The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 200
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Parkhill, Forbes (1892-1974) (about) (chron.)
- * Ace in the Hole, (ss) Air Adventures October 1928
- * Behind Closed Doors, (nv) Action Stories October 1922
- * Checkmate, (ss) Action Stories January 1923
- * Clipping the Buzzard’s Wings [High, Wide, and Handsome], (nv) Three Star Magazine 1st September 1928
- * Colonel Colt’s Kid, (na) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd February 1929
- * Cowboy of the Skies, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1927
- * Death Before Dawn, (nv) Dime Adventure Magazine November 1935
- * Flyers of Fortune, (sl) Air Adventures Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1929
- * Flyin’ Fools, (ss) Air Stories November 1927
- * Free-Ride to the Hang-Tree, (nv) Action Stories Summer 1949
- * The Gold Strike, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine November 1 1927
- * Guns Before Dawn, (nv) Thrilling Adventures July 1936
- * Gunsmoke Trail, (ss) High Spot Magazine January 1931
- * Hair-Trigger Buckaroos, (ss) High Spot Magazine November 1930
- * Hellcat Wrangler, (nv) Ace-High Magazine 1st April 1933
- * High, Wide, and Handsome [High, Wide, and Handsome], (nv) Three Star Magazine 1st May 1928
- * Hims of Hate, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine December 15 1927
- * Locked Horns, (na) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd November 1928
- * Man-Size, Plus, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd November 1929
- * One Bad Hombre, (ss) Three Star Magazine 1st June 1928
- * On the Rampage, (ss) Action Stories October 1927
- * A Pal for Keeps, (nv) Three Star Magazine 2nd April 1928
- * Pearls of Death, (ss) Three Star Magazine 1st July 1928
- * Shielding Shadow, (ss) Action Stories December 1923
- * The Sky’s the Limit, (ss) Wings May 1928
- * The Sky Wrangler, (nv) Three Star Magazine 2nd July 1928
- * The Three Horsemen of the Nighthawk Trick [High, Wide, and Handsome], (nv) Three Star Magazine 2nd May 1928
- * Twisting the Hellcat’s Tail, (na) Cowboy Stories October 1929
- * Winged Bulldoggers, (ss) Three Star Magazine 2nd September 1928
Parkhurst, H(arry) L(emon) V(ictor) (1876-1962) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Star Novels Magazine #7, Fall 1933
- * [front cover], (cv) Conflict January/February 1934
- * [front cover], (cv) Spicy-Adventure Stories Dec 1934, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1935, Jan, Jul, Dec 1936, Mar, Nov 1937
Aug 1938, Jan, Mar, Jul, Dec 1939, Feb, Apr, Dec 1940, Mar, May, Oct 1941
Jan, Jul 1942
- * [front cover], (cv) Planet Stories Winter 1945
- * [front cover], (cv) Action Stories Spring 1946
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #43 Mar, #44 Apr, #45 May, #46 Jun, #47 Jul, #50 Oct, #52 Dec 1931, #55 Apr, #57 Jul, #58 Aug, #59 Sep 1932
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Spicy-Adventure Stories Apr, Aug 1935, Dec 1936
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Air War Summer 1942
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Thrilling Adventures February 1943
_____, [?]
Parmenter, Richard (fl. 1920s-1930s); used pseudonyms Nicholas Brigg & Paul Starr (chron.)
