The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 580
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Weadock, Louis (1880-1942) (items)
- Wanted for Murder, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly May 29 1926
- The Burnt Child, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly June 12 1926
- The Underground, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly August 21 1926
- Bottles and Stoppers, (ss) Clues November 1926
- The Other Man’s Game, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly December 11 1926
- Mile-Away Eddie Wins Out, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly January 15 1927
- Sometimes They Meet, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly March 19 1927
- Rocks Are Hot, (ar) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories April/May 1927
- The Dealer Takes One Card, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly May 14 1927
- Slim Thomas Beats a Rap, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly May 21 1927
- How’s Why—Says You, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly June 11 1927
- Three O’Clock in a Nine O’Clock Town, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction July 2 1927
- My Name Is John Jones, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction August 6 1927
- You’re in the Army Now, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction August 20 1927
- What’s the Law Among Friends?, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction September 17 1927
- Dan Dorr Fries Some Fish, (ss) Clues October 1927
- Both Feet on the Deck, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction November 5 1927
- Home to Roost, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction December 17 1927
- Wisdom for the Wise, (ss) Clues December 1927
- Ladies Prefer Diamonds, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction January 14 1928
- Knows All; Sees All; —, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction February 25 1928
- Not on the Cards, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction April 7 1928
- The Kidnaped Plutocrat, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 16 1928
- Odds or Evens, He Gets His, (ss) Clues 2nd July 1928
- The Fifty-Third Card, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly July 28 1928
- Three Hots and a Pad, (ss) Clues 1st February 1929
- Hackett Hears a Shot [Sleepy Hackett], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 1 1929
- Cue-Ball in a Pocket, (ss) Clues 2nd July 1929
- Fired [Sleepy Hackett], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 25 1930
- Twice One Is Two [Sleepy Hackett], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 15 1930
- Prison Secrets, (ss) The Underworld Magazine June 1930
- Burglars Will Be Burglars, (ss) The Underworld Magazine August 1930
- Hackett Puts on the Puff [Sleepy Hackett], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 13 1930
- Honest Del’s Slick Ace, (ss) Gangland Stories December 1930
- The Straight Flush, (ss) The Underworld Magazine January 1931
- Hackett Gets Service [Sleepy Hackett], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 25 1931
- Hell’s Headlines, (ss) The Underworld Magazine April 1931
- Count the Cards, (ss) Racketeer Stories May/June 1931
- Hackett Deals the Cards [Sleepy Hackett], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 12 1931
- Samson Gets a Haircut, (ss) Gangster Stories September 1931
- Hackett Blows Down a Beef [Sleepy Hackett], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 5 1932
- Hackett Meets a Murderer [Sleepy Hackett], (ss) Clues March 1932
- Arrest on Sight, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 9 1932
- Hackett Kills Two Birds [Sleepy Hackett], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 28 1936
Weagly, John (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Tamra’s Transgression, (vi) Futures #16, August/September 2000
- Sunset Requiem, (ss) Hardluck Stories Winter 2004
- The Neon Wrestler, (ss) Crimespree Magazine #11, March/April 2006
- Long Distance Rumbles, (ss) Bullet #7, 2006
- Like Sapphires in the Sea, (ss) Hardluck Stories Spring 2007
- In the Shadows of Wrigley Field, (ss) The Back Alley Webzine November 2007
- Sparrows & Crows, (ss) Crime Factory September 2010
- This City Never Sleeps, (ss) Rock and a Hard Place #11, Summer 2024
Webb, C. K. (fl. 2010s) (about) (items)
- The History of Horror, (ar) Suspense Magazine December 2010
- The Mystique of the Mystery, (ar) Suspense Magazine January 2011
- Romance Takes a Suspenseful Twist, (iv) Suspense Magazine February 2011 [Ref. Tasha Alexander]
- The Tale of the Thriller, (ar) Suspense Magazine February 2011
- The Primeval Paranormal, (ar) Suspense Magazine March 2011
- Source of Suspense: The Eternal Mystery, (ar) Suspense Magazine April 2011
- Just What the Doctor Prescribes, (iv) Suspense Magazine May 2011 [Ref. Michael Palmer]
- Things That Only Come Out at Night: Vampires, (ar) Suspense Magazine May 2011
- Zombies, (ar) Suspense Magazine June 2011
- Werewolves, (ar) Suspense Magazine July 2011
- The Bogeyman, (ar) Suspense Magazine August 2011
- Dragons, (ar) Suspense Magazine September 2011
- Witches & Witchcraft, (ar) Suspense Magazine October 2011
- The Basilisk & Leviathan, (ar) Suspense Magazine November 2011
- Wizards, (ar) Suspense Magazine December 2011
- A Southern Haunting: True Hauntings of the South, (cl) Suspense Magazine January 2012, etc.
