The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 464
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Kuttner, Henry (1915-1958); used pseudonyms Paul Edmonds, Will Garth, James Hall, Kelvin Kent, Robert O. Kenyon, K. H. Maepenn, Scott Morgan, Lewis Padgett, C. K. M. Scanlon, Woodrow Wilson Smith, Charles Stoddard & Robert Wallace (about) (chron.); note that some of the stories attributed to Kuttner alone may have been co-authored by C. L. Moore - see Henry Kuttner & C.L. Moore.
- * Avengers of Space, (nv) Marvel Science Stories August 1938
- * Bamboo Death, (ss) Thrilling Mystery June 1936
- * The Blood Is the Life, (ss) Thrilling Mystery September 1941
- * The Burning Corpse, (nv) Thrilling Mystery March 1942
- * Chameleon Man, (nv) Weird Tales November 1941
- * Coffins for Six, (ss) Thrilling Mystery December 1936, as by C. K. M. Scanlon
- * Corpse Castle, (ss) Thrilling Mystery November 1939
- * Curse of the Cobra, (ss) Thrilling Mystery September 1942
- * Death Blacks Out, (ss) G-Men Detective Winter 1945
- * Death Has Three Sisters, (ss) Thrilling Mystery January 1940, as by Kelvin Kent
- * Death in the Dark, (ss) Thrilling Detective July 1941
- * Death Is My Daughter, (ss) Strange Detective Mysteries January 1941
- * Death Is Where You Find It, (ss) Thrilling Mystery July 1939
- * Death Wears a Mask, (nv) Thrilling Detective February 1945
- * The Devil Rides, (ss) Thrilling Mystery September 1936
- * The Devil’s Brood, (ss) Thrilling Mystery September 1939
- * Devil’s Masquerade, (ss) Mystery Tales June 1938
- * The Diamonds of Death, (ss) Thrilling Mystery July 1942
- * The Dweller in the Tomb, (ss) Thrilling Mystery February 1937
- * Evil Galatea, (ss) Super-Detective October 1940, as by Paul Edmonds
- * The Faceless Fiend, (ss) Thrilling Mystery January 1937, as by K. H. Maepenn
- * Four Frightful Men, (nv) Thrilling Mystery September 1937
- * Frame for Murder, (na) Popular Detective April 1944
- * The Graveyard Curse, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories March 1938
- * The Graveyard Rats, (ss) Weird Tales March 1936
- * Hell’s Archangel, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories April 1938
- * Hydra [Azathoth], (ss) Weird Tales April 1939
- * I Am the Wolf, (ss) Thrilling Mystery July 1937
- * Invasion from the Fourth Dimension, (ss) Thrilling Mystery January 1938
- * Laughter of the Dead, (ss) Thrilling Mystery December 1936
- * Lord of the Lions, (ss) Thrilling Mystery November 1937
- * The Medieval Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective July 1942, as by Robert Wallace
- * Men Die Alone, (nv) Thrilling Mystery March 1941
- * Messer Orsini’s Hands, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories January 1938
- * Mind Over Murder, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories July 1941
- * Monsters of the Atom, (ss) Super-Detective April 1941
- * Murder for Fun, (nv) Thrilling Mystery May 1939
- * Murder’s Handyman (with C. L. Moore), (ss) Popular Detective March 1948, as by Woodrow Wilson Smith
- * My Brother, The Ghoul, (ss) Thrilling Mystery June 1937
- * My Name Is Death, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories May 1938
- * Nightmare Woman, (ss) Thrilling Mystery March 1937
- * Power of the Snake, (nv) Thrilling Mystery November 1936
- * Raider of the Spaceways, (nv) Weird Tales July 1937
- * The Sabotage Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective July 1941, as by Robert Wallace
- * The Secret of Kralitz, (ss) Weird Tales October 1936
- * Secret of the Earth Star, (na) Amazing Stories August 1942
- * Seven Keys to Doom, (ss) Thrilling Mystery May 1941
- * A Skull Has No Ears, (nv) Thrilling Mystery July 1941
- * Soiree for Slaughter, (nv) Thrilling Detective March 1942
- * Tell No Tales, (nv) Exciting Detective Summer 1943
- * Terror in the House, (nv) Thrilling Mystery January 1937
- * Terror on the Stage, (ss) Thrilling Mystery September 1937, as by K. H. Maepenn
- * Towers of Death, (ss) Weird Tales November 1939
- * Trophy, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories Winter 1944, as by Scott Morgan
- * The Unresting Dead, (ss) Thrilling Mystery March 1938
- * Wings of the Bat, (ss) Thrilling Mystery January 1941
Kyne, Peter B(ernard) (1880-1957) (about) (chron.)
