsom’s Folly, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly September 11 1926
- * Haunts of the Invisible [No. 1], (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction August 13 1927
- * Haunts of the Invisible [No. 2], (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction August 20 1927
- * Haunts of the Invisible [No. 3], (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction September 17 1927
- * Haunts of the Invisible [No. 4], (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction October 15 1927
- * Haunts of the Invisible [No. 5], (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction November 5 1927
- * In the Guise of Charity, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly September 25 1926
- * In the Name of Love, (ar) Flynn’s December 26 1925
- * Masked by Religion, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly July 3 1926
- * The Missing Constable, (ar) Flynn’s January 30 1926
- * Nerve, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly January 8 1927
- * Phantom Robbers, (ar) Flynn’s February 13 1926
- * Secrets of the Ancients, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly February 19 1927
- * Smugglers’ Nemesis, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly October 30 1926
- * The Spot of Oil, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly August 21 1926
Stewart, Alfred Walter (1880-1947); used pseudonym J. J. Connington (about) (chron.)
- * Murder in the Maze, (n.) Ernest Benn, 1927, as by J. J. Connington
- * Mystery at Lynden Sands, (n.) Gollancz, 1928, as by J. J. Connington
- * Nordenholt’s Million, (n.) Constable, 1923, as by J. J. Connington
- * The Thinking Machine, (ss) Weird Tales May 1939, as by J. J. Connington
_____, [ref.]
Stewart, J(ohn) I(nnes) M(ackintosh) (1906-1994); used pseudonym Michael Innes (chron.)
- * Appleby at Allington [John Appleby], (ex) Gollancz, 1968, as by Michael Innes
- * Appleby’s Fables, (gp) , as by Michael Innes
- * A Case of Headlong Dying [John Appleby], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1973, as by Michael Innes
- * The Cave of Belarius [John Appleby], (vi) The Evening Standard January 2 1952, as by Michael Innes
- * The Cellini Salt-cellar [John Appleby], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1956, as by Michael Innes
- * Chocolates for Miss Pinhorn [John Appleby], (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine April 1955, as by Michael Innes
- * Clancarron Ball [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard March 19 1952, as by Michael Innes
- * Comedy of Discomfiture [John Appleby], (nv) Argosy (UK) March 1970, as "Death of a Fisherman", by Michael Innes
- * Dead Man’s Shoes [John Appleby], (nv) Lilliput August/September 1953, as by Michael Innes
- * Death as a Game, (ar) Esquire January 1965, as by Michael Innes
- * Death in the Sun [John Appleby], (ss) 1964, as by Michael Innes
- * The Detective Story [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard August 5 1955, as "The Perfect Murder", by Michael Innes
- * The Disagreeable Corpse [John Appleby], (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine January 1959, as by Michael Innes
- * A Dog’s Life [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard May 11 1950, as by Michael Innes
- * The End of the End [John Appleby], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1966, as by Michael Innes
- * Father and Son [John Appleby], (ss) , as by Michael Innes
- * The Four Seasons [John Appleby], (ss) Appleby Talks Again by Michael Innes, Gollancz, 1956, as by Michael Innes
- * The Ghost of a Ghost [John Appleby], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1955, as by Michael Innes
- * The Heritage Portrait [John Appleby], (ss) John Bull February 25 1956, as by Michael Innes
- * The Ill-Fated Mr. Pry [John Appleby], (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine December 1957, as by Michael Innes
- * Imperious Caesar [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard September 20 1952, as by Michael Innes
- * Inspector Appleby’s First Case [John Appleby], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #115, June 1953, as by Michael Innes
- * In the Bag [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard April 9 1958, as "Who Suspects the Postman?", by Michael Innes
- * Just a Small Case [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard February 26 1952, as by Michael Innes
- * The Key [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard February 20 1950, as by Michael Innes
- * Lesson in Anatomy [John Appleby], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #36, November 1946, as by Michael Innes
- * The Magic Painting [John Appleby], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1957, as by Michael Innes
- * A Matter of Disturbing Incidents [John Appleby], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1974, as by Michael Innes
- * A Matter of Goblins [John Appleby], (nv) Lilliput April 1954, as by Michael Innes
- * The Memorial Service [John Appleby], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 1973, as by Michael Innes
- * The Metal Ribbon [John Appleby], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1956, as by Michael Innes
- * Miss Pinhorn [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard September 21 1950, as by Michael Innes
- * The Mousetrap [John Appleby], (ss) Appleby Talks Again by Michael Innes, Gollancz, 1956, as by Michael Innes
- * Mysterious Affair at Elsinore, (ar) Three Tales of Hamlet by Michael Innes & Rayner Heppenstall, Gollancz, 1956, as by Michael Innes
- * News Out of Persia [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard April 11 1958, as "The Author Changes His Style", by Michael Innes
- * Ogne ’54 [John Appleby], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1957, as by Michael Innes
- * The Paper Thunderbolt [John Appleby], (n.) Gollancz, 1951, as Operation Pax, by Michael Innes
- * Policeman’s Holiday [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard February 16 1959, as "Sir John Discovers a Bare-Faced Fraud", by Michael Innes
- * The Priest’s Holes [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard March 29 1958, as "The Secret of the Thirteenth Priest Hole", by Michael Innes
- * A Question of Confidence [John Appleby], (nv) Winter’s Crimes 4 ed. George Hardinge, Macmillan UK, 1972, as by Michael Innes
- * The Ragged Pedestrian [John Appleby], (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine February 1956, as by Michael Innes
- * The Sands of Thyme [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard June 27 1952, as by Michael Innes
- * The Secret in the Woodpile [John Appleby], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1975, as by Michael Innes
- * A Test of Identity [John Appleby], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1955, as by Michael Innes; probably first in The (London) Evening Standard.
- * Tom, Dick and Harry [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard August 6 1955, as by Michael Innes
- * Tragedy of a Handkerchief [John Appleby], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #47, October 1947, as by Michael Innes
- * True or False? [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard August 10 1954, as "The Scattergood Emeralds", by Michael Innes
- * A Very Odd Case Indeed [John Appleby], (vi) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 1955, as by Michael Innes; probably first published in The (London) Evening Standard.
- * William the Conqueror [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard August 19 1952, as by Michael Innes
- * The X-Plan [John Appleby], (ss) The Evening Standard February 7 1952, as by Michael Innes
_____, [ref.]
- * Appleby’s Answer, (br) The Armchair Detective August 1973
- * Appleby’s Other Story by Allen J. Hubin, (br) The Armchair Detective August 1974
- * Death by Water, (br) The Armchair Detective April 1968
- * Julian Symons, Michael Innes & Nancy Livingston by Martin Edwards, (ar) A Shot in the Dark #3, March 1995
- * Michael Innes, (ar) Crime Time #24, 2001
- * Notable Passings, (ob) The Armchair Detective Spring 1995
- * The Novels of Michael Innes by LeRoy Lad Panek, (ar) The Armchair Detective Spring 1983
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