The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 399
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Cotterill, Mark E. (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Car Park, (ss) Aphelion #148, December 2010
- * Dry Run Part, (sl) Aphelion #12 Jan, #13 Feb/Mar, #14 Apr/May, #15 Jun/Jul, #16 Aug/Sep, #17 Oct 1998
- * Mare Crisium [Mare Inebrium], (ss) Aphelion #31, December 1999
- * Mare Tranquillitatis [Mare Inebrium], (ss) Aphelion #15, June/July 1998
- * Max’s Night Off [Mare Inebrium], (ss) Aphelion #14, April/May 1998
- * Starfall, (ss) Aphelion #26, July 1999
Cottier, P(enelope) S(usan) (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * All Spun Out, (pm) Beyond Centauri January 2009
- * Amorphous Solid, (pm) Liquid Imagination #52, October 2022
- * Bungee Jumping on Araneide, (pp) Star*Line November/December 2009
- * Café Tables of Canberra, (pm) Star*Line July/September 2012
- * Dietary Advice, (pm) BFS Horizons #17, 2024
- * Embedded, (pm) Star*Line September/October 2008
- * Fingernails, (pm) ChiZine #47, April/June 2011
- * Fitting, (pm) Space and Time #108, Fall 2009
- * The Fruit of Her Hands, (pm) Midnight Echo #11, April 2015
- * Heliocentric, (pm) Star*Line October/December 2011
- * Illumination, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2022
- * The Lost Dragons Home, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #129, January 2025
- * The Moth Speaks to the Candle, (pm) ChiZine #44, April/June 2010
- * The music of fairy tales, (pm) Star*Line January/March 2012
- * The Princess and the Peewee, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2023
- * Snip, (ss) Midnight Echo #16, December 2021
- * “Star*Line doesn’t include bios, sorry. (Unless you are an alien; that’d be cool.)”, (pp) Star*Line Spring 2016
- * Star-Ship English, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2009
- * Tyre Swans, (pp) Star*Line Spring 2016
- * untitled (“time nibbles”), (pm) Star*Line Fall 2021
- * The Ware-Wolf, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #125, September 2023
- * Writing with the Left Hand, (ar) Midnight Echo #11, April 2015
Cotts, S. E. (fl. 1960s) (chron.)
- * Analog 1, (br) Amazing Stories June 1963 [Ref. John W. Campbell]
- * The Book Rack, (br) Fantastic; Nov, Dec 57, Jan, Feb 58.
- * The Dreaming Earth, (br) Amazing Stories June 1963 [Ref. John Brunner]
- * Fantasy Books, (br) Fantastic; Sep 62, Jan, Apr 63, Jan 64.
- * The Spectroscope, (rc) Amazing Stories; Nov, Dec 57, Jan, May 58 - Mar, May-Dec 61, Jan-Mar, May-Dec 62, Jan 63 - Jan 64.
- * The Spectroscope, (rc) Amazing Stories June 1963
Couch, Clayton Aubrey (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Fast Signs, (pm) EOTU Ezine August 2000
- * Microcosmos, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1995
- * Seclusion, (pm) Once Upon a World #6, 1995
- * This Smallness of Scale, (pm) Say… #3, 2003
- * Tiny Business, (pm) Say… #3, 2003
- * upstairs, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #56, May 2000
Couch, Stephen (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Baby’s Got Blue Eyes, (ss) Something Wicked #9, February 2009
- * Cribs, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #10, Winter 2005
- * The Dandelion Clock, (ss) Talebones #33, Summer 2006
- * Foo Boxen, (ss) Yog’s Notebook #2, Summer 2007
- * Fort, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #29, Autumn/Winter 2008
- * Howlaround, (ss) Forgotten Worlds #1, May 2006
- * In Cube Eight, (ss) Three Crows Magazine #4, July 2019
- * (Just Like) Starting Over, (ss) Fictitious Force #1, 2005
- * The Man from M.E.S.M.E.R., (ss) Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine #5, 2005
- * Metal Fatigue, (ss) Deep Magic #46, March 2006
- * N+1, (nv) Aeon #7, May 2006
- * New World Symphony, (ss) Space and Time #124, Fall 2015
- * Resolution, (ss) Cemetery Dance #70, 2013
- * Used to Be Your Victim, (ss) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #10, 2021
Coulson, Juanita (Ruth) [née Wellons] (1933- ); used pseudonym John Jay Wells (about) (chron.)
