The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 34
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Brown, Rollin (fl. 1920s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Blood on the Brand, (na) Action Stories Fall 1945
- * Colt’s Brand, (nv) Action Stories August 1937
- * Five to One, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1928
- * Ghost-Rider of Hang-Tree Basin, (nv) Action Stories Spring 1948
- * Golden Valley, (nv) All Star Adventure Fiction September 1935
- * Gun-Angel of Hell’s Hideout, (na) Action Stories Summer 1947
- * The Gun-Stripling of Bitter Creek, (nv) Action Stories April 1940
- * Lobo Lady of Bounty Trail, (nv) Action Stories December 1942
- * The Mysterious Riders, (nv) Action Stories June 1937
- * Owlhoot Phantom, (nv) Action Stories October 1941
- * Rocking Moon Ranch, (ss) Venture Action Stories v1 #1, 1940
- * Saddle and Ride, Hombre, (nv) Action Stories Fall 1944
- * Six-Guns and Barbwire, (na) Action Stories October 1942
- * Stagecoach Guns, (nv) Action Stories July 1939
- * Three Guns to Go!, (nv) Action Stories October 1938
- * Thundering Trail, (nv) Action Stories December 1938
Brown, (Lyman) Seaburn (1899-1964) (chron.)
- * A Belted Knight, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine February 15 1928
- * Between the Lines, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1928
- * The Big Angle, (ss) Newspaper Adventure Stories #2, 1934
- * Blondy Luke—Set-up, (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine November 1 1931
- * Boys Will Be Boobs, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 1st June 1929
- * The Cosmic Clout, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 1 1928
- * Cupid Strikes Out, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 15 1928
- * The Curve That Cured, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd January 1929
- * A Dog’s Life, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 1st May 1929
- * Dutiful but Dumb, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine July 1 1928
- * Easy Mark, (nv) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1931
- * English on the Ball, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd April 1929
- * Figures Don’t Lie—They Flop, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 1st December 1928
- * The Fly in the Woodpile, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1927
- * The Honorable Chin, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1927
- * In the Soup and Fish, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd February 1929
- * Kill the Umpire!, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1928
- * Laugh That Off, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1928
- * Mightier Than the Bat, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine August 1 1928
- * One on the Whiskers, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine February 1 1928
- * Over the Neck Is Down, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 1st February 1929
- * Riding the Crime Wave, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd December 1928
- * Shell-shock Simpson, (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine February 15 1932
- * Tame—Like Wild Cats, (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1931
- * University of California, (ar) College Stories December 1931
- * Walloping Words, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 1st March 1929
- * What a Wallop, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine March 1 1928
- * What? No Custard?, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine August 15 1928
- * Yer Out!, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1927
Browne, Ken(neth Eric) (1900-1965); used pseudonyms Eric Brosker & Eric Browken (about) (chron.)
- * Double Trouble, (cs) Saucy Movie Tales May 1936, as by Eric Browken
- * Figures Don’t Lie, (cs) Saucy Movie Tales April 1936, as by Eric Browken
- * Lindbergh Law, (cs) Saucy Movie Tales August 1936, as by Eric Brosker
- * Marcia of the Movies, (cs) Saucy Movie Tales Dec 1935, Jan, Mar 1936, as by Eric Browken
- * Marcia of the Movies, (cs) Saucy Movie Tales Jun, Jul, Oct, Nov, Dec 1936, Mar 1937, as by Eric Brosker
* ___ Double Trouble, (cs) Saucy Movie Tales May 1936, as by Eric Browken
* ___ Figures Don’t Lie, (cs) Saucy Movie Tales April 1936, as by Eric Browken
* ___ Lindbergh Law, (cs) Saucy Movie Tales August 1936, as by Eric Brosker
* ___ The Threat, (cs) Saucy Movie Tales September 1936, as by Eric Brosker
- * The Threat, (cs) Saucy Movie Tales September 1936, as by Eric Brosker
Brownestone, W. E.; pseudonym of William E. Barrett (1900-1986) (chron.)
- * America’s First Ace, (ar) War Aces #26, May 1932
- * Annamite the Mighty, (ss) War Aces #18, September 1931
- * Blue Tail, (ar) War Aces #24, March 1932
- * The Bombless Raid on Berlin, (ss) War Birds #57, October 1932
- * Bullet-Proof, (ss) War Aces #4, July 1930
- * The Checkerboard Ace, (ar) War Aces #19, October 1931 [Ref. Werner Voss]
- * Dates with Danger, (ar) War Aces #25, April 1932
- * Death for Immelman, (ts) War Aces #28, July 1932
- * Explain This One, (ar) War Aces #21, December 1931
- * Germany’s Forgotten Aces, (ar) War Birds #69, December 1933
- * The Hat Trick, (ar) War Birds #60, March 1933
- * Hoodooed, (ss) War Aces #14, May 1931
- * Horse Shoes, (ss) War Aces #11, February 1931
- * King High, (ss) War Aces #6, September 1930
- * A Matter of Honor, (ss) War Aces #1, April 1930
- * Missing in Action, (nv) War Birds #56, July 1932
- * One Hour of War, (ts) War Birds #51, February 1932, as by William E. Barrett
- * One Winger’s Luck, (ts) War Birds #48, November 1931
- * The Proxy Pilot, (ss) War Aces #5, August 1930
- * Quick Wings, (ts) War Aces #27, June 1932
- * The Raiders, (ts) War Aces #16, July 1931
- * Shooting Shamrock, (nv) War Birds #67, October 1933
- * Take ’Em Away, (ss) War Birds #59, February 1933
- * Unfinished Business, (ts) War Birds #52, March 1932
- * War a la Jackson, (ts) War Birds #58, December 1932
- * War Birds Only, (ss) War Aces #3, June 1930
Bruce, George (1898-1974) (about) (chron.)
