The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 110
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Greene, L. Patrick; [born Louis Montague Green] (1891-1971); used pseudonyms Stanley Foster?, J. Symes Major, James Outman, L. G. Patrick? & John Starr (about) (chron.)
- * Bartering the Souls of Men, (ss) Tales of Danger and Daring March 1929
- * Blood Sacrifice, (ss) Jungle Stories Summer 1939
- * But Earth Dare, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine August 1931, as by J. Symes Major
- * Bwana Taboo [“Taboo” Dick Hatteras], (ss) Frontier Stories May 1930, as "White Man’s Taboo"
- * By Rule of Drum [Aubrey St. John Major], (nv) Short Stories September 10 1934
- * Cannibal Trails, (nv) Action Stories June 1925
- * Cannibal Veldt, (nv) Jungle Stories Fall 1939
- * Cobwebs, (ss) Empire Frontier November 1929, as by James Outman
- * Death’s Larder [“Taboo” Dick Hatteras], (nv) Empire Frontier November 1930, as by J. Symes Major
- * Delayed, (ss) Action Stories December 1921
- * Devil Taboo [“Taboo” Dick Hatteras], (nv) Frontier Stories January 1930
- * Doublecross in Diamonds, (nv)
- * Fear, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly October 16 1920
- * Flag and Fetish [Sgt. Lancey], (nv) Man Stories June 1931
- * Fools Die Easy, (ss) All Aces Magazine April 1936
- * Get That Head-Hunter!, (ss) Frontier Stories January 1929
- * The Great Tabu [“Taboo” Dick Hatteras], (ss) Empire Frontier December 1930, as "Swamp Peril", by J. Symes Major
- * The Hanging Rope, (ss) Far East Adventure Stories February 1931
- * “Hell” Catesby, (nv) All-Fiction January 1931
- * Jungle Drums, (ss) Tales of Danger and Daring April 1929
- * Jungle Fate, (ss) Popular Fiction Magazine November 1931
- * Jungle Justice, (sl) Red Blooded Stories Jan, Feb 1929
- * Jungle Vengeance [Dynamite Drury], (ss) The 20-Story Magazine November 1927
- * Major Sacrifice [Aubrey St. John Major], (na) Short Stories January 25 1939
- * The Man with the Scar, (ss) Action Stories April 1922
- * The Mark of Cain, (ss) Tales of Danger and Daring June 1929
- * Quinine, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 28 1928
- * Rebellion [Sgt. Lancey], (nv) The 20-Story Magazine January 1932
- * Sacrifice, (ss) Red Blooded Stories December 1928
- * Servant of the Beast, (nv) Action Novels April 1930
- * The Seventh Plague [Aubrey St. John Major], (ss) Short Stories September 10 1921
- * Spoor of the Beast, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1923, as by L. Patrick Greene
- * Taboo Tusks [“Taboo” Dick Hatteras], (nv) Frontier Stories April 1930
- * The Tattooed Heart, (ss) All-Fiction October 1930
- * The Vanishing Spoor, (nv) The Frontier December 1924
- * Vulture’s Treasure, (nv)
- * White Man’s Taboo [“Taboo” Dick Hatteras], (ss) Frontier Stories May 1930
- * Yellow, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine December 1929
_____, [?]
- * The Boob Who Beat the Bushmen, (ss) Red Blooded Stories February 1929, as by L. G. Patrick
- * Dark Safari, (ss) Jungle Stories Fall 1939, as by Stanley Foster
- * Dark Terror [“Taboo” Dick Hatteras], (nv) Frontier Stories April 1930, as "Taboo Tusks", by L. Patrick Greene
- * Garden of Skulls, (ss) Jungle Stories Spring 1940, as by Stanley Foster
- * The Mountain of the Golden Mummies, (nv) Jungle Stories Summer 1940, as by Stanley Foster
- * Spoor of the Beast, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1923, as by L. Patrick Greene
- * Terror Trek, (ss) Jungle Stories Summer 1942, as by Stanley Foster
- * White Savage [“Taboo” Dick Hatteras], (nv) Frontier Stories January 1930, as "Devil Taboo", by L. Patrick Greene
Gregg, Joe (fl. 1930s-1950s); house pseudonym used by Will F. Jenkins (1896-1975) (chron.)
