The Western & Frontier Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 32

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    All Star [April 1931] (The World’s Work (1913) Ltd., 1/-, 128pp, pulp)
    Reprint of the November 1930 issue of Star Magazine.
    Details supplied by Richard Fidczuk from a copy at the Bodleian Library.

    All Star [May 1931] (The World’s Work (1913) Ltd., 1/-, 128pp, pulp)
    Reprint of the December 1930 issue of Star Magazine.
    Details supplied by Richard Fidczuk from a copy at the Bodleian Library.

    All Star [June 1931] (The World’s Work (1913) Ltd., 1/-, 128pp, pulp)
    Reprint of the January 1931 issue of Star Magazine.
    Details supplied by Richard Fidczuk from a copy at the Bodleian Library.

    All Star [July 1931] (The World’s Work (1913) Ltd., 1/-, 128pp, pulp)
    Reprint of the February 1931 issue of Star Magazine.
    Details supplied by Richard Fidczuk from a copy at the Bodleian Library.
    • 3 · The Tomb of the Gods [Part 1 of 2] · H. Bedford-Jones · sl Star Magazine February 1931
    • 35 · Ballyhoo and the Hippo · Courtney Ryley Cooper · ss Star Magazine February 1931
    • 45 · Jefferson Pete · Hapsburg Liebe · ss Short Stories March 1913
    • 53 · Sons of the Dragon · Will Levington Comfort · na Star Magazine February 1931
    • 83 · Cherokee Hall · Alfred Henry Lewis · ss Star Magazine February 1931
    • 86 · Jungle Justice · Hugh B. Cave · ss Star Magazine February 1931
    • 96 · Deepwater Men · Henry Leverage · ss Star Magazine February 1931
    • 106 · Hard Pan Busts the Veil · W. C. Tuttle · ss Star Magazine February 1931
    • 117 · Honor of the North · James B. Hendryx · ss Star Magazine February 1931
    • 128 · Reading the Stars · The Readers · lc Star Magazine February 1931

    All Star [August 1931] (The World’s Work (1913) Ltd., 1/-, 128pp, pulp)
    Reprint of the March 1931 issue of Star Magazine.
    Details supplied by Richard Fidczuk from a copy at the Bodleian Library.

    All Star [September 1931] (The World’s Work (1913) Ltd., 1/-, pulp)
    Reprint of the April 1931 issue of Star Novels Magazine.
    Details taken from Table of Contents.
    • 3 · Murder for Murder [Part 1 of 2; Philip Blake, III] · Robert C. Washburn · sl Star Magazine April 1931
    • 33 · The Shakedown · Courtney Ryley Cooper · ss Short Stories July 1916
      not the same as the story with a very similar title in the June 28, 1930 issue of Collier’s.
    • 46 · The Coming of Black Malone · William Chamberlain · na Star Magazine April 1931
    • 70 · The Dumb Man Rode [Wolfville] · Alfred Henry Lewis · ss Wolfville Days by Alfred Henry Lewis, Grosset & Dunlap, 1902, as “How the Dumb Man Rode”
    • 74 · The Cobra of Kleese · James Francis Dwyer · ss Short Stories September 1915
    • 87 · The Drive at Singler’s Bend · Roy W. Hinds · ss Star Magazine April 1931
    • 96 · Against the World · Douglas Newton · nv Star Magazine April 1931
    • 118 · Off the Rails · E. S. Pladwell · ss Star Magazine April 1931
    • 128 · Reading the Stars · The Readers · lc Star Magazine April 1931

    All Star [October 1931] (The World’s Work (1913) Ltd., 1/-, 128pp, pulp)
    Reprint of the May 1931 issue of Star Magazine.
    Details supplied by Richard Fidczuk from a copy at the Bodleian Library.

    All Star [November 1931] (The World’s Work (1913) Ltd., 1/-, 128pp, pulp)
    Reprint of the June 1931 issue of Star Magazine.
    Details supplied by Richard Fidczuk from a copy at the Bodleian Library.
    • 3 · Forgotten Men [Part 1 of 2] · J. Allan Dunn · sl Star Magazine June 1931
    • 31 · Keep Going! · Wilbur Hall · ss Collier’s June 12 1915
    • 40 · Shadows of Death · Harold F. Hughes · na Star Magazine June 1931
    • 71 · Corrigan’s Floating Rib · John T. McIntyre · ss Short Stories with Keith’s House Plans October 1914
    • 77 · The Last of the Hoovers · Frank Condon · ss Short Stories January 1913
    • 84 · King of the Jungle · Lurton Blassingame · nv Star Magazine June 1931
    • 101 · Hobo’s Rest · Damon Runyon · ss Star Magazine June 1931
    • 108 · The Man Who Disappeared · Edward Mott Woolley · ss Short Stories February 1916
    • 122 · The Nigger · C. H. Claudy · ss Hampton’s Broadway Magazine November 1908
    • 128 · Reading the Stars · The Readers · lc Star Magazine June 1931

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