The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Magazine Issue: Page 41
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Justice (1950s) (about)
A pulp magazine in all but format, Justice carried the subtitle “Amazing Detective Mysteries”, but focused on crime-adventure rather than detective puzzle plots.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, May 1955 (Non-Pareil Publishing Corp., 35¢, 160pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, July 1955 (Non-Pareil Publishing Corp., 35¢, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, October 1955 (Non-Pareil Publishing Corp., 35¢, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, January 1956 (Non-Pareil Publishing Corp., 35¢, digest) (Contents)
: The Hardboiled Lineup ed. Harry Widmer, Lion, 1956
Kelly’s Magazine (about)
Reprint magazine rebinding unsold copies of Complete Detective Novel Magazine and Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, 1932 (Teck Publications, Inc., 25¢, 272pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, 1932 (Teck Publications, Inc., 25¢, 276pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, 1933 (Teck Publications, Inc., pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v1 #4, 1933 (Teck Publications, Inc., 25¢, 274pp+, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
Keyhole Mystery Magazine: (about)
Initially Keyhole Mystery Magazine presented a good array of the more standard mystery and detective short stories by many of the better-known mystery fiction authors, but was unable to sustain sales and folded after only three issues. It was relaunched over a year later, by a different publisher, under the title Keyhole Detective Story Magazine, with an emphasis on a more violent, fast-action, clip, heavily laced with tough and coarse characters and, above all, sex.
Keyhole Mystery Magazine
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, April 1960 (Winston Publications, Inc., 35¢, 130pp, digest, cover by Ed Emsh) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, June 1960 (Winston Publications, Inc., 35¢, 130pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, August 1960 (Winston Publications, Inc., 35¢, digest) (Contents)
Keyhole Detective Story Magazine
Title changed from Keyhole Mystery Magazine.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v2 #1, January 1962 (35¢, digest, cover by Carl Pfeufer) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #2, April 1962 (35¢, digest, cover by Carl Pfeufer) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #3, June 1962 (35¢, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #4, September 1962 (Pontiac Publishing Corp., 35¢, digest, cover by Carl Pfeufer) (Contents)
Killers Mystery Story Magazine: (about)
A short-lived magazine that represented the transitional period between the pulp-style detective fiction of the 1940s and early 1950s, and the more polished and sophisticated crime fiction of the 1960s.
Killers Mystery Story Magazine
Title changed from Homicide Detective Story Magagzine.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ #2, November 1956 (Arnold Magazines, Inc., 35¢, 128pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #3, January 1957 (35¢, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #4, March 1957 (Arnold Magazines, Inc., 35¢, digest, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
Kracked Mirror Mysteries (about)
A fairly traditional mystery/detective/procedural type of publication that sometimes trended toward horror shorts.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, January 1994 (Frontier Publications, $4.00, 52pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, May 1994 (Frontier Publications, $4.00, digest, cover by Ted Guerin) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, September 1994 (Frontier Publications, $4.00, 64pp, digest, cover by Richard Dahlstrom) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, January 1995 (Frontier Publications, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #2, May 1995 (Frontier Publications, $4.00, digest, cover by Debbie Gish) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #3, September 1995 (Frontier Publications, $4.00, 72pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #1, January 1996 (Frontier Publications, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #2, May 1996 (Frontier Publications, $4.25, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #3, Fall 1996 (Frontier Publications, $4.25, digest) (Contents)
Leisure Detective (about)
Thin digest that ran for at least 54 issues, mainly printing stories by Australian authors, initially with two short stories per issue and later with just a single novelette.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ #1, 195? (32pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #2, 195? (32pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #3, 195? (Action Comics, 8d, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #4, 195? (32pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #5, 195? (Action Comics, 8d, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #6, 195? (digest) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ #7, 195? (8d, 34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #8, 195? (Action Comics, 8d, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #9, 195? (Action Comics, 8d, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #10, 195? (8d, 33pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #11, 195? (8d, 34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #12, 195? (Action Comics, 8d, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #13, 195? (digest) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ #14, 195? (digest) (Contents)
- ___ #15, 195? (34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #16, 195? (34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #17, 195? (4d, 34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #18, 195? (34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #19, 195? (digest) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ #20, 195? (34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #21, 195? (digest) (Contents)