- A Serial Killer in our Midst, (ar) Suspense Magazine May 2012
- The Frankford Slasher, (ar) Suspense Magazine June 2012
- The Long Island Serial Killer, (ar) Suspense Magazine July 2012
- The Elderly Serial Killer of Columbus, Mississippi, (ar) Suspense Magazine August 2012
- Hollywood Hexes, (cl) Suspense Magazine September 2012
- James Dean’s Death Car, (ar) Suspense Magazine October 2012
- The Curse of Atuk, (ar) Suspense Magazine November 2012
- Poltergeist, The Exorcist, & The Omen, (ar) Suspense Magazine December 2012
- The End of Days…Again?, (fa) Suspense Magazine January 2013
- Jurassic Park, (ar) Suspense Magazine February 2013 [Ref. Michael Crichton]
- Bram Stoker’s Dracula, (ar) Suspense Magazine March 2013 [Ref. Bram Stoker]
- A Bright Glimpse Into a Very Dark Mind, (iv) Suspense Magazine May 2013 [Ref. Thomas M. Malafarina]
- To Kill a Mockingbird, (ar) Suspense Magazine May 2013 [Ref. Harper Lee]
- Horror’s New Voice, (iv) Suspense Magazine June 2013 [Ref. John Mulhall]
- Stand by Me, (ar) Suspense Magazine June 2013 [Ref. Stephen King]
- Children of Men, (ar) Suspense Magazine July 2013 [Ref. P. D. James]
- The Painist, (ar) Suspense Magazine August 2013 [Ref. Jerzy Waldorff]
- The Harry Potter Series, (ar) Suspense Magazine September/October 2013 [Ref. J. K. Rowling]
- John Rector on the Right Path, (iv) Suspense Magazine September/October 2013 [Ref. John Rector]
- The Exorcist, (ar) Suspense Magazine November 2013 [Ref. William Peter Blatty]
- The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, (ar) Suspense Magazine November 2013 [Ref. J. R. R. Tolkien]
- The Road, (ar) Suspense Magazine December 2013 [Ref. Cormac McCarthy]
- The End Is Near…Again!, (ar) Suspense Magazine March 2014
Webb, Jack; [i.e., John Alfred Webb] (1916-2008) (about) (items)
- Broken Doll, (nv) Manhunt May 1954
- Getaway, (ss) Menace November 1954
- The First Fifty Thousand, (nv) Manhunt March 1955
- The Makeshift Martini, (ss) Manhunt June 1955
- Outside the Cages, (nv) Manhunt December 1955
- Moment of Truth, (ss) Accused Detective Story Magazine January 1956
- The Mad Martini, (na) Accused Detective Story Magazine March 1956
- Time to Kill, (nv) Manhunt December 1957
- And Start with a Blonde [Father Joseph Shanley; Sammy Golden], (ss) Ed McBain’s Mystery Book #2, 1960
- Day of the Tiger, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 1966
- Murder Is My Host, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine May 1969
- The Pandora Plan, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine June 1969
- The Heart Givers, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine August 1972
- This Man Must Die, (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1973
- The Sensuous Corpse, (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine October 1973
- Love Letter, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine January 1974
Webb, Jean Francis (1910-1991); used pseudonyms Roswell Brown & C. K. M. Scanlon (items)
- The Murder Wheel, (ss) The Shadow Magazine October 15 1933
- Rehearsal for Murder, (ss) Nick Carter Magazine January 1934
- Rat Trap, (ss) The Shadow Magazine July 1 1934
- Scoop! [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine August 1 1934, as by Roswell Brown
- Dumb Blonde [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine September 1 1934, as by Roswell Brown
- War Paint [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine October 1 1934, as by Roswell Brown
- The Bigger They Are [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine November 1 1934, as by Roswell Brown
- Double Chocolate [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine December 1 1934, as by Roswell Brown
- Millions to Burn [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine January 1 1935, as by Roswell Brown
- Red Is for Fox [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine March 1 1935, as by Roswell Brown
- Kitchen Trap [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine June 1 1935, as by Roswell Brown
- Death Toy, (ss) The Shadow Magazine July 15 1935
