The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 597
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Winter, James R. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- The Irish Sports Pages, (br) Hardluck Stories Fall 2002 [Ref. Les Roberts]
- Cold Pursuit, (br) Hardluck Stories Spring 2003 [Ref. T. Jefferson Parker]
- Hard Freeze, (br) Hardluck Stories Special 2003 [Ref. Dan Simmons]
- Demon’s Eye [Nick Kepler], (ss) Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine #34, Summer 2004
- Roofies [Nick Kepler], (ss) Thrilling Detective (online) Summer 2004
- Dublin Noir Launch, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #13, July/August 2006
- Stuart MacBride Interview, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #19, July/August 2007 [Ref. Stuart MacBride]
- Dave White Interviewed, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #20, September/October 2007 [Ref. Dave White]
- Lady Luck [Nick Kepler], (ss) Thrilling Detective (online) April 2008
- Love Don’t Mean a Thing [Nick Kepler], (ss) Thrilling Detective (online) Spring 2009
- “We Be Cool”, (ss) Crime Factory September 2010
- The Heckler, (ss) Needle #7, Fall/Winter 2012
Winterton, Paul (1908-2001); used pseudonym Andrew Garve (items)
- The Riddle of Samson, (n.) Collins, 1954, as by Andrew Garve
- The Man Who Wasn’t Scared, (ss) John Bull August 4 1956, as by Andrew Garve
- The Last Link, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1962, as by Andrew Garve
- Revenge!, (ss) The Evening Standard March 15 1963, as by Andrew Garve
- Who Would Steal a Mail Box?, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 1964, as by Andrew Garve
- Line of Communication, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1967, as by Andrew Garve
- A Case of Blackmail, (ss) 1967, as by Andrew Garve
- A Glass of Port, (ss) Winter’s Crimes 7 ed. George Hardinge, Macmillan UK, 1975, as by Andrew Garve
Winton, Robert (fl. 1910s-1920s) (items)
- Hagridden, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 5 1917
- Black Diamonds, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 20 1917
- The New Member, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 5 1917
- The Bronze Hairpin, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 20 1917
- Gray Wolf, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 20 1917
- Crime in Crescendo, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 20 1917
- Out of Water, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1917
- Mrs. Sheba Higgins, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 11 1917
- Through the Air, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 2 1917
- Fragile Loot, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 18 1917
- My Friend Rogers, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 29 1918
- Whose Hands? (with Dahlia Graham), (nv) Detective Story Magazine March 12 1918
- Fruit of Bitterness (with Dahlia Graham), (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 19 1918
- Sentenced to Silence, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 14 1918
- Studio 9 (with Dahlia Graham), (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 21 1918
- At the Mouth of the Well, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 4 1918
- Monkey See, Monkey Do, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 26 1918
- For Pretty Things, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 10 1918
- Buried in a Bank, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 17 1918
- Bred in the Bone, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 4 1919
- Twin Rooms, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 15 1919
- Encore Mabel, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 12 1921
- Payment Deferred, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 22 1922
- When Henry Fell, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 17 1922
- Sliding Bars, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 5 1922
- He Couldn’t Wait, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 21 1922
Wirt, W.; pseudonym of Wirt Winchester Young (1876-1950) (items)
- Comin’ Through with Rye, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly December 1 1928
- His Pipe and His Tea, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 5 1929
- The Baron and I, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 26 1929
- Cassidy’s War, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly February 9 1929
- Allee Samee Cats, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly October 19 1929
- “Want Him Alive?”, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly February 1 1930