- * The Ace Killer, (na) Aces August 1930
- * Ace of Spads, (na) Aces May 1930
- * Aces Are Wild, (nv) Sky Fighters March 1935
- * Aces Face the Guns, (na) Wings April 1931
- * Aces Forever!, (na) Wings Summer 1938
- * Aces Wild, (na) War Birds February 1937
- * The Ace Who Played God, (ss) Wings Summer 1941
- * The Ace Who Sneered at Glory, (ss) Wings Winter 1940
- * The Ace Without a Country, (nv) George Bruce’s Aces March 1931
- * All Who Glitter Are Not Modocs, (ss) Air Stories March 1928
- * Any Fool Can Fly, (ss) Wings Spring 1936
- * Archie Two-Whites, (ss) The Lone Eagle October 1934
- * Back Seat Driver, (na) Sky Fighters February 1933
- * Big Shot, (na) George Bruce’s Squadron February 1934
- * Birds of Rebellion, (ss) Action Stories December 1928
- * The Bird Who Jumped, (ss) Action Stories September 1928
- * Black Ace, (nv) Argosy November 9 1935
- * Black and White Death, (ss) The Lone Eagle September 1936
- * The Black Bat, (ss) Sky Fighters March 1936
- * Black Death, (na) George Bruce’s Contact May 1934
- * Black Flight, (nv) Sky Fighters February 1936
- * Black Knight Down, (na) Sky Fighters May 1933
- * Black Sheep, (na) Over the Top December 1928
- * Black Solo, (na) Sky Fighters September 1932
- * Black Squadron, (n.) Squadron July 1934
- * Black Wings [Speed Lavery], (na) Aces April 1929
- * Blind Flight, (ss) The Lone Eagle November 1936
- * Blood and Flame, (na) Aces December 1932
- * The Blood Barrage, (na) Aces December 1930
- * Blood of the Sun, (na) Sky Fighters December 1935
- * Bomber Buster, (ss) Sky Fighters April 1935
- * Border Falcon, (nv) Action Novels August/September 1932
- * Born Reckless, (nv) Sky Fighters December 1936
- * Born to Fly, (nv) Sky Fighters May 1937
- * Born to Hang, (na) George Bruce’s Contact December 1933
- * Born to Kill, (nv) Sky Fighters February 1935
- * Borrowed Time, (na) George Bruce’s Contact November 1933
- * Breakaway and Double Drop, (ss) Air Stories February 1928
- * Brood of Death, (na) Wings Spring 1937
- * Brother of the Hawk, (ss) Wings Fall 1937
- * Buccaneer Wings, (ss) Wings March 1929
- * Captain Danger [Hazzard Danger (Captain Danger)], (ss) The Lone Eagle April 1935
- * Captain X, (na) Wings April 1932
- * Chanson Triste, (na) George Bruce’s Contact January 1934
- * Clear the Skies, (ss) Sky Fighters August 1935
- * Clipped Wings, (ss) Action Stories July 1928
- * Cloud Busters, (ss) Action Stories November 1928
- * Cloud-Plunderers, (ss) Wings December 1928
- * Code of Sky Birds, (na) Aces March 1931
- * Conflict, (ss) Action Stories August 1928
- * Cossack, (ss) Sky Fighters August 1936
- * Courage Is Born, (ss) Air Stories January 1928
- * Courage of the Damned, (nv) Sky Fighters July 1934
- * Cow Colic, (ss) Air Stories June 1929
- * The Crimson Comet, (nv) Wings Winter 1938/1939
- * Crimson Crosses, (na) Wings November 1931
- * Crimson Wings, (ss) Sky Fighters January 1935
- * The Croix de Guerre Clown, (nv) Wings Summer 1940
- * Crossed Cocardes, (na) Sky Fighters April 1933
- * Crossed Controls, (sl) Street & Smith’s Air Trails Jun, Jul 1931
- * The Deacon from Hell, (na) Aces September 1929
- * The Dead Fly Far, (na) Aces December 1929
- * Dead Man’s Staffel, (na) Wings June 1932
- * Death Deals an Ace, (na) Wings July 1932
- * Death Is Invisible, (ss) The Lone Eagle November 1935
- * Death’s Head for Luck, (nv) Wings April 1928
- * The Death Watch Kid, (na) Aces December 1928
- * The Devil Flies, (ss) The Lone Eagle February 1937
- * Dive Bombers, (nv) War Birds June 1937
- * Dixie Devil, (na) Aces January 1932
- * Dog Watch for the Living Dead, (nv) Wings Fall 1938
- * Doom Crates, (na) Wings Summer 1937
- * Double Eagle, (na) Air Trails March 1931
- * Drome of the Doomed, (na) Wings May 1932
- * “Dynamite!”, (nv) Battle Birds June 1933
- * The Eagle from Hell, (na) Street & Smith’s Air Trails September 1931
- * Eagle of Allah, (nv) All-Adventure Action Novels Fall 1937
- * The Eagle’s Brother, (na) Wings December 1931; not the same as the story of the same name in the Spring 1937 issue of Aces.
