The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1266
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Manzolillo, Nick (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Candle with a Name, (ss) Morpheus Tales #30, May 2017
- * The Connect, (ss) Horror Bites Magazine #5, 2018
- * The Giggle Room, (ss) Hinnom Magazine #4, 2017
- * Infinity Is, (nv) Nebula Rift v3 #8, 2015
- * A Little Alive, (ss) Mirror Dance #42, Summer 2018
- * The Monster Pit, (ss) Underbelly Magazine #4, Spring 2019
- * Phantom Video Stream, (ss) Red Room #1, October 2017
- * The Pumpkin Gallery, (ss) The Sirens Call #29, October 2016
- * When Helium Isn’t Enough, (ss) Night Frights #1, 2020
Mapes, Diane (fl. 1980s-1990s) (chron.)
- * The Big Yellow Car, (ss) Interzone #56, February 1992
- * Breach of Promise, (vi) Weirdbook #26, Autumn 1991
- * Control Pi, (ss) Argos #3, Summer 1988
- * Globsters, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction May 1993
- * Green, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 1995
- * The Huntress, (ss) Argos #1, Winter 1988
- * Love Walked In, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine March 1992
- * Male Bashing, (vi) Pulphouse: A Weekly Fiction Magazine July 27 1991
- * The Man in the Red Suit, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 1992
- * Mannequins, (vi) Weirdbook #25, Autumn 1990
- * Nesting, (ss) Interzone #59, May 1992
- * Never Say Diet, (ss) On Spec Spring 1990
- * The Personal Touch, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1993
- * Remnants, (ss) Interzone #50, August 1991
- * Rosies, (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine #11, Spring 1991
- * Shallow Grave, (ss) Interzone #46, April 1991
- * She-Devil, (nv) Interzone #63, September 1992
- * Surrender Dorothy!, (vi) On Spec Winter 1991
- * [front cover], (cv) Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine September 20 1991
Mapes, Marty (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Enchanted Turns the Spyglass Both Ways, (ar) Electric Spec June 30 2008
- * Going (More) Medieval on Lord of the Rings, (ar) Electric Spec February 28 2008
- * The Quiet Earth, (ar) Electric Spec October 31 2008
- * Spec Fic in Flicks, (cl) Electric Spec Nov 30 2011, May 31 2012, Feb 28, May 31, Nov 30 2013, May 31 2014
* ___ Enchanted Turns the Spyglass Both Ways, (cl) Electric Spec June 30 2008
* ___ Going (More) Medieval on Lord of the Rings, (cl) Electric Spec February 28 2008
* ___ The Quiet Earth, (cl) Electric Spec October 31 2008
- * Spec Fic in Flix, (cl) Electric Spec Feb 28, Jun 30, Oct 31 2009, Feb 28, Nov 30 2010, May 31 2015
Marano, Michael (fl. 1990s-2020s) (chron.)
- * A Consideration of the Horror of Peter Watkins’ Films, (ar) Cemetery Dance #45, 2003 [Ref. Peter Watkins]
- * A Conversation with Christopher Nolan (with Peg Aloi), (iv) Cemetery Dance #41, 2002 [Ref. Christopher Nolan]
- * A Conversation with Genevieve Jollifee, (iv) Cemetery Dance #50, 2004 [Ref. Genevieve Jollifee]
- * Gaze, (pm) Midnight Zoo v3 #2, 1993
- * MediaDrome, (mr) Cemetery Dance #35, #36 2001, #37, #38, #39, #40, #41 2002, #42, #43, #44, #45, #47 2003
#48, #50 2004, #51, #52, #53 2005, #54, #55, #56 2006, #57 2007, #58, #59 2008
#60, #61, #62 2009, #63, #64 2010, #65 2011, #66, #67, #68 2012, #69, #70 2013
#72 2015, #73, #74/75 2016, #76 2017, #77 2019, #78 2023
- * Method Actor, (pm) Aberrations #21, July 1994
- * Surrogate, (pm) Aberations #4, 1992
- * Television, (mr) Science Fiction Age September 1999
- * Urban Legends of the Misfits, (ar) Horror Garage #1, 2000
Marcellino, Merry (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Cold Day in Hell, (vi) The Sirens Call #64, Winter 2023/2024
- * Devoured, (vi) The Sirens Call #65, Spring 2024
- * Inside the House, (vi) The Sirens Call #63, Halloween 2023
- * The Pet, (vi) The Sirens Call #63, Halloween 2023
- * Unforgiven, (vi) The Sirens Call #63, Halloween 2023
March, Carol Holland (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Blue Door, (ss) The Colored Lens #20, Summer 2016
- * The Call of the Benu, (ss) Penumbra (online) February 2014
- * Desert Song, (ss) The Colored Lens #5, Autumn 2012
- * Fog, (ss) Mirror Dance #17, Spring 2012
- * The Girl Who Couldn’t Fly, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #14, June 2013
- * La Loba, (ss) Latchkey Tales October 2014
- * The Man Who Watched the Stars, (ss) The Future Fire #30, 2014
- * Sisters, (ss) New Myths #65, Winter 2023
March, Larissa (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * The Android’s Dream, (br) Aphelion #127, November 2008 [Ref. John Scalzi]
- * Deadline, (br) Aphelion #153, June/July 2011 [Ref. Mira Grant]
- * Feed, (br) Aphelion #143, May 2010 [Ref. Mira Grant]
- * The Last March of Gondor (with Robert Wynne), (pm) Aphelion #82, June 2004
- * The Pen Is Mightier…, (ss) Aphelion #131, April 2009
- * Rosemary and Rue, (br) Aphelion #135, August 2009 [Ref. Seanan McGuire]
- * Territory, (br) Aphelion #133, June 2009 [Ref. Emma Bull]
- * Variable Star, (br) Aphelion #127, November 2008 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- * When We Go, (pm) Aphelion #68, March 2003
- * World War Z, (br) Aphelion #133, June 2009 [Ref. Max Brooks]
- * Your Call Is Very Important to Us… (with Robert Wynne), (pm) Aphelion #109, April 2007
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