The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 299
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[uncredited] (chron.) (continued)
- * Control Development, (pi) Air Trails May 1937
- * The Control Room, (ms) Submarine Stories April 1929
- * Convincing Drama, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1913
- * The Corsair Junior, (ar) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer July 1935
- * Costly Air, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine 1st February 1930
- * Costly to Live in Persian City, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly November 10 1915
- * The Cost of Airplane Motors, (ms) Air Trails August 1929
- * Cost of Schneider Cup Entry, (ms) Street & Smith’s Air Trails May 1931
- * The Courage of Airmen, (ms) Air Trails January 1929
- * Courage to Die, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces May 1938
- * The Cover Stories, (ms) Pulp Adventures #40 Spr, #41 Fll 2022
- * Cowards Fly in Hell [Greaseball Joe], (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces August 1942
- * Cowboy and Frontier Songs, (cl) Movie Monthly Feb, Apr, May, Jul 1926
- * The Cowboy and the Baron [Smoke Wade], (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces October 1943
- * A Craft for High Altitude!, (ms) Flying Aces November 1934
- * Crash and a Side-Slip, Please!, (ms) Sky Riders #6, April 1929
- * Crash on the Line [Greaseball Joe], (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces October 1941
- * Crazy Crates Contest, (cn) Sky Birds Nov, Dec 1930, Jan, Mar, Apr, Jun, Aug 1931
- * Crazy Crates Contest No. 9, (cn) Sky Birds September 1931
- * Creased!, (ms) Flying Aces June 1931
- * The Creature That Walks Upside Down, (ar) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine December 1925
- * The Creed of the Air Adventurer, (ms) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer Nov 1934, Jan 1935
- * Creeping Barrage, (ia) Battle Stories #15, November 1928
- * Crewless Subways, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine August 15 1928
- * The Crimson Mask Stories (Checklist), (ar) Pulp Spring 1971
- * Crooks Beware!, (ms) Submarine Stories #13, September 1930
- * Cross Winds, (pz) Bill Barnes Air Trails Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec 1936, Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec 1937
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul 1938
- * A Cross-Word Puzzle, (pz) Movie Thrillers February 1925
- * Crossword Puzzle Contest No. 1, (cn) Flying Aces September 1932
- * Crossword Puzzle No. 2, (pz) Flying Aces November 1932
- * The Cruise of the Haleric, (ar) The Danger Trail January 1927
- * The Cruising Boys of the Subdiv Nine, (sg) Submarine Stories #13, September 1930
- * Crusader Castles Still Stand, (ms) Speed Adventure Stories January 1944
- * The Crypt, (cl) The Scorpion April/May 1939
- * The Cultivation of Pearls, (ms) Sea Stories Magazine June 1922
- * Curtis P-36A, United States, (ia) The Lone Eagle February 1939
- * Curtiss Goshawk, (ar) George Bruce’s Squadron May 1934
- * Curtiss Hawk 75, (ia) The Lone Eagle June 1941
- * Curtiss SBC-4 Three-View, (ar) Flying Aces May 1943
- * C-W’s Latest Interceptor, (ms) Flying Aces March 1941
- * Cyclones Odd Pranks, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly September 10 1915
- * The Cynic, (hu) Top-Notch Magazine March 15 1926
- * Daedalus and Icarus, (ia) War Birds #64, July 1933
- * Dance of Desire, (ss) Saucy Movie Tales January/February 1938
- * Dancer Smiles at Court Martial, (ms) New Mystery Adventures August 1935
- * The Dan Fowler Novels in G-Men (Checklist), (ar) Pulp Fall 1970
- * Danny O’Shea, (pi) Movie Monthly May 1926 [Ref. Danny O’Shea]
- * Daring Discretion, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine July 1 1925
- * Dark Shark, (??) Air Trails and Science Frontiers April 1947
- * Dartmouth Hall, (ms) College Stories June 1931
- * Date Set for National Air Races, (ms) Air Trails July 1930
- * The Dawn of a New Day, (pi) Movie Monthly December 1925 [Ref. Marceline Day]
- * A Day with Heinkel, (ar) Flying Aces July 1942
- * A Day with the Bulldogs, (pi) Flying Aces April 1944
- * The Deadly Torpedo, (ms) Submarine Stories #11 May, #13 Sep 1930
- * Dead Man’s Patrol, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces August 1938
- * Dead Pigeons [Smoke Wade], (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces May 1940
- * Dealers of Destruction, (ms) Flying Aces May 1944
- * Death Comes to an Eagle, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces November 1938
- * Death-Dealers of Today, (ms) Flying Aces June 1934
- * Death Flies a Fokker, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces February 1938
