The Western & Frontier Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 498

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    Triangle Quarterly [Spring (March-May) 1943] (American News Company, Limited, 25¢, pulp)
    Issue not indexed.

    Triangle Quarterly [Spring 1945] (American News Company, Limited, 25¢, pulp)
    Contains 96 pages each from an undated issue of Range Riders Western, an undated issue of Sky Fighters, the December 1943 issue of Phantom Detective and the October 1944 issue of Texas Rangers. Issue partially indexed.

    Triple Western [v1 #1, Spring 1947] (Best Publications, Inc., 25¢, 194pp, pulp)
    Details supplied by Rick Hall.

    Triple Western [v2 #3, April 1948] (Best Publications, Inc., 25¢, pulp)
    Details supplied by Virgil Utter from Table of Contents.

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