- ___ #22, 195? (33pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #23, 195? (variant 1) (2/-, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #23, 195? (variant 2) (Action Comics, 8d, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #24, 195? (34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #25, 195? (34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #26, 195? (8d, 34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #27, 195? (8d, 34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #28, 195? (8d, 34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #29, 195? (8d, 33pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #30, 195? (8d, 34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #31, 1954 (8d, 33pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #32, 1954 (8d, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #33, 1954 (8d, 34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #34, 1954 (8d, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #35, 1954 (8d, 34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #36, 1954 (8d, 34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #37, 1954 (8d, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #38, 1954 (34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #39, February 1955 (8d, 33pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #40, 1955 (9d, 33pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #41, 1955 (9d, digest) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ #42, 1955 (9d, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #43, 1955 (34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #44, 1955 (9d, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #45, 1955 (9d, digest) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ #46, 1955 (9d, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #47, 1955 (9d, 34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #48, 1955 (9d, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #49, 1955 (9d, 34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #50, 1955? (9d, digest) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ #51, 1955? (9d, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #52, 1955? (9d, digest) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ #53, 195? (9d, 34pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #54, 195? (9d, 34pp, digest) (Contents)
The London Mystery Magazine: (about)
The longest running British mystery magazine, fantasy was a significant part of its mix, rarely less than a third of an issue. A highly collectible, but apparently little known, magazine. The title was originally The London Mystery Magazine. The “The” dropped off the cover after the fourth issue, from the spine after the 35th issue, but remained in the Table of Contents through the entire run. Although the title was changed to London Mystery Selection with #36, the word “Magazine” appeared on the covers of #s 73, 74, 75 and 81, and on the spine of #s 78 to 87. On the cover the title was given as just London Mystery on #s 36 to 46, 54 to 72, 76 to 80, and 82 to 97. Most issues feature a standard cover design, several of which were used over the life of the magazine. In one stretch, from #70 to 81, individual covers were drawn for most issues. For most of its run the magazine was published simultaneously in the UK and US with the only difference being the cover price.
The London Mystery Magazine
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1 (1949) (The Hulton Press Ltd., 2/6d, 132pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ (v 1 #2) 1950 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, April/May 1950 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, June/July 1950 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #5, August/September 1950 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #6, October/November 1950 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #7, December 1950/January 1951 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #8, February/March 1951 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #9, April/May 1951 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #10, June/July 1951 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #11, August/September 1951 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #12, October/November 1951 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #13, December 1951/January 1952 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #14, February/March 1952 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #15, April/May 1952 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #16 (1953) (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #17 (1953) (Norman Kark Publications, 2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #18 (1953) (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #19 (1954) (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #20 (1954) (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #21 (1954) (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #22 (1954) (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #23 (1955) (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #24, February 1955 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #25, June 1955 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #26, September 1955 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #27, December 1955 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #28, March 1956 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #29, June 1956 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #30, September 1956 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #31, December 1956 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #32, March 1957 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #33, June 1957 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #34, September 1957 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #35, December 1957 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
London Mystery Selection
Title changed from The London Mystery Magazine.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ #36, March 1958 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #37, June 1958 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #38, September 1958 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #39, December 1958 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #40, March 1959 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #41, April 1959 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #42, September 1959 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #43, December 1959 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #44, March 1960 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #45, June 1960 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #46, September 1960 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #47, December 1960 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #48, March 1961 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #49, May 1961 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #50, September 