- * Action Imperative! [Ivory Izard], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces September 1936
- * “Big Boy”, (ss) Sky Fighters Winter 1947
- * Blood for Glory, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces April 1937
- * Death Has Wings, (ss) Wings April 1931
- * The Flying Pig, (ss) Air Action April 1939
- * Flying Screwballs [Ivory Izard] (with William J. O’Sullivan), (ss) Dare-Devil Aces January 1937
- * Fools for Glory [Ivory Izard] (with William J. O’Sullivan), (ss) Dare-Devil Aces March 1939
- * Glory for Gunners, (ss) Air Action September 1940
- * Ground Loops, (cl) Aces Apr, Jun 1931
- * Hangar Yarns, (cl) Wings June 1931
- * The Heavenly Twins from Hell!, (na) Sky Raiders December 1939
- * Ivory Lays an Egg [Ivory Izard] (with William J. O’Sullivan), (ss) Dare-Devil Aces February 1937
- * Killer, (ss) Sky Fighters Spring 1947
- * Patrol of the Flying Fist, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces October 1936
- * Screwball Patrol [Ivory Izard], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces December 1938
- * The Sky Road to China, (ss) Army-Navy Flying Stories Summer 1945
- * Take Off and Die, (na) Sky Fighters Winter 1946
- * Wings of Oratory, (ss) Air Stories April 1931
Gregory, A. S. (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Contraband, (ss) Air Adventures August 1929
- * Fighting Quail, (ss) Three Star Magazine 1st September 1928
- * Heaven Scent, (ss) Air Adventures July 1929
- * Landing Blind, (ar) Bill Barnes Air Trails December 1936
- * The Last Pylon, (ss) Air Stories July 1930
- * Millionairman, (ss) Air Stories January 1930
- * NC711 Going Down!, (ss) Bill Barnes Air Trails January 1937
- * The Pearly Air Race, (ss) Air Adventures June 1929
- * Phantom Night Flier, (ss) Air Trails February 1937
- * The Squadron Decoy, (ss) Air Trails March 1929
- * Taken for a Ride, (ss) Air Trails October 1930
- * Talons of Terror, (ss) Air Stories May 1931
- * Terror Strafers, (ss) Eagles of the Air May 1930
- * Three Strikes—and Out!, (ts) Sky Riders #29, March 1931
- * The Trapeze Trap, (ss) Air Trails September 1930
Gregory, John Miller (fl. 1910s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Above the Pole Star, (ss) Man Stories February 1931
- * The Advance Agent, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine February 1 1916
- * The Apple-Pie Lady, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1927
- * Ballyhooing Christmas [Speedy Swift], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine December 15 1925
- * Billposter’s Delight, (ss) Top-Notch September 15 1912
- * A Boob on Broadway, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine January 15 1927
- * Call of the Track, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine March 15 1928
- * The Circus Rolls, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1928
- * Dancing Dare-Devil, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine July 1 1927
- * Excess Baggage, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1926
- * Faith, Hope and the Good Egg, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine August 15 1927
- * The Go-Getter Kid [Speedy Swift], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 15 1925
- * The Loveliest Lady [Speedy Swift], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine November 15 1925
- * Mad Wings, (na) Eagles of the Air May 1930
- * Making Broadway Howl [Speedy Swift], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1925
- * The ’Orrobul Hoctopus, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1926
- * Phantom Air Riders, (na) Flying Stories March 1930
- * Phantom Wings, (nv) Air Adventures January 1929
- * Prophecy of Amos, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine July 15 1927
- * Quest of the Silver Gown, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine August 1 1925
- * Romping with Royalty [Speedy Swift], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine December 15 1926
- * The Runaway Circus, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine April 1 1926
- * Shooting Stars, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine August 1 1928
- * Sky Gold, (nv) Flight November 1929
- * Sky High, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine July 15 1928
- * Spanish, New York, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine March 15 1927
- * Tam o’ Shanter, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine August 15 1928
- * Twelve Strokes of Guilt, (ss) Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine July 1925
- * Wanderers of the Air Waste, (na) Eagles of the Air October 1929
- * A Wee Bit O’ Scotch [Speedy Swift], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1925
- * The Yellow Dread, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine March 1 1913
_____, as told to
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