- * At the Top of the Mast, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly January 1913
- * Fools for Luck, (ss) The American Magazine August 1934
- * Ghost House, (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1932
- * I Was Haunted, (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine September 1932
- * A Little Knowledge, (ss) Collier’s January 1 1927
- * The Man Who Was Dead, (sl) The Illustrated Detective Magazine Feb, Mar 1932
- * Memory Test, (ss) Collier’s June 11 1949
- * New Year’s Eve in Panamint, (ss) 1916
- * Without Benefit of Jury, (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1935
- * You Can’t Believe Your Eyes, (ar) The Illustrated Detective Magazine December 1931
Lachman, Marvin (S.) (1932-2023) (about) (chron.)
- * 1941: The Year Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Was Born, (ar) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2016
- * Amateur in Violence, (br) The Armchair Detective August 1973 [Ref. Michael Gilbert]
- * The American Regional Mystery:
* ___ Southern California, (ar) The Armchair Detective October 1977
* ___ XI: The Mountain States, Pacific Northwest and Alaska, (ar) The Armchair Detective November 1975
* ___ XII: Hawaii and Northern California, (ar) The Armchair Detective October 1976
- * Baseball and Basketball, (ar) The Armchair Detective August 1973
- * Beyond This Point Are Monsters, (br) The Armchair Detective October 1970 [Ref. Margaret Millar]
- * The Black Dudley Murders, (br) The Armchair Detective October 1968 [Ref. Margery Allingham]
- * Bouchercon V, (ar) The Armchair Detective February 1975
- * The Case of the Unbeaten Attorney, (ar) The Armchair Detective April 1971
- * The Case of the Velvet Claws, (br) The Armchair Detective July 1969 [Ref. Erle Stanley Gardner]
- * Cricket, (ar) The Armchair Detective February 1975
- * Department of First Stories: A History, (ar) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 2016
- * Dramatizations of the Great Literary Detectives and Criminals:
* ___ Part II: Television, (cl) The Armchair Detective April 1968
* ___ Part III: Theatre, (cl) The Armchair Detective July 1968
- * The Eight of Swords, (br) The Armchair Detective August 1974 [Ref. John Dickson Carr]
- * Ellery Queen and His Fans, (ar) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 2005
- * Ellery Queen’s Mystery Anthology, (br) The Armchair Detective May 1974 [Ref. Ellery Queen]
- * Fer-de-Lance, (br) The Armchair Detective January 1969 [Ref. Rex Stout]
- * Flowers for Pretty Boy, (ss) Hardboiled #22, December 1996
- * Football, (ar) The Armchair Detective May 1974
- * Forgotten Men, (ar) The Armchair Detective July 1969
- * Golf, (ar) The Armchair Detective August 1974
- * Hawaii and Northern California, (ar) The Armchair Detective October 1976
- * Hurlyburly, (vi) Detective Story Magazine #3, December 1988
- * Introduction to “Pierre Chambrun and the Black Days”, (is) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2017
- * Introduction to “The Garden of Smoke”, (is) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2019
- * I, the Jury, by Mickey Spillane, (br) The Armchair Detective October 1969
- * Literary Loot, (cl) The Armchair Detective Fll 1996, Wtr, Spr, Sum 1997
- * The Man Who Was Thursday [Max Thursday], (ar) The Armchair Detective May 1975 [Ref. Wade Miller]