- * Death Flies Alone, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces December 1937
- * Death for the Decoy, (ar) Sky Birds September 1934
- * Death from Stars, (ms) Doc Savage Magazine August 1936
- * Death from the Air, (cl) Sky Devils June 1939
- * Death in a Black Box, (ts) Fact Spy Stories April 1939
- * Death in the Nets Over London, (ar) Flying Aces July 1937
- * Death in the Skies, (ar) Pulp Spring 1972
- * Death Marks a Hero, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces July 1939
- * Death Missed by a Moment, (ms) Air Stories (UK) July 1935
- * Death Over New York [Lone Wolf of Espionage], (ts) Fact Spy Stories September 1939
- * Death Pays Off, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces January 1938
- * Death’s Tempter, (ar) The Whisperer July 1937
- * Death Walks the Wing, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces September 1938
- * The Decoy Herd, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine April 15 1928
- * Deeds of Danger and Daring Told in Pictures, (pi) Tales of Danger and Daring Mar, Apr 1929
- * A Deep Sea Dual, (ms) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #47, July 1931
- * A Deep Water Joke, (hu) Sea Story Anthology #1, 1948
- * Defense in the Air, (ms) Flying Aces March 1934
- * De Haviland Reaches New Altitude, (ms) Air Trails December 1928
- * A Delayed Celebration, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine 1st February 1930
- * A Delicate Matter, (ms) Top-Notch August 15 1912
- * Deliver to Baywood Airdrome, (ar) Flying Aces November 1943as told to Horace Mazel
- * Demons in the Nullahs, (ar) Flying Aces February 1937
- * Department of Commerce Activities, (ms) Air Trails February 1930
- * Desert Crocodiles, (ar) The Danger Trail March 1926
- * Destroyers—Ho!, (ms) War Stories #95, June 1931
- * Detectives, (ar) The Whisperer June 1937
- * Development Highlights, (ms) Air Trails March 1951
- * Development of Attack Planes, (ms) Air Trails March 1938
- * Development of Mail Planes, (pi) Bill Barnes Air Trails June 1936
- * The Devil Bird [Barry Rand (The Red Falcon)], (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces June 1944
- * The Devil Flies a Bronc [Smoke Wade], (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces November 1940
- * The Devil’s Aces, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces January 1937
- * The Devil Sends an Ace [Smoke Wade], (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces October 1941
- * The Devil’s Horns [Richard Henry Benson (The Avenger)], (pl) Pulp Vault #2, May 1988; radio script, show of September 2, 1941.
- * The Devil’s Squadron [Barry Rand (The Red Falcon)], (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces August 1942
- * The Devil’s Step-Child, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces December 1940
- * Devil Weed, (pm) The Spider December 1940
- * Diary of a Movie Star, (ss) Saucy Movie Tales April 1937
- * Diary of a Movie Star, (ss) Saucy Movie Tales May 1937
- * The Dice Roll Seven, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces January 1940
- * Dick Merriwell in Alaska [Dick Merriwell], (na) TipTop Semi-Monthly Oct 25, Nov 10, Nov 25, Dec 10 1915
- * Dick Merriwell’s Baseball Gringos [Dick Merriwell], (na) TipTop Semi-Monthly Apr 25, May 10, May 25, Jun 10 1915
- * Dick Merriwell’s Counterstroke [Dick Merriwell], (ss) Wide-Awake Magazine February 25 1916
- * Dick Merriwell’s Likeness [Dick Merriwell], (nv) TipTop Semi-Monthly March 10 1915
- * Dick Merriwell’s Long-Shot Chance [Dick Merriwell], (nv) TipTop Semi-Monthly March 25 1915
- * Dick Merriwell’s Ruse [Dick Merriwell], (ss) Wide-Awake Magazine April 10 1916
- * Dictionary of Air Terms, (ms) Sky Fighters May, Jul 1935, Jan, Feb, Mar, Jul, Aug, Sep 1936
- * Dictionary of Air Terms: French and German, (ms) Sky Fighters Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1935
- * Did Airplanes Sink the España?, (ar) Flying Aces August 1937
- * Did Aztalan Exist?, (ms) Golden Fleece January 1939
- * Did You Know—, (ms) George Bruce’s Squadron October 1933
- * Did You Know That, (ms) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer February 1934
- * Did You Know That—, (ia) War Stories #97 Aug, #99 Oct 1931
- * The Diesel Engine, (ms) Submarine Stories #11, May 1930
- * Difficult Shopping, (ms) Top-Notch August 15 1912
- * Dine at the Escadrille Club, (ms) Flying Aces #1, 1970
- * Dinghy Drill, (ms) Flying Aces February 1943
- * Dinner at $100 a Plate, (ms) The Live Wire August 1908
- * Dirigible Development, (ms) Air Trails February 1937
- * Dirigible Will Carry Five Planes, (ms) Air Trails March 1931
- * The Disappearing Sails, (ms) Sea Stories Magazine February 1922