- * Blazing Buzzards, (na) Air Trails July 1930, as by Paul Starr
- * Doom Pilots, (na) Air Trails March 1930, as by Paul Starr
- * The Greaseball Ace, (na) Air Trails December 1930, as by Paul Starr
- * The Haunted Deck, (nv) Hutchinson’s Adventure & Mystery Story Magazine February 1928, as by Nicholas Brigg
- * High Hat, (ss) Air Trails May 1930, as by Paul Starr
- * The Horse on Seaward, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine November 1926, as by Nicholas Brigg
- * Knights of the Air, (ss) Air Trails August 1930, as by Paul Starr
- * The Man Brown, (ss) Sea Stories February 1928, as by Nicholas Brigg
- * On Silent Wings, (nv) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine 2nd May 1931, as by Paul Starr
- * The Phantom of the Princess Hermine, (nv) Outdoor Stories September 1927, as by Nicholas Brigg
- * Romance, (ss) Sea Stories March 1927, as by Nicholas Brigg
- * Skippy, (ss) Outdoor Stories March 1928, as by Nicholas Brigg
- * Sky Atonement, (ss) Air Trails February 1930, as by Paul Starr
- * Sky Devils, (nv) Air Trails November 1930, as by Paul Starr
- * Spangler of the “Dolphin”, (ss) Sea Stories September 1927, as by Nicholas Brigg
- * The Spanish Brig, (nv) Sea Stories February 1930, as by Nicholas Brigg
- * Spy Trails to Glory, (ss) Air Trails January 1931, as by Paul Starr
- * Those Irishmen, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine February 1927, as by Nicholas Brigg
- * Trapped Wings, (ss) Street & Smith’s Air Trails May 1931, as by Paul Starr
- * Wolf of the Clouds, (ss) Air Trails October 1929, as by Paul Starr
- * You Never Can Tell, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine January 1927, as by Nicholas Brigg
_____, [ref.]
Parsons, Edwin C(harles) (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Ace of Hearts—Oswald Boelcke, (ts) George Bruce’s Contact March 1934 [Ref. Oswald Boelcke]
- * Aces Are Born That Way, (ss) George Bruce’s Squadron August 1933
- * Aces Up!, (cl) Aces November 1931
* ___ James Norman Hall, (cl) Aces June 1932
- * All for One, (ss) George Bruce’s Squadron June 1934
- * The American Eagle, (ar) George Bruce’s Squadron October 1933 [Ref. William Thaw, II]
- * Baby Face, (ts) George Bruce’s Squadron December 1933 [Ref. Edmond Genet]
- * The Baby of the Lafayette, (ar) Wings December 1931
- * “Battling” Spad vs. “Kid” Fokker, (ar) War Aces #8, November 1930
- * Behind the Lines, (ts) George Bruce’s Squadron February 1934 [Ref. Harold Willis]
- * Bill Thaw, (ar) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #34, June 1930
- * Bill Thaw, Boss of the Lafayette, (ts) War Aces #23, February 1932
- * The Bleriot, (ar) George Bruce’s Contact April 1934
- * A Break Through Hell, (ts) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #44, April 1931
- * Call of the Blood, (nv) George Bruce’s Squadron April 1934
- * The Cauldron G3, (ar) George Bruce’s Contact May 1934
- * Chuck Kerwood, The Wild Man of Aviation, (ts) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #49, September 1931
- * Clipped Wings, (ss) War Aces #21, December 1931
- * Combat!:
* ___ The Baby of the Lafayette, (cl) Wings December 1931
* ___ The Man Who Had No Fear, (cl) Wings April 1932
* ___ An Unsung Hero, (cl) Wings March 1932
- * Courtney Campbell, (ar) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #33, May 1930
- * Crack ’em Up, (ar) War Aces #9, December 1930
- * Dave Putnam, Lone Wolf, (ss) War Birds #56, July 1932
- * Death on the Wing, (ts) George Bruce’s Squadron September 1933
- * Deuces, (ts) War Aces #16, July 1931
- * Didier Masson, the Gallant Ace, (ts) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #57, July 1932
- * The Eaglet Swoops, (ts) War Birds #73, April 1934
- * Eleven Lives for One Bottle of Champagne, (ts) War Aces #27, June 1932
- * Even Eagles Must Learn, (ar) War Aces #5, August 1930
- * Father of the Lafayette, (ar) War Birds #60, March 1933
- * First to Die, (ts) George Bruce’s Squadron May 1934 [Ref. Victor Chapman]
- * The First to Fall, (ts) George Bruce’s Squadron March 1934 [Ref. Clyde Balsley]
- * Flaming Coffins, (nv) George Bruce’s Contact November 1933
- * The Flying Bearcat, (ts) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #60, October 1932