- Special Agenting—a Job, (ts) Detective Fiction Weekly September 13 1930
- Dead or Alive, (ss) The Underworld Magazine October 1930
- With or Without Holes, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 20 1930
- The Murphys and the Manchus, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly April 11 1931
- I Want ’Em Alive, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly October 29 1932
- The Body on the Bench, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly March 18 1933
- It Was Frozen, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 23 1933
- Machine Gun Murder, (nv) Detective December 1933
- Foxing the G-Men, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1936
- Federal Feudists, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories September/October 1936
- On the Executioner’s Blood List [Johnny Hatfield; Jimmy Wilson], (ss) Ace G-Man Stories January/February 1937
- Candidate for a Coffin, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories May/June 1937
- Federal Frontiersman, (nv) Ace G-Man Stories July/August 1937
- Beware of Federal Fury [Johnny Hatfield; Jimmy Wilson], (ss) Ace G-Man Stories September/October 1937
- Federal Gangster, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories November/December 1937
- Lady Luck and Mr. Colt [Johnny Hatfield; Jimmy Wilson], (nv) Ace G-Man Stories January/February 1938
- F.B.I. Corpses Come High [Johnny Hatfield; Jimmy Wilson], (nv) Ace G-Man Stories January/February 1939
Wirta, Lauri; pseudonym of Ejler Jakobsson (1911-1984) (items)
- King of Crime, (ms) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1946
- The Lonely Dead, (ms) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1946
- Houses in Hell!, (ar) Detective Tales September 1946
- Murder by Proxy, (ar) Detective Tales December 1946
- $2,000,000 Rat-Race, (ar) Detective Tales September 1947
- Awake and Swing!, (ms) Dime Mystery Magazine December 1947
- Stand-In for the Corpse, (ar) Detective Tales April 1948
- The Strange Lives of Johnny Q, (ms) Dime Mystery Magazine June 1948
- A Sub for San Quentin, (ar) Dime Detective Magazine June 1948
- Stone Walls Couldn’t Hold Him!, (ar) Detective Tales July 1948
- How to Make a Killing, (ar) Detective Tales August 1948
- Lady Bountiful, (ms) Detective Tales September 1948
- Carrying the Torch, (ms) Detective Tales September 1949
- Devil’s Island—New Style, (ms) Dime Mystery Magazine October 1949
- John Doe—Lawbreaker, (ar) Detective Tales January 1950
- In Hot Water, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine February 1950
- Movie Manhunt, (mr) F.B.I. Detective Stories February 1950
- Please Pass the Poison, (ss) 15 Story Detective April 1950
- Up the River, (cl) Detective Tales May 1950
- Tales of the F.B.I., (ms) F.B.I. Detective Stories June 1950
- They Call It Law!, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine July 1950
- Rest in Pieces, (ar) Dime Detective Magazine January 1951
- Santa’s Claws, (ar) Dime Detective Magazine February 1951
- Turnabout, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine June 1952
- Demon Lover, (ar) New Detective Magazine June 1953
- Fingerprints, (ms) Fifteen Detective Stories August 1953
- The Baffling Bullet, (ar) Fifteen Detective Stories February 1954
- Quirks in Crime, (ms) Fifteen Detective Stories April 1954
- Death-Dance for a Corpse, (ss)
Wishnia, K(enneth) J(ohn) A(lexander) (1960- ) (items)
- Lead and Leather [Filomena Buscarsela], (ss) Flat Rate and Other Tales of Mystery and Weirdness by K. J. A. Wishnia, Imaginary Press, 1997
- Just Like a Boy [Filomena Buscarsela], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 2001
- Unusual Floral Organs, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 2003
- All That Glitters [Filomena Buscarsela], (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 2004
- Introduction to “The Man Who Was Kicked to Death”, (is) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 2009 [Ref. Pablo Palacio]
- Burning Twilight [Kassy], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 2010
- Between Minkhe and Mayrev [Rabbi Ben-Akiva; Kassy], (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 2010
- Down These Mean Strassen, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #40, January/February 2011
- Cups and Varlets [Rabbi Ben-Akiva; Kassy], (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 2012
- Market Day, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 2012
- Redefining Noir (Again), (ed) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 2015
- Bride of Torches, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2020
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