1961 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #51, November 1961 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #52, March 1962 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #53, June 1962 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #54 (1962) (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #55, December 1962 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #56, March 1963 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #57, June 1963 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #58, September 1963 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #59, December 1963 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #60, March 1964 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #61, June 1964 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ #62, September 1964 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v15, #63, December 1964 (2/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v15, #64, March 1965 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v15, #65, June 1965 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v15, #66, September 1965 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v15, #67, December 1965 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v16, #68, March 1966 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v16, #69, June 1966 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v16, #70, September 1966 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v16, #71, December 1966 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest, cover by Buster) (Contents)
- ___ v17, #72, February 1967 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v17, #73, May 1967 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v17, #74, September 1967 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v17, #75, December 1967 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest, cover by Buster) (Contents)
- ___ v18, #76, March 1968 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest, cover by Buster) (Contents)
- ___ v19, #77, June 1968 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest, cover by Buster) (Contents)
- ___ v19, #78, September 1968 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v19, #79, December 1968 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v19, #80, March 1969 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest, cover by Buster) (Contents)
- ___ v19, #81, June 1969 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v19, #82, September 1969 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v19, #83, December 1969 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest, cover by Buster) (Contents)
- ___ v20, #84, March 1970 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest, cover by Buster) (Contents)
- ___ v20, #85, June 1970 (3/6d, 128pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v20, #86, September 1970 (128pp+, small digest, cover by Buster) (Contents)
- ___ v20, #87, December 1970 (5/-, 128pp+, small digest) (Contents)
- ___ v21, #88, March 1971 (5/-, 128pp+, small digest) (Contents)
- ___ v21, #89, June 1971 (128pp+, small digest, cover by Buster) (Contents)
- ___ v21, #90, September 1971 (128pp+, small digest, cover by Buster) (Contents)
- ___ v21, #91, December 1971 (128pp+, small digest, cover by Buster) (Contents)
- ___ v22, #92, March 1972 (25p, 128pp+, small digest, cover by Buster) (Contents)
- ___ v22, #93, June 1972 (25p, 128pp+, small digest, cover by T. McSweeney) (Contents)
- ___ v22, #94, September 1972 (25p, 128pp+, small digest) (Contents)
- ___ v22, #95, December 1972 (25p, 128pp+, small digest, cover by T. McSweeney) (Contents)
- ___ v22, #96, March 1973 (25p, 128pp+, small digest) (Contents)
- ___ v22, #97, June 1973 (25p, 128pp+, small digest) (Contents)
- ___ v22, #98, September 1973 (25p, 128pp+, small digest) (Contents)
- ___ v24, #99, November 1973 (25p, 128pp+, small digest) (Contents)
- ___ v25, #100, March 1974 (25p, 128pp+, small digest) (Contents)
- ___ v25, #101, June 1974 (128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v25, #102, September 1974 (128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v25, #103, December 1974 (128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v25, #104, March 1975 (128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v26, #105, June 1975 (128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v26, #106, September 1975 (35p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v26, #107, December 1975 (35p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v26, #108, March 1976 (35p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v27, #109, June 1976 (35p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v27, #110, September 1976 (35p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v27, #111, December 1976 (35p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v27, #112, March 1977 (35p, 128pp, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v27, #113, June 1977 (35p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v27, #114, September 1977 (35p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v28, #115, December 1977 (35p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v28, #116, March 1978 (50p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v29, #117, June 1978 (50p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v29, #118, September 1978 (50p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v29, #119, December 1978 (50p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v29, #120, March 1979 (50p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v30, #121, June 1979 (50p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v30, #122, September 1979 (50p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v30, #123, December 1979 (50p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v30, #124, March 1980 (50p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v31, #125, June 1980 (50p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v31, #126, September 1980 (50p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v31, #127, December 1980 (50p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v31, #128, March 1981 (75p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v32, #129, June 1981 (75p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v32, #130, September 1981 (75p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v32, #131, December 1981 (75p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
- ___ v33, #132, March 1982 (75p, 128pp+, pb) (Contents)
: Mystery, Hulton, 1952
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