The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 54
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Cole, Jackson (fl. 1930s-1950s); house pseudonym used by Carl Jacobi (1908-1997), Joseph L. Chadwick (1909-1987), Tom Curry (1900-1976), B. W. Gardner (1906-1948), Peter B. Germano (1913-1983), Frank Gruber (1904-1969), C. William Harrison (1913-1994), Charles N. Heckelmann (1913-2005), Donald Bayne Hobart (1898-1970), J. Edward Leithead (1896-1970), Dudley Dean McGaughey (1906-1986), Samuel Mines (1909-1998), D. B. Newton (1916-2013), James M. Reasoner (1953- ), Roaldus Richmond (1910-1986), Oscar Schisgall (1901-1984), A. Leslie Scott (1893-1974), Walker A. Tompkins (1909-1988) & Lee E. Wells (1907-1982) (chron.)
- * Ace Service, (ss) Thrilling Adventures May 1941
- * Blueprint to Freedom, (ss) Thrilling Adventures March 1941
- * Bwana M’Kubwa, (ss) Thrilling Adventures May 1939
- * Claws of the Red Dragon, (na) Thrilling Adventures January 1934
- * Curse of the Pharaohs, (na) Thrilling Adventures July 1934
- * Damn Yankee, (ss) Thrilling Adventures July 1938
- * The Desert Legion, (nv) Thrilling Adventures August 1938
- * El Diablo’s Treasure [Jim Hatfield], (na) (by Roaldus Richmond) Texas Rangers December 1954
- * Emperor of the Pecos [Jim Hatfield], (na) (by Tom Curry) Texas Rangers February 1941
- * Fight for Freedom, (nv) Thrilling Adventures June 1939
- * Flight Out of Death, (ss) Sky Fighters Summer 1947
- * Gateway to Doom, (ss) (by Charles N. Heckelmann) Thrilling Adventures February 1943
- * Guerrilla Brand, (ss) Thrilling Adventures August 1933
- * The Gun-Swinger, (ss) Thrilling Adventures November 1934
- * Hondo Peters, Range Rider, (nv) Thrilling Adventures August 1934
- * Jungle Diamonds, (ss) Thrilling Adventures June 1934
- * The Jungle Trail, (nv) Thrilling Adventures December 1933
- * Lacey of the Legion, (ss) Thrilling Adventures August 1940
- * Larkin of Lost River, (ss) Thrilling Adventures April 1941
- * Law on the Winter Range [Jim Hatfield], (na) (by Tom Curry) Texas Rangers September 1947
- * Locked Fists, (ss) Thrilling Adventures January 1936
- * Lone Star Fury [Jim Hatfield], (ss) (by James M. Reasoner) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #2, July 1995
- * The Lone Wolf Rides [Jim Hatfield], (na) (by A. Leslie Scott) Texas Rangers October 1936
- * Loot of the Wolf [Jim Hatfield], (na) (by B. W. Gardner) Texas Rangers June 1947
- * North of Guinea, (ss) Thrilling Adventures November 1933
- * Pearls of Peril, (na) Thrilling Adventures May 1933
- * Red Silver, (na) Thrilling Adventures September 1933
- * Reward Notice, (ss) Thrilling Adventures September 1939
- * Spider Wires, (ss) (by Carl Jacobi) Thrilling Adventures January 1937
- * Spot Landing, (ss) Sky Fighters January 1943
- * Squatter’s Guns, (ss) Thrilling Adventures June 1935
- * Temperamental Seaplane, (ss) Thrilling Adventures July 1935
- * Terror at Teruel, (ss) Thrilling Adventures October 1938
- * Valley of Giants, (na) Thrilling Adventures July 1933
- * Yankee Ghost, (ss) Thrilling Adventures October 1939
Colin, Galen C(yril) (1890-1973) (about) (chron.)
