The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 2028
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Ward, Kyla (fl. 1990s-2020s) (chron.)
- * And in Her Eyes the City Drowned, (ss) Weirdbook #39, 2018
- * Dual Purpose, (pm) Spectral Realms #6, Winter 2017
- * Exorcism, (pm) Midnight Echo #5, February 2011
- * The Feast, (ss) Aurealis #24, 1999
- * Herbal Tea, (pm) Bloodsongs #6, Spring 1995
- * The Land of Dreams Gone Bad, (pm) Midnight Echo #5, February 2011
- * Libitina’s Garden, (pm) Mythic Delirium (online) April/June 2018
- * Long Be-nightmar’d: On Dreams in Gothic and Weird Fiction, (ar) Journ-E #5, Vernal Equinox 2024
- * Malvolio’s Revenge, (pm) Spectral Realms #20, Winter 2024
- * Mary, (pm) Bloodsongs #3, Summer 1994
- * Miranda’s Resolve, (pm) Spectral Realms #20, Winter 2024
- * Mourning Rites, (pm) The Audient Void #7, 2019
- * Necromancy, (pm) Spectral Realms #1, Summer 2014
- * The Oracle of Brick and Bone, (ss) Borderlands #5, March 2005
- * Playing the Classics: Role Playing Your Favorite Novels, (ar) Black Gate Summer 2002
- * Reading the Game, (ar) Strange Horizons January 28 2013
- * Scaring the Children, (ar) Bloodsongs #8, 1997
- * A Shared Ambition: Horror Writers in Horror Fiction, (ar) Midnight Echo #12, December 2017
- * The Stone of Sacrifice, (pm) Spectral Realms #4, Winter 2016
- * Tattered Livery, (pm) Weirdbook #37, 2017
- * Vampire Poetry, (ar) Penumbra #2, 2021
- * A Whisper in the Death Pit, (ss) Weirdbook #44, 2021
_____, [ref.]
Ward, Lucy A. E. (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Admiring Moon Heron’s Daughters, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #64, January 2003
- * Aurora Blue, (pm) Fables Winter 2002
- * Bored of Dying, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #6, August 2001
- * Cancer, (pm) ChiZine #24, April/June 2005
- * Chac Chel, (pm) Star*Line November/December 2002
- * The Daisy Readers, (pm) The Horror Express #3, Winter 2004
- * A Dark Spirit Passes Blisterback Valley, (pm) Black Petals #28, Summer 2004
- * Dicephalous Texas, (pm) Flesh & Blood #13, 2003
- * Eight Minutes, (pm) Fables Winter 2002
- * Erzsébest á l’hôtel de Danemark, 1777, (pm) Flytrap #2, May 2004
- * The Gasmask Boys, (pm) Lullaby Hearse #3, 2003
- * Haystacks, (pm) Strange Horizons June 3 2002
- * Hunting Winter, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #62, May 2002
- * In Nischni Novgorod, (pm) Paradox #1, Spring 2003
- * In the Greenhouse at Olufston Park, (pm) The Horror Express #3, Winter 2004
- * Mama Quiziarch, (pm) Black Petals #29, Autumn 2004
- * Morning Mist, (pm) Black Petals #28, Summer 2004
- * Mundanity #4, (pm) Black October Magazine v1 #3, 2002
- * Now Glory Is Dead, (pm) The Horror Express #3, Winter 2004
- * Otterwise, (ss) Nemonymous #3, 2003, uncredited.