- * A Discordant Note, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1913
- * Dive-Bombing at 300 Miles an Hour, (ms) Air Stories (UK) September 1935
- * Divide These Planes!, (pz) Sky Riders #26, December 1930
- * Diving Bomber vs. Submarine, (ar) Flying Aces September 1936
- * Doc Savage Award, (ms) Doc Savage May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct 1938, Feb 1939, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1943
- * Doc Savage Awards, (ms) Doc Savage Jun, Dec 1943
- * Doc Savage on the Air, (ms) Doc Savage Magazine Dec 1934, Jan, Feb 1935
- * Doctor-Aviator Discovers Sugar, (ms) Air Trails May 1929
- * Doctoring the Eskimos, (ms) Doc Savage Magazine June 1935
- * Does It Work?, (ms) Doc Savage Magazine June 1936
- * Dog-Fighter’s Brain-Teaser, (pz) Sky Fighters August 1934
- * Dogfight Maneuvers, (ia) Battle Stories #13, September 1928
- * Dog-Fight to the Death Over Spain, (ar) Flying Aces June 1937
- * The Dog’s Cold Nose, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine July 15 1915
- * Dogs Help Indians Fish, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly July 10 1915
- * Dogs of the Orient, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine 1st November 1930
- * Dogs of War, (ms) Speed Adventure Stories January 1945
- * A Dog with Unusual Habits, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly November 10 1915
- * Doing a Week’s K.P., (pm) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #55, April 1932
- * Doing It Thoroughly, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine January 15 1925
- * Dollar Bills Worth Their Weight in Gold, (ms) The Live Wire August 1908
- * Don’t Dig Here, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd April 1929
- * Don’t Miss Spy Stories and Spy Novels Magazine, (ms) Sky Birds March 1935
- * Don’t Miss Spy Stories—New, Different, Amazing!, (ms) Sky Birds January 1935
- * Don’t Miss the Next Big Number of Sky Birds!, (ms) Sky Birds April 1932
- * Don’t Miss the Next Flying Aces, (ms) Flying Aces April 1933
- * Don’t Miss the Next Great Number of Sky Birds!, (ms) Sky Birds Jul, Dec 1933
- * Don’t Miss the Next Number of Flying Aces!, (ms) Flying Aces November 1932
- * Don’t Miss the Next Number of Sky Birds!, (ms) Sky Birds Oct 1932, Aug 1935
- * Don’t Miss the Next Sky Birds, (ms) Sky Birds Jun, Dec 1935
- * Don’t Miss These Fiction Aces!, (ms) Flying Aces May 1932
- * Don’t Miss These Fiction Aces!, (ms) Sky Birds June 1932
- * Don’t Miss These Three Fiction Aces!, (ms) Flying Aces December 1932
- * Don’t Miss This Chance to Get a Glider Book!, (ms) Flying Aces February 1933
- * Don’t Miss This Offer for a Glider Book!, (ms) Sky Birds January 1933
- * Don’t Miss This Special Announcement!, (ms) Flying Aces Jan 1932, Jan 1933
- * Don’t Miss This Special Announcement!, (ms) Sky Birds March 1932
- * Don’t Worry, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine December 1 1915
- * Doolittle Flies “Blind”, (ms) Air Trails December 1929
- * Dope Smugglers Use Planes, (ms) Air Trails March 1931
- * Doris Does Her Daily Dozen, (pi) Movie Monthly July 1926 [Ref. Doris Hill]
- * Dornier Do. 23, Germany, (ia) The Lone Eagle December 1936
- * Do Tell!, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine February 1 1921
- * Do the Dead Ever Speak, (vi) Action Stories September 1925
- * A Double-Decked Lake, (ms) Sea Stories Magazine March 1922
- * The Doughboy Battlegram, (cn) War Stories #84, August 1930
- * The Doughboy’s Cigaret, (pm) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #58, August 1932
- * Doughboy’s Dictionary, (ar) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #26, October 1929
- * The Doughboy’s Fag, (pm) Captain Billy’s Smokehouse Poetry
- * Douglas O-31A Observation, (ms) Flying Aces February 1942
- * Down Below, (ms) War Stories #95, June 1931
- * Down Memory’s Runway, (pi) Flying Aces Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1940, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug,
Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1941
Jan, Feb, May, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1942, Jan, Mar, May, Jun 1943
- * Down on the Red Lead, Sailors!, (ms) Navy Stories #2, June 1930
- * Do You Know That—, (cl) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1934, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun,
Jul, Aug, Sep, Dec 1935
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1936
- * Do You Know Your Air Force?, (qz) Air War Summer 1943
- * Do You Plan to Go Ahead?, (ms) The Thrill Book September 1 1919
- * Do You Want a Job as a Flyer?, (ms) Air Adventures October 1928
- * Drafty Places, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly March 10 1915
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