- * The Eagle’s Brother [Speed Lavery], (na) Aces Spring 1937; not the same as the story of the same name in the December 1931 issue of Wings.
- * Eagles’ Roost, (na) Wings Winter 1937
- * Eagle’s Vengeance, (nv) Wings Winter 1941/1942
- * Ebony Crosses, (na) Sky Fighters November 1932
- * The Echo of Gabriel’s Horn, (nv) Wings Summer 1939
- * The Emperor’s Courier, (na) George Bruce’s Contact April 1934
- * Falcons of Fate, (na) Wings December 1930
- * The Fallen Eagle, (na) Aces Spring 1940
- * Falling Stars, (nv) Over the Top October 1929
- * False Beacons, (nv) Wings February 1928
- * Fangs of the Gray Wolf, (nv) Over the Top October 1928
- * The Fighting Kiwi, (na) Aces June 1929
- * Fighting Mongrel, (nv) Sky Fighters February 1937
- * The Fight Over the Jungle, (ss) Flying Stories November 1928
- * Firebrand, (na) Sky Fighters January 1933
- * Five Yards from Hell, (ss) The Lone Eagle January 1935
- * The Flaming Arrow, (ss) The Lone Eagle August 1934
- * Flaming Dawn [George Bruce], (ss) The Lone Eagle March 1935
- * Flaming Dawn, (ss) The Lone Eagle August 1937
- * Flaming Dawns, (nv) Air Stories February 1928
- * Flaming Escape, (ss) The Lone Eagle February 1935
- * Flaming Sunsets, (na) Sky Fighters August 1932
- * Flares of Doom, (ss) The Lone Eagle September 1935
- * The Flight of the Conquistador, (na) Squadron September 1934
- * Flight of the Living Dead, (nv) Thrilling Adventures April 1935
- * Flight to Death, (ss) The Lone Eagle June 1935
- * The Flying Brats, (ss) Sky Fighters June 1935
- * Flying Circus, (nv) Air Stories December 1927; not the same as the story of the same name in the November 30, 1935 to January 4, 1936 issues of Argosy.
- * Flying Comets, (nv) Sky Fighters September 1936
- * The Flying Dutchman, (na) Aces July 1929
- * The Flying Elephant, (ss) The Lone Eagle November 1934
- * Flying Fish, (na) Air Stories October 1929
- * Flying Hell, (nv) Sky Fighters October 1934
- * The Flying Scimitar, (na) Aces August 1929
- * The Flying Squarehead, (na) Air Trails January 1930
- * The Flying Tin Soldier, (na) Aces Winter 1939/1940
- * Flying with the Fleet, (nv) Wings February 1930
- * Fools for Luck, (nv) Sky Fighters December 1934
- * Forked Lightning, (na) Wings October 1931
- * Four Sons, (na) George Bruce’s Squadron May 1934
- * Gas-Bag Gary, (nv) Sky Fighters October 1936
- * George Bruce Says, (cl) Sky Fighters Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1932, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1933
- * George Bruce Says, (cl) George Bruce’s Squadron Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1933, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1934
- * George Bruce Says, (cl) George Bruce’s Contact Nov, Dec 1933, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1934
- * George Bruce Says, (cl) Squadron Jul, Aug, Sep 1934
- * Ghosts Can Fly, (nv) Sky Fighters November 1936
- * The Ghost Ship, (nv) Wings June 1928
- * Ghosts Never Die, (nv) Wings Fall 1936
- * The Ghosts of the Flying Wedge, (nv) Wings Winter 1936
- * Give Us This Day, (ss) The Lone Eagle June 1936
- * Glory for a Ghost, (nv) 1930
- * The Glory Grabber, (ss) Air Stories Spring 1937
- * The Glowing Cross, (ss) Action Stories October 1928
- * The Gray Eagle, (na) Aces May 1932
- * Gun Grabbing, (nv) Wings November 1928
- * Gun Hawk, (nv) Air Stories July 1930
- * Guns Up!, (nv) Wings October 1932
- * Hate, (ss) Sky Fighters April 1936
- * The Hawk Patrol, (na) Aces August 1932
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