- * Passing Time with Argo and Emmerheim, (pm) Paradox #2, Summer 2003
- * Photograph of the Vatican Found in Paris, 1932, (pm) ChiZine #23, January/March 2005
- * Quarry Blossom, (pm) Paradox #1, Spring 2003
- * Reunion, (pm) Strange Horizons September 10 2001
- * Shadow Cast, (pm) Fables Spring 2002
- * Song Storm, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #62, May 2002
- * Victim No 8: Futures, (pm) Fables Winter 2002
- * Victim No.9: Undisturbed, (pm) Flesh & Blood #11, 2003
- * Which Way North?, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #10, August 2003
- * Witchcraft, (pm) The Horror Express #3, Winter 2004
- * The Year Big House Closed, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2003
Ward, Mark (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * After the Fall, (ss) M-Brane SF #29, June 2011
- * Ask the Dust, (ss) Not One of Us #43, April 2010
- * Life and Breath, (ss) Shelter of Daylight #2, Autumn 2009
- * The Navigator, (ss) Aphelion #145, July/August 2010
- * No More Heroes, (ss) Aphelion #139, December 2009
- * The Pioneer’s Lament, (ss) Jupiter #11, January 2006
- * The Unboxing, (ss) Aphelion #157, November 2011
- * Wood, Mud, Blood, (ss) Aphelion #134, July 2009
Ward, Marlee Jane (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Atavistacular, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #64, September 2016
- * The Beasts and the Birthday, (ss) Aurealis #90, May 2016
- * The Great House Thrippet, Season 246, Episode 12, (ss) Aurealis #102, July 2017
- * Reconstituted, (vi) Apex Magazine #79, December 2015
- * The Walking Thing, (ss) Interfictions Online #5, June 2015
Ward, Matthew (R.) (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Brazen Dreams, (ss) Grimdark Magazine #4, June 2015
- * Hogarth Digs Up His Old Friend Balthazar, (ss) Twisted Tongue #1, February 2006
- * The Hunt, (ss) Grimdark Magazine #24, 2020
- * The Price of Honour, (ss) Grimdark Magazine #8, July 2016
- * Surfing Time, (ss) Aurealis #94, September 2016
- * The Survivor’s Guide to Collaborating (Introvert Edition), (ar) Grimdark Magazine #11, April 2017
- * To the Stars, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #70, March 2018
_____, [ref.]
Ward, Rex E. (fl. 1940s-1980s) (chron.)
- * C.F.—A Great Magazine (Captain Future), (ar) Necromancer March 1948
- * The Club House:
* ___ The Fan’s Life, (cl) Amazing Stories May 1948
- * The Fan’s Life, (ar) Amazing Stories May 1948
- * [2 letters from California], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries December 1946
- * [letter from California], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries December 1947
- * [letter from California], (lt) Fantastic Novels Magazine May, Jul 1948, Mar 1950
- * [letter from El Segundo, CA], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries June 1947
Ward, Winston Blake Wheeler (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Interview with Blake Anderson, (iv) Infinite Worlds Magazine #10, December 2021 [Ref. Blake Anderson]
- * Interview with Jeff VanderMeer, (iv) Infinite Worlds Magazine #11, March 2022 [Ref. Jeff VanderMeer]
- * Interview with Mastodon, (iv) Infinite Worlds Magazine #1, Spring 2019
- * Interview with Rodney Barnes, (iv) Infinite Worlds Magazine #10, December 2021 [Ref. Rodney Barnes]
- * Interview with Wayne Barlowe, (iv) Infinite Worlds Magazine #2, Fall 2019 [Ref. Wayne Barlowe]
- * Introduction, (ar) Infinite Worlds Magazine #2, Fall 2019
_____, ed.
Ware, Laura (H.) (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Case of the Dead Son, (ss) Fiction River #29, Pulse Pounders: Countdown 2018
- * Choices, (ss) Fiction River #10, Past Crime, November 2014
- * The Devil’s Muse, (ss) Fiction River #30, Hard Choices 2018
- * The Flare, (nv) Fiction River #20, Last Stand, November 2016
- * High Places, (ss) Fiction River #25, Feel the Fear, September 2017
- * Last Heir, (ss) Leading Edge #54, November 2007
- * The Last Mission, (ss) Boundary Shock Quarterly #18, 2022
- * Lost and Found, (nv) Fiction River #36, Dark & Deadly Passions 2021
- * No Farther, (nv) Fiction River #23, Editor’s Choice, June 2017
- * Who Loves the Unloved?, (ss) Fiction River #31, Feel the Love 2019
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