- * The Bucko Skipper of San Pedro, (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch November 1932
- * Buzzards of Maricopa Range [Lazy Lucas], (nv) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine August 1 1932
- * Howler of the Hills, (nv) Thrilling Adventures October 1940
- * Lazy Lucas [Lazy Lucas], (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine February 15 1932
- * Lazy Lucas Misses a Watch [Lazy Lucas], (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch December 1932
- * Lazy Lucas Plays Solitaire [Lazy Lucas], (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch September 15 1932
- * The Maverick Draws Cards, (nv) Action Stories February 1937
- * Murder at Pyrite [Lazy Lucas], (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine May 1 1932
- * Rusty Spurs [Lazy Lucas], (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine March 15 1932
- * Sheriff’s Boots [Lazy Lucas], (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1932
- * Smoke Talk in San Miguel, (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch March 1933
- * $1,000 Ransom, (ss) Top-Notch May 1933
- * Trail of the Paint Hoss [Lazy Lucas], (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine March 1 1932
- * The V Bar Job [Lazy Lucas], (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine July 15 1932
Collings, Kenneth Brown (1888-1941) (about) (chron.)
- * Bugaboos of the Birdmen, (ar) Flying Aces October 1935
- * The Cockpit, (lc) War Birds Aug, Oct 1936, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct 1937
- * Goofy Pilot, (ss) The Lone Eagle September 1935
- * Hell Diver, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces October 1934
- * The Marine Marauder, (ss) Sky Birds March 1935
- * My Untold Story of Ethiopia, (ts) Personal Adventure Stories July 1937
- * Raid of the Unseen, (ss) Flying Aces February 1935
- * A Sea Hawk’s View of the War Games, (ar) Flying Aces March 1935
- * Six Tid-Bits About Flights and Flyers, (ar) Flying Aces May 1936
- * Think Fast, Gringo!, (ss) Squadron July 1934
- * Top Flight Soldier, (ss) Air War March 1942
Colter, Eli; pseudonym of May Eliza Frost (1890-1984) (about) (chron.)
- * The Angel of Paradise Valley, (ss) Western Romances January 1934
- * Coast of Battle, (ss) Action Stories May 1929
- * Fate’s Gamblers, (ss) Western Romances March 1934
- * The Grave on the Prairie, (pm) Action Stories April 1928
- * His Last Sun, (ss) Action Stories May 1927
- * Lone Prairie Grave, (pm) Action Stories September 1936
- * Not in the Evidence, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine September 1925
- * Saddle-Bag Rancho, (ss) Action Stories December 1942
- * Saddle Pards, (ss) Action Stories February 1936
- * Under the Apple Tree, (nv) Western Romances June 1934
Colvin, Kenneth Keith (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * The Azure God, (ss) Outdoor Stories February 1928
- * Blame It on the Bolsheviks, (ss) Over the Top March 1929
- * Boast of the Legion, (nv) Over the Top November 1929
- * The Courage Cup, (ss) Outdoor Stories December 1927
- * Drum Talk, (ss) Outdoor Stories June 1928
- * Dusted, (ss) Cowboy Stories April 1929
- * Jungle Passport, (ss) Outdoor Stories July 1928
- * The Major’s Molars, (ss) Over the Top September 1929
- * Micura Makes a Net, (ss) Outdoor Stories March 1928
- * Mottled Men, (ss) Outdoor Stories April 1928
- * Powell Comes of Age, (ss) Outdoor Stories September 1928
- * The Shadow Wells Show-Down, (nv) High Spot Magazine February 1931
- * Sloe Gin from Paris, (ss) Over the Top July 1929
- * Sun Magic, (ss) Outdoor Stories January 1928
- * Three Shadows, (ss) Outdoor Stories May 1928
- * The Vanishing Army, (nv) Over the Top April 1930
Comfort, Will Levington (1878-1932) (about) (chron.)
- * The Black Horse, (ss) Everybody’s February 1922
- * The Deadly Karait (with Willimina L. Armstrong), (ss) Asia August 1921, as by Will Levington Comfort & Zamin Ki Dost
- * The Devil of Eldareb, (ss) Star Magazine August 1931
- * Done in Africa, (nv) Everybody’s Magazine January 1921
- * The Late Mr. Jim, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1915
- * Sons of the Dragon, (na) Star Magazine February 1931
- * The Threshing Floor, (nv) Everybody’s October 1923
- * Too Much Dark Continent, (ss) The New Success February 1921
- * White Courage, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine March 15 1916
- * White Hands Cling, (ss) Everybody’s September 1922
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