- Thin Air [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine August 1 1935, as by Roswell Brown
- Bombproof Baby [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine October 15 1935, as by Roswell Brown
- Mad Dog, (ss) The Shadow Magazine January 1 1936
- Crime in the Air [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine January 15 1936, as by Roswell Brown
- Hot Main, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 18 1936
- Hit the Baby! [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine February 15 1936, as by Roswell Brown
- Midnight Cargo, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 7 1936
- Phantom Pirate [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (nv) The Shadow Magazine March 15 1936, as by Roswell Brown
- Law of the Levee, (ss) G-Men April 1936
- The Muscleman’s Bomb Boys, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 13 1936
- Sign of the Devildog [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine June 15 1936, as by Roswell Brown
- Fugitive Millions, (ss) The Shadow Magazine July 15 1936
- Blonde Baby, (ss) The Feds July/September 1936, as by Roswell Brown
- The Tattooed Twin [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine August 15 1936, as by Roswell Brown
- Gold-Dust Clue, (ss) Clues Detective Stories September 1936
- Bubbles from Hell [“Bat” Hayward], (ss) The Feds October 1936
- Tunnel of Terror [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine November 1 1936, as by Roswell Brown
- Buck Haul, (ss) The Feds November 1936
- Fur Will Fly [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine December 1 1936, as by Roswell Brown
- Kaiwi Phantom, (ss) The Feds December 1936
- Appearance Money [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine February 15 1937, as by Roswell Brown
- Torch Song [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine March 15 1937, as by Roswell Brown
- Jumbo, (ss) The Feds March 1937
- Crime Clipper, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 3 1937
- Mutiny Incorporated [“Bat” Hayward], (ss) The Feds April 1937
- Claws of the War Lord [“Bat” Hayward], (ss) The Feds May 1937
- Goat Squad, (ss) Popular Detective June 1937
- Two-Dollar Straight, (ss) The Phantom Detective June 1937
- Return Address [Grace “Redsie” Culver], (ss) The Shadow Magazine July 15 1937, as by Roswell Brown
- Death Is Inaugurated, (nv) Thrilling Detective October 1937
- Satan’s Roller Rink, (ss) Ten Detective Aces October 1937
- Slick Silver [“Bat” Hayward], (nv) The Feds October 1937
- Crossroads of Crime [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men March 1939, as by C. K. M. Scanlon
- Murder in Alaska [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men June 1939, as by C. K. M. Scanlon
- Killer in Cleats, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 7 1939
- The Coast Guard Murders [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men December 1939, as by C. K. M. Scanlon
- The Forest Fire Murders [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective May 1940
- Flames Over Eden [Kimo], (nv) Thrilling Detective August 1940
- Murder’s Hex Sign [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective November 1940
- Finger of Guilt [Kimo], (nv) Thrilling Detective May 1941
- Shark Blood, (ss) Detective Fiction February 7 1942
- Murder Won’t Tell [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective July 1942
- Panama Peril [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective June 1943
- Bataan Blood, (ss) Black Book Detective Winter 1943
- Crime by the Carton [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective February 1946
- Death Fenced In, (ss) Black Book Detective Spring 1946
- Banshee of the Bayous, (ss) Popular Detective November 1946
- Blueprint of Evil [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective January 1947
- Live and Let Die [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective July 1947
- Bumper Crop of Murder, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 1948
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