The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 596
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Oliphant, Ronald (1884-1968); used pseudonyms Cleve Endicott & Emery Jackson (about) (chron.)
- * The Accusing Melody, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 10 1918
- * Back to Earth, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 12 1918
- * Broken Shackles, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 18 1918
- * Bunk Falls from Grace, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 20 1917
- * By the Cop on the Beat, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 14 1925
- * Concealed Weapons, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 9 1918
- * Conquered by Conscience, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 30 1919
- * The Crime Was Perfect, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 29 1927
- * Dawn, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 7 1918
- * Dog’s Evidence, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 15 1918
- * Eyes of Guilt, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 2 1918
- * Fiddler’s Luck, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 6 1924
- * Freshly Varnished, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 28 1920
- * George? Not This Time!, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 7 1923
- * Gray Death, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 23 1917
- * Handsome Dan, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1942
- * Her Burglar Boy, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 25 1919
- * Home Influences, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 23 1918
- * Jimmikin Helps Out, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 8 1919
- * Just a Dumb Harness Bull, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 22 1923
- * Just an Ordinary Crook, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 1 1918
- * Kazeby’s Theory, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 19 1918
- * A Knight of the Bath, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 11 1919
- * Marmaduke Assists, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 9 1920
- * Natural Causes, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 30 1917
- * Night Watchers, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 5 1920
- * No Luck, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 22 1918
- * No Sense of Humor, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 4 1920
- * A Note for the Milkman, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 1943
- * One Better, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 2 1918
- * Pearls Before Tea, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 8 1924
- * Sparrow Cop, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 1948
- * Strictly Business, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 10 1920
- * When Cats Came Back, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1918
- * The Worm’s Hour, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 21 1918
- * Written in Flesh, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 27 1917
_____, ed.
Oliver, Steve (1946- ) (chron.)
- * Bad Credit? No Credit? No Problem, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine July 2016
- * Clever Girl, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine July 2019
- * The Family Problem, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine January 2020
- * Hired Help, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine October 2018
- * How to Deal with Renters, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine January 2019
- * The Missing Cat, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine January 2016
- * The Murder Journal, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine October 2019
- * Polonius Wants a Cracker, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine April 2016
- * Short-Term Plans, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine April 2019
- * Unpredictable, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine October 2015
- * Vacation, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine July 2018
- * Waking Up, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine January 2018
- * Work Ethic, (ss) The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine April 2018
_____, ed.
- * Editor: The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine Oct 2015, Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 2016, Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 2017, Jan, Apr, Jul,
Oct 2018
Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 2019, Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 2020, Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 2021
Jan, Apr, Jul, #1 Oct 2022, #2 Jan, Apr, Jul 2023
Ollerman, Rick; [i.e., Richard Carter Ollerman] (1963- ) (about) (chron.)
- * A Few Cents a Word, (cl) Down & Out: The Magazine v1 #4 2018, v1 #2 2017, v1 #3 2018
- * A Few Clues from the Editor, (ed) Down & Out: The Magazine v1 #1, v1 #2 2017, v1 #3, v1 #4 2018, v2 #1 2019, v2 #2 2020
- * Hit Me, (ss) Down & Out: The Magazine v1 #1, 2017
- * So What’s in the Hummus?, (ss) Down & Out: The Magazine v2 #2, 2020
- * Truth Always Kills and Thoughts of Gary Shulze, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #63, 2016 [Ref. Gary Shulze]
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
Olsen, D. B.; pseudonym of Dolores Hitchens (1907-1973) (chron.)
- * Alibi in Ice, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine Spring 1949
- * The Cat Saw Murder [Rachel Murdock; Jennifer Murdock], (n.) Doubleday, 1939
- * Cats Don’t Smile [Rachel Murdock; Jennifer Murdock], (n.) Doubleday, 1945
- * The Cat Wears a Noose [Rachel Murdock; Jennifer Murdock; Lt. Stephen Mayhew], (n.) Doubleday, 1944
- * Gallows for the Groom [Prof. A. Pennyfeather], (n.) Doubleday, 1947
- * Miss Rachel on Vacation [Rachel Murdock; Jennifer Murdock], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 1947
- * Murder Walks a Strange Path [Rachel Murdock; Jennifer Murdock], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 1948
- * The Snake Dance, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1948
Olsen, James P. (fl. 1920s-1950s); used pseudonym James A. Lawson (chron.)
- * Air Racket, (ss) The Underworld Magazine June 1929
- * Almost Perfect, (ss) Detective Novels Magazine June 1941
- * Belt ’Em Out [Steve Mallory], (ss) Black Aces May 1932
- * The Circus of Death, (nv) Thrilling Detective January 1935
- * City Hall Murders, (ss) Black Book Detective Magazine March 1936
- * The Crime Sale [“Peep” Murphy], (ss) Thrilling Detective August 1934
- * Curses Come Back, (ss) Super-Detective Stories May 1935
- * The Dead Talk Back, (ss) Private Detective Stories July 1939, as by James A. Lawson
- * Death Grins [“Peep” Murphy], (ss) Thrilling Detective April 1934
- * Death in the Raw, (ss) Clues October 1934
- * Death Is Free, (ss) The Phantom Detective July 1935
- * Doubles in Death, (ss) Super-Detective Stories July 1934
- * Ears That See, (ss) Black Book Detective Magazine October 1936
- * Fresh Eggs, (ss) Super-Detective Stories November 1934
- * G-Man Missing, (nv) Black Book Detective Magazine April 1936
- * Grand Opening, (ss) Super-Detective Stories March 1935
- * Gunman’s Goal, (ss) Black Mask June 1931
- * Hard-Boiled Hawkshaw [Dallas Duane (The Hard Guy)], (ss) Super-Detective April 1945
- * Hard Guy—C.O.D. [Dallas Duane (The Hard Guy)], (ss) Super-Detective November 1944
- * The Haunt [Steve Mallory], (ss) Black Aces February 1932
- * Honor of the Show, (ss) Black Mask December 1930
- * Horror Hacienda, (ss) Black Mask November 1930
- * The House of Kemp, (ss) Clues March 1934
- * Hush Money [Steve Mallory], (ss) Black Aces June 1932
- * Island of Skulls, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine August 1935
- * Killer’s Crown, (ss) Black Aces March 1932
- * Lilies in Bloom [Dallas Duane (The Hard Guy)], (ss) Private Detective Stories September 1946
- * Minutes of Murder, (ss) Super-Detective Stories August 1934
- * Murder by Proxy, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Fall 1938
- * Murder Mania, (ss) Clues Detective Stories September 1935
- * No More Murder, (nv) Clues August 1934
- * Or Else!, (ss) Black Book Detective Magazine May 1936
- * Radigan Takes the Rap, (ss) Black Aces January 1932
- * The Saber and the Sleuth, (ss) Black Book Detective Magazine February 1936
- * Sentenced to Silence!, (ss) Detective Tales November 1935
- * “Shot!”, (ss) Black Mask October 1930
- * Six-Gun Glory, (nv) Black Mask February 1931
- * Suicide Circus, (ss) Clues January 1934
- * Time for Death, (ss) Clues Detective Stories April 1936
- * Who Knows?, (ss) Black Mask March 1931
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