- * Frank Baylies, The Winged Warrior, (ts) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #47, July 1931
- * Ghost Control, (ss) War Aces #11, February 1931
- * Harold Willis, (ar) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #35, July 1930
- * The Heavenly Twins, (ss) War Birds #40, March 1931
- * The Indomitable Warrior, (ts) George Bruce’s Squadron April 1934 [Ref. James Norman Hall]
- * The Iron Ace—Hermann Goering, (ar) George Bruce’s Contact May 1934 [Ref. Hermann Goering]
- * It’s All in the Game, (ar) War Aces #12, March 1931
- * James Norman Hall, (ar) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #30 Feb, #31 Mar 1930
- * James Norman Hall, (ar) Aces June 1932
- * John Barleycorn and Mars, (ar) War Birds #71, February 1934
- * Knights of the Air, (ts) War Birds #45, August 1931
- * Leaves from a War Bird’s Log, (ts) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #41, January 1931
- * Leaves from a War Diary, (ar) War Aces #7, October 1930
- * Lucky Kyle, (ss) War Birds #61, April 1933
- * The Lucky Nut, (ss) George Bruce’s Squadron January 1934
- * Lufbery, Mystery Ace, (ts) War Aces #17, August 1931 [Ref. Gervais Raoul Lufbery]
- * The Man Who Had No Fear, (ar) Wings April 1932
- * Martin Conley—Phantom of the A.E.F., (ts) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #46, June 1931
- * Missing!, (ss) War Aces #10, January 1931
- * Pages from the War Diary of Der Flugmeister Amerikaner, (ar) Sky Fighters June 1933
- * Paul Pavelka, (ts) War Birds #50, January 1932
- * Port of Missing Pilots, (nv) George Bruce’s Squadron March 1934
- * Propaganda, (ar) War Aces #15, June 1931
- * Raoul Lufbery, (ar) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #32, April 1930
- * The Red Hawk of Germany—Ernst Udet, (ts) George Bruce’s Contact January 1934 [Ref. Ernst Udet]
- * The Red Terror—Baron Manfred von Richthofen, (ts) George Bruce’s Contact February 1934 [Ref. Baron Manfred von Richthofen]
- * Retribution, (ss) George Bruce’s Contact October 1933
- * Revenge Made an Ace, (ar) War Aces #26, May 1932
- * The Scar of Hate, (ss) War Aces #13, April 1931
- * Ships I Flew During the War, (ts) George Bruce’s Contact June 1934
* ___ The Bleriot, (cl) George Bruce’s Contact April 1934
- * Ships I Flew:
* ___ The Cauldron G3, (ar) George Bruce’s Contact May 1934
- * Sky Crusaders, (cl) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #36, August 1930
* ___ Bill Thaw, (cl) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #34, June 1930
* ___ Courtney Campbell, (cl) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #33, May 1930
* ___ Harold Willis, (cl) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #35, July 1930
* ___ James Norman Hall, (cl) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #30 Feb, #31 Mar 1930
* ___ Raoul Lufbery, (cl) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #32, April 1930
- * A Soldier of Misfortune, (ss) George Bruce’s Squadron November 1933
- * Suicide Squadron, (nv) Air Stories (UK) July 1935
- * Superstitions of the War Pilots, (ar) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #50, October 1931
- * Synthetic Aces, (ia) War Aces #22, January 1932
- * The Torch Bearer—Count Max Immelmann, (ts) George Bruce’s Contact April 1934 [Ref. Max Immelmann & William E. Barrett]; plagiarism of “Eagles of the Black Cross” by William E. Barrett, War Birds October 1933.
- * The Trouble Shooter, (nv) George Bruce’s Contact September 1933
- * Two Years and Thirty Minutes, (ss) Wings October 1931
- * An Unsung Hero, (ar) Wings March 1932
- * War Eagle of the Death Patrol, (ts) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #43, March 1931
- * The War Hawk, (ts) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #42, February 1931
- * A Wild Break for Freedom, (ts) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #45, May 1931
- * Willis, the Unlucky, (ar) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #35, July 1930, as "Harold Willis"
- * Winging Dice, (ss) Wings September 1931
- * With Lufbery, (ss) Wings February 1932
- * Yellow Back, (ss) War Aces #14, May 1931
- * You Can’t Keep a Good Man Down, (ts) War Aces #20, November 1931
_____, [ref.]
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