- * Margaret Millar: The Checklist of an “Unknown” Mystery Writer, (ar) The Armchair Detective January 1970 [Ref. Margaret Millar]
- * The Mountain States, Pacific Northwest and Alaska, (ar) The Armchair Detective November 1975
- * The Murder Booki, (br) The Armchair Detective April 1972 [Ref. Tage la Cour & Harald Morgensen]
- * Murder on the Menu, (br) The Armchair Detective February 1973 [Ref. Jeanine Larmoth]
- * The Mysterious Affair at Styles, by Agatha Christie, (br) The Armchair Detective October 1969
- * Mystery Writers Behind Bars, (ar) The Armchair Detective Winter 1993
- * The Nero Wolfe Cookbook, (br) The Armchair Detective November 1973 [Ref. Rex Stout]
- * Original Sins, (rc) The Armchair Detective Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 1990, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 1991, Wtr, Sum, Fll 1993, Wtr, Spr 1995
Fll 1996, Wtr, Spr, Sum 1997
- * Please Pass the Guilt, (br) The Armchair Detective February 1974 [Ref. Rex Stout]
- * The President and the Mystery Story, (ar) Mystery May 1981
- * Prime Time Crime: Dramatizations of the Great Litereary Detectives and Criminals for Television, (ar) The Armchair Detective Fall 1986
- * Prizefighting and Bullfighting, (ar) The Armchair Detective February 1973
- * Religion and Detection: Sunday the Rabbi Met Father Brown, (ar) The Armchair Detective October 1967 [Ref. G. K. Chesterton]
- * The Saint and Leslie Charteris, (br) The Armchair Detective October 1972 [Ref. W. O. G. Lofts & Derek Adley]
- * The Serials, (br) The Armchair Detective April 1972 [Ref. Raymond William Stedman]
- * Southern California, (ar) The Armchair Detective October 1977
- * Sports and the Mystery Story:
* ___ I. Tennis, (ar) The Armchair Detective October 1972
* ___ II. Prizefighting and Bullfighting, (ar) The Armchair Detective February 1973
* ___ III. Baseball and Basketball, (ar) The Armchair Detective August 1973
* ___ IV: Football, (ar) The Armchair Detective May 1974
* ___ V: Golf, (ar) The Armchair Detective August 1974
* ___ VI: Cricket, (ar) The Armchair Detective February 1975
- * The Spy and the Thief, (br) The Armchair Detective April 1972 [Ref. Edward D. Hoch]
- * Ted Wood, Hardboiled Canadian, (ar) Hardboiled #6, Fall 1986 [Ref. Ted Wood]
- * Television, (ar) The Armchair Detective April 1968
- * Tennis, (ar) The Armchair Detective October 1972
- * That’s the Story, (cl) Detective Story Magazine #1 May, #2 Sep, #3 Dec 1988, #4 Apr, #5 Aug, #6 Nov 1989, #7 Feb, #8 Jun 1990, #11 Apr, #12 Oct 1991, #13 Mar,
#14 Sep 1992
#15 Feb 1993, #17 Feb, #18 Jun, #19 Nov 1994, #20 Aug 1995, #21 Jan 1996
- * That’s the Story #9, (cl) Detective Story Magazine #9, September 1990
- * Theatre, (ar) The Armchair Detective July 1968
- * The Traditional Detective, (ss) Hardboiled #10, Spring 1989
- * Virgil Tibbs and the American Negro in Mystery Fiction, (ar) The Armchair Detective April 1968
- * What the World Waited For (with Charles Shibuk), (bi) The Armchair Detective June 1976
- * Who Rides a Tiger, (br) The Armchair Detective May 1974 [Ref. Doris Miles Disney]
- * [letter], (lt) The Armchair Detective October 1969
- * [tribute], (ms) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 2008 [Ref. Edward D. Hoch]
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