- * Another Rib (with Marion Zimmer Bradley), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1963, as by Marion Zimmer Bradley & John Jay Wells
- * The Dragon of Tor-Nali, (ss) Fantastic Stories February 1975
- * A Helping Hand, (ss) If November/December 1970
- * Little Men in Big Boots, (br) Amra v2 #19, 1962 [Ref. L. Sprague de Camp & Mary Renault]
- * Wizard of Death, (ss) Fantastic Stories February 1973
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Amra v2 #2, v2 #5, v2 #8 1959, v2 #10, v2 #11 1960
_____, [ref.]
- * The Laser’s Edge by Lynne Holdom, (ar) Science Fiction Review #19, November 1976
- * Legacy of Earth by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990
- * Outward Bound by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #44 Fll 1982, #1 Spr 1990
- * Outward Bound by W. Ritchie Benedict, (br) Thrust #19, Winter/Spring 1983
- * The Past of Forever by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990
- * Star Sister by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990
- * Tomorrow’s Heritage by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #41 Win 1981, #1 Spr 1990
Coulson, Robert (Stratton) (1928-1999); used pseudonym Thomas Stratton (about) (chron.)
- * Adventures of a Two-Minute Werewolf, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. Gene DeWeese]
- * The Ballad of Yang the Nauseating, (pm) Amra v2 #64, 1975
- * Battlefield Earth, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. L. Ron Hubbard]
- * Book Reviews, (rc) Amazing Stories; Mar-Nov 84, Jan-Nov 85, Jan-May 86.
- * Book Reviews, (rc) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1984, Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1985, Jan,
Mar, May, Jul 1986
- * By the Book (with Gene DeWeese), (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories May 1971
- * Conan: A Social Commentary, (ar) Amra v2 #3, 1959
- * Eyewitness, (cl) Other Worlds #2 Dec 1988, #3 Jul 1989, #4 May 1991, #5 Sum 1993, #6 Wtr 1996
- * Fear Itself, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. Tim Underwood & Chuck Miller]
- * The Harp and the Blade, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. John Myers Myers]
- * Human Affairs, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1986
- * Humorists in a Strange Land, (br) Amazing Stories May 1987
- * John Carper and His Electric Barsoom (with Gene DeWeese), (ss) Yandro July 1956, as by Thomas Stratton
- * King of the Wood, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. John M. Roberts]
- * On Claymores, (lt) Amra v2 #65, 1976
- * On Leiber’s Grey-Clad Hero, (lt) Amra v2 #16, 1961
- * On Suspense, (lt) Amra v2 #15, 1961
- * The Pirates of Rosinante, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. Alexis Gilliland]
- * A Rose for Armageddon, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. Hilbert Schenck]
- * Thews of Iron—and a Head to Match, (br) Amra v2 #36, 1965 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * The Tracy Business (with Gene DeWeese), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1970
- * The Twilight Zone Companion, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. Marc Scott Zicree]
- * Up to the Sky in Ships/In and Out of Quandry, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. A. Bertram Chandler & Lee Hoffman]
- * Words from Xaltotun, (ar) Amra v2 #11, 1960
- * The World of the Dark Crystal, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983 [Ref. Brian Froud & J. J. Llewellyn]
- * [letter], (lt) Psychotic #20 May/Jun/Jul, #22 Sep 1955, #23 Jan 1968, #36 Aug 1980, #38 Spr 1981
- * [letter], (lt) Amra v2 #3, 1959
- * [letter], (lt) Amazing Stories May 1970
- * [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact Mar 1975, mid Dec 1985, Jul, Sep 1994, Feb 1995
- * [letter from Hartford City, IN], (lt) Trumpet #5 Apr 1967, #10 1969
- * [letter from Hartford City, IN], (lt) If March/April 1971
- * [letter from Hartford City, IN], (lt) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact May 1985, Mar, May, Sep 1989
- * [limerick], (pm) Amra v2 #51, 1969
_____, [ref.]
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