The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1427
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Oberg, James E(dward) (1944- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Alone Again, (ar) Omni February 1980
- * Apollo Plus Fifteen, (ar) Omni July 1984
- * Astronomy and the Flying Saucers, (ar) Omni February 1979
- * Betty Hill, (ar) Omni November 1978
- * Beyond Sputnik’s Booster, (ar) Omni October 1982
- * The Coyne Incident, (ar) Omni January 1979
- * Critical Cosmonauts, (ar) Omni April 1984
- * The Elusive Soviet Space Plane, (ar) Omni September 1983
- * Explorations:
* ___ Quick-Frozen Meteorites, (cl) Omni September 1981
- * Farming the Planets, (ar) Omni February 1979
- * Hitch Up with a Red Star, (ar) Omni March 1982
- * Hoax, (ar) Omni July 1981
- * Honest Illusions, (ar) Omni May 1980
- * The Legacy of Apollo-Soyuz, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1975
- * Mars Manifesto, (ar) Omni May 1982
- * Minnesota Attack, (ar) Omni October 1980
- * The Next Man on the Moon, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact February 1975
- * OTRAG, (ar) Omni June 1981
- * Pearl Harbor in Space, (ar) Omni July 1984
- * Phantom Moonlet, (ar) Omni March 1980
- * Queen of the UFOs, (ar) Omni December 1978
- * Quick-Frozen Meteorites, (ar) Omni September 1981
- * Red Star in Orbit, (ar) Omni May 1979
- * Repeaters, (ar) Omni August 1980
- * Return to the Moon, (ar) Omni February 1983
- * Rope Tricks, (ar) Omni January 1984
- * The Russian Connection, (ar) Omni July 1980
- * Russians to Mars?, (ar) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact September 1985
- * Salute to Salyut, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1978
- * Salyut Redux, (ar) Omni December 1980
- * Science (with Marianne J. Dyson & Geoffrey A. Landis), (cl) Science Fiction Age May 1999
- * The Science Conflict, (ar) Omni October 1978
- * Shuttle Down: Fiction to Fact, (ar) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact August 1986
- * Sol Salvation, (ar) Omni April 1984
- * Space Arks for the 21st Century, (ar) Omni October 1983
- * Space Encounters, (ar) Omni February 1981
- * Spaceflight Folklore, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1980
- * Space Rescue, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1975
- * Space:
* ___ Apollo Plus Fifteen, (cl) Omni July 1984
* ___ Beyond Sputnik’s Booster, (cl) Omni October 1982
* ___ Critical Cosmonauts, (cl) Omni April 1984
* ___ Hitch Up with a Red Star, (cl) Omni March 1982
* ___ Mars Manifesto, (cl) Omni May 1982
* ___ Return to the Moon, (cl) Omni February 1983
* ___ Rope Tricks, (cl) Omni January 1984
* ___ Salyut Redux, (cl) Omni December 1980
- * True UFO’s, (ar) Omni September 1979
- * Tunguska, (ar) Omni October 1979
- * UFO Over Iran, (ar) Omni August 1979
- * UFO’s at the U.N., (ar) Omni March 1979
- * UFO Update:
* ___ Alone Again, (cl) Omni February 1980
* ___ Astronomy and the Flying Saucers, (cl) Omni February 1979
* ___ Betty Hill, (cl) Omni November 1978
* ___ The Coyne Incident, (cl) Omni January 1979
* ___ Hoax, (cl) Omni July 1981
* ___ Honest Illusions, (cl) Omni May 1980
* ___ Minnesota Attack, (cl) Omni October 1980
* ___ Phantom Moonlet, (cl) Omni March 1980
* ___ Queen of the UFOs, (cl) Omni December 1978
* ___ Repeaters, (cl) Omni August 1980
* ___ The Russian Connection, (cl) Omni July 1980
* ___ The Science Conflict, (cl) Omni October 1978
* ___ Space Encounters, (cl) Omni February 1981
* ___ True UFO’s, (cl) Omni September 1979
* ___ Tunguska, (cl) Omni October 1979
* ___ UFO Over Iran, (cl) Omni August 1979
* ___ UFO’s at the U.N., (cl) Omni March 1979
- * Unidentified Fraudulent Objects, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1976
Obermeyer, Fredrick (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * The Ambiguity Broker, (ss) Electric Spec September 30 2007
- * Birth of a New Day, (ss) Electric Spec February 28 2011
- * Canvas of the World, (ss) Perihelion November 12 2014
- * The Coincidence Factory, (ss) Electric Spec August 31 2011
- * Confessions, (ss) Mythic #3, Summer 2017
- * Conflict Calories, (ss) SQ Mag #30, February 2017
- * The Damage Shop, (ss) Disturbed Digest #13, June 2016
- * The Floors of Memory, (nv) Double Feature Magazine #1 Oct, #2 Nov 2016
- * Graftworld, (ss) M-Brane SF #9, October 2009
- * Harmday, (ss) M-Brane SF #21, October 2010
- * The IUD That Landed in Grandpa’s Backyard, (ss) Electric Spec November 30 2013
- * The Language Barrier, (ss) NFG #2, 2003
- * More Than Three Wishes, (ss) Gathering Storm Magazine #4, August 2017
- * Paint the Past, (ss) Mythic #9, Winter 2018
- * Penal Eyes, (ss) Perihelion January 12 2017
- * Potential Killer, (ss) Perihelion August 12 2013
- * SYN-TAX, (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly October 2015
- * The Verbpire, (ss) Forgotten Worlds #2, June 2006
- * With Great Power Comes Not-So-Great Playlists, (ss) Mythic #6, Spring 2018
- * Wordwatchers, (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly April 2017
- * Worldstrings, (ss) Capricious #6, January 2017
- * The Yeast of Your Worries, (ss) New Myths #3, June 2008
Oberschlake, Jamie (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Night at the Opera, (il) Lore v1 #9, 1998
- * [front cover], (cv) Lore Autumn 1996
- * [front cover], (cv) Tales of Lovecraftian Horror #10, 1998
- * [front cover], (cv) Flesh & Blood v2 #6, 2000
- * [front cover], (cv) Delirium #1, January 2000
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Lore v1 #9, 1998
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